Chapter 61

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*second person p.o.v.*

"You guys actually tailed Samui. You guys are pretty good." One of the cloud ninja said from beside the raikage. "Y-you" Omoi stuttered. "Bastard! You're Naruto and Y/n! You tailed us! What's the big idea?!" Karui shouted. "Did the hokage send you, Kakashi Hatake?" The raikage asked. "No, i came to ask you personally about a request by Naruto Uzumaki of the hidden leaf." Kakashi replied. "Naruto Uzumaki?" The raikage questioned. "If you could just hear him out for a while." Kakashi said. "Isn't this a bit rude? Stopping us en route to the summit without any prior notice." The same cloud ninja from beside the raikage said. "I am fully aware of that." Kakashi replied. "No matter. You there, boy! speak!" The raikage ordered. "Sasuke...i want you to cancel the disposal of Sasuke Uchiha!" Naruto demanded. "H-hey, this really isn't the place..." Omoi stuttered again. "Are you still talking about that?!" Karui shouted. "You sure got guts." The other cloud ninja said from beside the raikage. "What are you saying?" The blonde cloud ninja asked.

"I know it sound ridiculous! But this is the only way i know how to say it! Sasuke is my friend! My friend's gonna get killed. I can't just stand by and let it happen!" Naruto shouted. You clenched your fists and looked down. "See this girl here?" Naruto said pointing to you. You looked up and at Naruto. "She's my bestfriend and she loves Sasuke! Do you think she can just let her lover get killed?! I can't watch my bestfriend slowly fall apart when she finds out the news that Sasuke died!" Naruto shouted. You widened your eyes. "On top of that, i don't want Sasuke to be the cause of the leaf and cloud villages killing eachother. I don't want my friends, or the cloud to fight for revenge!" Naruto shouted. The raikage walked past Naruto and you. Before the he left, Naruto blocked the raikage. The raikage just walked away again. Naruto ran and got in front of the raikage before bowing down. "I'm begging you! I don't want us killing each other out of vengeance anymore!" Naruto begged.

The raikage glanced down at him and walked away, again. "All Sasuke ever thought about was revenge! He became obsessed with it and that changed him. Vengeance makes you go mad. It turns you into someone you don't recognize anymore. I don't want anyone else to become like Sasuke! I don't want the leaf and cloud villages to destroy each other! That's why..." Naruto shouted while crying. You shakily put a hand up to your mouth and let a single tear fall down. Kakashi put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "We will dispose of Sasuke! After that, you can stop the cycle." That was the raikage's final decision. More tears fell and slid down your face. "We are in a hurry. We've let you have your say." The hidden cloud ninja with blonde hair said. "Lord raikage...the incident in which you tried obtain the Hyuga byakugan is still unresolved on our side. The hidden leaf swallowed tears of blood and avoid fighting with the cloud, who fueled the fires of war. It's thanks to those noble sacrifices that your people still exist. Please try not to forget that." Yamato said.

"Right here and now, this young ninja, no matter how awkwardly, is bowing his head in his affection for the cloud and leaf, village and nation. Lord one of the five kage, what do you think of this?" Kakashi said standing beside Naruto who was still bowing. The raikage turned around and looked down at Naruto. "A ninja does not bow his head down so easily! A ninja values action and strength! Concessions are forbidden in agreements made between ninja. The history of man is a history of war. Since the three great ninja wars every nation, and every land, has tried to obtain powerful ninjutsu. Those without power are crushed. That is the truth of the ninja world. The Akatsuki will be branded as wanted fugitives. Then, not only i, but the whole world will hunt Sasuke down. Yet you bow your head for this criminal and plead for mercy for your friend. In the ninja world, that is not friendship! Boy from the hidden leaf, think hard of what you must do! The ninja world does not indulge fools!" The raikage shouted.

The raikage turned around and walked away. "Let's go!" The raikage said to his cloud ninja. Karui walked past you and smirked. You scowled and flared your chakra, stepping forward, your face close to the pinkette's. "Y/n, stop it." Kakashi said. Karui walked faster away from you and you stopped flaring your chakra. "Sorry... for Karui, i mean." Omoi said, nervously nodding at you. Omoi gave you and Naruto a sad look before also walking away. You scoffed and walked over to Naruto. "Hey, Naruto. That's enough. Raise your head." You said. You crouched down and shook his shoulder gently. He slammed his fist into the snow and cried in frustration. You looked at the raikage who seemed to be looking back at you both. You sighed and looked back down at Naruto. "Come on." You said softly before pulling Naruto back onto his feet.

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