Chapter 58

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*second person p.o.v.*

You got out of Katsuyu and gasped for air. You slowly sat up with your hand on your stomach and looked around. Tears formed in your eyes as you looked at the village where you grew up in, completely destroyed. There was nothing left...everything that the hokage's all tried to maintain.....all GONE. You coughed out again and looked at Katsuyu. "Is everyone o-okay?" You asked. Your vision blurred then cleared again. "Yes, now i need to bring you to Sakura. She can help me heal you, your injuries are too great for just me to heal." Katsuyu said. She layed your on top of her and went to Sakura. Your breathing got heavier and your eye lids were drooping. "Stay with me! We're almost there!" She said moving faster. "I don't...think i-i'm going to...make it." You coughed out. "Yes you will! Sakura! Help! Your comrade needs healing, immediately!" She shouted. Sakura ran over and gasped at the sight of you.

You looked down where pain was at to see Naruto there. "Ah...N-Naruto's here..." You mumbled. Sakura gently layed you on the ground and healed your stomach. "Sakura....i think she lost too much blood." Katsuyu whispered to Sakura. "No! She's going to make it! She's going to make it..." Sakura cried. It felt like you were suffocating, or being choked. You coughed out more blood and turned your head to look down at Naruto who was speaking with lady Tsunade. Kuro, Shiroi and Raion ran towards you and stared in surprise. "Y/n..." Kuro said sadly. "Sakura, i don't usually make promises....but promise me one thing before i die..... tell Naruto and everyone i'm sorry...." you said slowly. Your breathing was slowing down. You grabbed her hand and held it with all your strength you had left.

"Y/n! Stay with me! You can tell everyone yourself! You can't die! What about Naruto?! What about Sasuke?!" Sakura shouted. "At least i can see my parents, Kakashi and master Jiraiya..." You smiled. "Kakashi? What do you mean?" Sakura asked. Your eyes were closing. "Y/n!" Was the last thing you heard before your vision went black. At least you died with a smile on your face. Your hand went limp and fell out of Sakura's grasp; and that's when Sakura knew you were dead. Sakura cried on your cold, limp body. Your chakra slowly disappeared and faded away from the world. Naruto froze. "Hey, granny? I know this may not be important right now, but i learned how to sense chakra when i was why can't i feel Y/n or Kakashi's chakra...?" Naruto asked lady Tsunade. She stayed silent. Naruto's mouth went agape and tears rolled down his face. 'Y/n...? Are you..dead?' Naruto thought. He clenched his fists and sobbed quietly. He looked at pain and glared in anger. "YOU KILLED Y/N?!" He exclaimed. "Oh, she died? That makes my job easier now that she's gone." Pain shrugged. Naruto's blood boiled.

You were...on a beach? You wandered for some time before seeing two distant silhouettes. They looked oh so familiar. Your walking turned into speed walking, into running. The silhouettes turned around. They were your parents. You cried and ran faster. You jumped into their opened arms and hugged them tightly as if they were going to disappear. "Mom, dad!" You cried tears of joy. "Y/n.." your mom cried. You pulled away and looked at their faces. "I'm so happy to see you." You breathed. "We are, too. We never believed we would see you this soon." Your father smiled. "Look how tall you've become! You're taller than us! You've grown beautifully too." Your mother exclaimed. "Thank you, i get that a lot." You smiled. "Has that boy Sasuke come back?" Your father asked. "No, he hasn't. I'm sure Naruto will get him back for me though." You said sadly.

"If i were still alive, i would've beaten Sasuke for how much he hurt my daughter." Your dad huffed. You laughed. "I don't think so. He's much stronger than before. He killed Orochimaru and his brother; Itachi." You explained. "Okay, enough about that. How was your training with Gp/n and Gm/n? What happened after we passed?" Your mother asked. "That's a long one." You said sitting down on the sand. They followed your actions and sat from either side of you. "We've got time." Your dad said. "Okay, so it started after i left the village, master Jiraiya taught me the rasengan -although i don't use it mucn. After that, i had to take a long journey to grandma and grandpa's house...." You explained.

*over with Sakura*

Katsuyu stopped performing medical ninjutsu and slowly got off your limp body. She stared at you sadly. 'If only i had healed you in time...' she thought. Sakura stared at your body with tears still rolling down her face. Kuro, Shiroi and Raion also were crying silently. "I'm sorry Sakura, but we have to inform her grandparents. I'm sorry for your loss." Kuro said, bowing down his head before he and his lion friends poofed into Gp/n's backyard.

*over with your grandparents*

Kuro, Shiroi and Raion poofed in the backyard, still crying. Gp/n walked outside and stared confused at the crying lions. "What in tarnation is this? Why are you crying? Why are you here?" Your grandpa asked. The three lions bowed down their heads. "We're sorry to tell you...that Y/n L/n....has passed due to severe injuries fighting with the leader of the Akatsuki. She had bad injuries and lost too much blood, Katsuyu and a girl named Sakura tried to heal her, but it was too late. She passed away with a smile on her face." Kuro said. Your grandpa let the news sink in and burried his head in his hands. His shoulder shook as he cried. Your grandma ran out to the backyard and rubbed your grandpa's back. "What has happened?" She asked. "Y-y/n, she died...." Your grandpa said quietly. Your grandma covered her mouth and gasped. She and your grandpa cried together with the lions.

*back to you*

"And that's it. That's how i ended up here." You finished. "Ohhhhhh, it makes sense." Your dad said in realization. "I knew this trench coat looked familiar. It looks great on you." Your mother said. "Wait, Y/n how old are you?" Your father asked. "17." You replied. "Wow, 17 already. That's amazing." Your mother said. It was silent. "Oh, have you guys seen Kakashi anywhere?" You asked breaking the slience. "Kakashi? He died too?!" Your dad asked in disbelief. "Yep. It was because he used all his chakra and stamina." You said looking down. "Well, i think i know where he is. He might be with his father, so let's go." Your mother said standing up. You and your father also stood up. Your surrounding changed and you were now standing afar from a campfire. Sitting by the campfire was Kakashi and his father. You ran over to him and said, "BOO!" Kakashi turned around suddenly and fell back.

Your mother, father and Kakashi's father laughed. "That wasn't funny Y/n!- wait. Y/n?" Kakashi said standing up. He widened his eyes at you. "Yeah, it's me Y/n." You waved. "You died too? How did you die?" Kakashi asked sitting back down. You sat down beside him. "Well, the injuries i had made me lose too much blood. Sakura and Katsuyu didn't have strong enough medical ninjutsu and didn't heal me in time, so i died." You said. "Oh." He said. His father cleared his throat. "Who is this, Kakashi?" Kakashi's father asked. "This is my student, Y/n L/n and her parents, M/n and F/n L/n." Kakashi said.

After speaking for a while, you and Kakashi started to fade away. "What's going on?" You asked. "I think you're being revived." Your mother smiled. You quickly pulled your parents into a hug and let some tears slip out. "I'll miss you guys." You whispered. "We will too. Now go make us proud. We'll be watching over you." Your mother cried. You pulled away and gave them a smile. You turned to Kakashi's father. "It was nice meeting you." You nodded. He smiled. "You too." He said. You and Kakashi smiled at them before you both faded away. "I'm so happy for Y/n and Kakashi." Your mother sniffled. "Yeah. Me too." Kakashi's father replied. "Let's not get sad now. We'll see them in a long, long while." Your father said. "Yeah...a long, long while..." Your mother mumbled smiling.


Who else's crying? No one? Just me? Well, that's fine. Let me drown in my tears.


(1473 words)

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