Chapter 21

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*second person p.o.v.*

"W-what is this place?!" Naruto stuttered. Everyone who passed the first exam was gathered infront of the forest of death. "This is the location for the 'second exam', the 44th training field. Also known as the forest of death." Anko said. You gulped. "I-im sure it isn't that bad, right?" Sakura mumbled to you. "Y-yeah. Maybe." You whispered back. "Hey, guys. It'll be fine." Sasuke chimed in your conversation. "How do you know?" You mumbled.

"I don't." Sasuke replied. You slumped down. "First you reassure us, but then you bring us down. What the heck dude." You say as a gloomy aura surrounded you. Sasuke rolled his eyes at your behavior. "Stop acting like a child." Sasuke huffed. "I am a child. So are you." You scoffed. "At least i don't act like one." Sasuke smirked. You huffed as your attention was then brought down to some sort of box that was supposed to look like a...rock?

The box followed Naruto as he paced. Naruto paced faster and soon enough he was running. The box of course, kept on following Naruto, until Naruto came to an adrupt stop. Naruto turned around and pointed his finger at the box. "Hey, Konohamaru! What is it that you want?!" Naruto shouted. "Just what i expect from my rival!" Konohamaru yelled, muffled from being inside the box. Poof! The box exploded into colourful smoke.

They start coughing as they breathed in the powder. "I think we used too much gunpowder." Konohamaru said coughing into his arm. All of a sudden, they start introducing themselves. You looked at the kids confused. What are they doing here? You all were just about to take the second phase of the chunin exam. You then heard something about them being here for an interview.

"An interview? For what?" You asked. The three children turn to you smiling. "Hey big sis!" Konohamaru waved. You smiled and waved back. "We were put in charge to write the feature article for the chunin exam for the academy's class newspaper!" Konohamaru explained. "Ah, that makes sense." You said putting a hand to your chin. The three children turn back to Naruto to continue explaining about the interview. "Hey, over here! What are you doing?!" Anko asked walking over.

Naruto tells Anko that they were here for an interview. "All right, take a 10-minute break starting now!" Anko shouted. "Oh, okay. Fine with me." You shrugged. "Of course it's fine with you. You probably don't want to go in the forest of death." Sasuke said. You turned to him and gave him a look. He shrugged. You stuck your tongue out at him as he walked away.

You all walked under a tree and sat down, Naruto getting interviewed first. Finally, it was your turn. You walked over infront of the three cute children and smiled. "So, what do i say?" You ask. "Could you tell us your name and about yourself and some stories?" Moegi asks. "Of course!" You beam. "Hm...let's see..." you say putting your hand to your chin a thinking manner.

*timeskip after the interview*

"It's called the forest of death, you'll soon realize why." Anko said smirking. You looked at Naruto who poked out his butt and got into a weird pose. "'The forest of death, you'll soon realize why.' That kind of threat won't work on me one bit! I'm not scared!" Naruto mocked. You put a hand to your mouth and snorted. The way Naruto was 'dancing' was funny to you. Anko smiles but suddenly throws a kunai at Naruto, grazing his face and going past him. She appears behind Naruto.

Your laughter slowly stops as you watched. "A kid like you dies at the very beginning." She said. Again, she takes out a kunai and turns around to be greeted with a lady with a long tongue. "I was just returning your kunai." The lady with the long tongue said. You shivered as you looked at the lady. She gave you bad vibes. She had bad written all over her.

As she walked passed you, your instincts told you to put a hand on your katana handle, and that's what you did. The lady with the long tongue smirked at you and licked her lips. She continued to walk to her team. You shivered and stepped closer to Sasuke as if he were going to protect you. "What's wrong with you?" He asked looking at you weirdly.

"That lady with the long tongue...she gives me a bad feeling. I'm somewhat scared of her. We should be careful around that lady and her team." You warned. Sasuke had a hint of concern in his eyes but brushed it off. "Alright. We'll stay away from the tongue lady." Sasuke replied.

"Well, before we start the second exam, i have to pass this out to you!" Anko shouted while taking out sheets of paper. "It's a consent form, before you take part, in the test you have to sign this." Anko explained. "Why?" You questioned. "From here on out, corpses are going to come out, i have to get your consent to that! Or it'll be my resposibility." Anko said.

"Aren't we just children...?" You said in disbelief. Anko ignored your question and laughed it off. "Well, i'm going to start the explanation for the second exam." Anko continued. She starts handing out some of the consent forms to those nearest of her. "In a word, the limits of your survival will be challenged." Anko says. You get handed the consent forms and took one, handing the consent forms to Sakura. Your eyes scanned over the paper and read it.

"First, i'll give you a step-by-step instruction on the terrain of this training field." Anko says taking out a map. She starts explaining the terrain and how the second phase would work. She takes out an earth and heaven scroll which every team will have to fight for one. She continues to explain how long everyone would be in the forest. For 120 hours, or rather, five days.


I'm actually excited to write Y/n in Naruto shippuden.


(1035 words)

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