Chapter 6

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*second person p.o.v.*

Squad 7, Tazuna and the man controlling the boat were all in a boat, headed into the land of waves. "Wooow! It's huge!" Naruto shouts in awe. "H-hey! Keep it down. I took this boat out under the cover of fog. I cut the engine and i'm rowing by hand. If we're spotted, we'll be in deep trouble." The man rowing the boat says. Naruto covers his mouth. "Mr. Tazuna...i want to ask you something before we arrive at the pier. The identity of your assailants, and the reason they are after you. If you don't...our mission ends as soon as we get to the land." Kakashi sensei says turning to Tazuna.

"It appears i have no choice but to tell you. Just like you said, this may be beyond the scope of your mission. Actually, i'm being targeted by a very powerful man. You guys have probably heard his name before. He goes by the name Gato." Tazuna explains. "Ohhhh i've heard of Gato before. My parents brung him up in a conversation. Gato...of the Gato company right?" You say as if it rung a bell. "Isn't he of the worlds richest men?" You ask.

"Who? What?" Naruto asks confused. "Yes... on the surface, he's a cheif executive of a shipping company. But underneath, he's into drug trafficking. He uses ninjas and gangs. Moreover, he runs a despicable buisness, ruthlessly taking over nations and enterprises. It was about one year ago when that man first set his eyes on the land of waves." Tazuna kept on explaining about how Gato used violence and his wealth to enter this country. He also explained how Gato took over the island's transportation and and shipping.

Blah blah blah Gato was scared of the completion of the bridge blah blah blah and that's why Tazuna was a hindrance blah blah bleh. You were getting lulled to sleep by the boat gently moving against the water. 'Can'' you fought the urge to sleep but your body gave in. Your eyelids fluttered shut, you falling asleep. 'What was that?' Sasuke thought as he turned to his right to see your head on his shoulder fast asleep. Sasuke blushed a light tint of pink. He looked away and at Kakashi sensei. "Sensei. Y/n's asleep. What do i do?" Sasuke whispers as he nudges Kakashi. "Oh. Just let her sleep, we'll wake her up when we're on land." Kakashi dismisses talking with Tazuna.

Sakura was jealous. She liked Sasuke but she was friends with you too. So she decided to leave you be. It's not like you could control your body when you fall asleep, right? You felt someone shake your shoulder. "Y/n. We're here. Get up." Sasuke said. You got up off his shoulder and rubbed your eyes. 'Cute.' Sasuke thought as you all got up off the boat. "Wooow. It's so pretty here." You say as you look around in awe. "Okay. Get me home safely." Tazuna ordered. "Right." Kakashi sensei says. Everyone turned and started walking. As you were walking Naruto went ahead of the group and looked around.

Everyone behind Naruto stopped and looked at him confused. Naruto grabbed his kunai out and threw it "there!" He shouted. "Heh. Just a mouse." Naruto says coolly. Sakura and Tazuna were fuming. "Naruto! Stop trying to show off! " sakura yelled. "There was nothing there anyways!" Tazuna says mad. Kakashi scolds Naruto on how he shouldn't recklessly use kunai. "I felt a pressence!" Naruto says throwing his kunai again.

This time you felt it. There was a presence. "It was a bunny!" Sakura shouts. "I'm sorry little bunny!" Naruto says while hugging it. "Sasuke." You whisper. "What?" He whispers back. "Someone or something is watching us." You say looking around. "What are you saying?" Sasuke questions. "I'm saying, since we got attacked last time by two elite jonin would be fighting us next. Awh man. I didn't sign up for this." You whine. "Everyone get down!" Kakashi yells as a blade is thrown. Sasuke pulls you down with him. "I could've done that myself." You mumble. "Too late now." He replies. You stood up and looked at the person standing on the blade. "Zabuza?" You question.

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