Chapter 59

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*second person p.o.v.*

Your eyes slowly opened to see Sakura, Hinata, Rock lee, Neji, Tenten and Guy sensei. You groaned softly. Everyone's heads snapped towards you. "Y/n! You're alive!" Sakura replied hugging you tightly and crying. "Y-y/n!" Hinata said relieved. Rock lee looked away and also cried. "Y/n, you're okay!" Tenten said also relieved. "Since you died, everyone has been sad and gloomy. Now you're alive. You were revived somehow." Neji said. "Sad and gloomy? You guys know i wouldn't want that, right?" You questioned. "Well, we couldn't help it! Who wouldn't be sad and gloomy if you died?!" Rock lee said sobbing. "You guys are too much. Stop crying, i'm alive and healthy. That's all that matters. Kakashi should also be revived too." You said standing with the help of Sakura and Hinata. "Kakashi died?" Guy sensei asked. "Yeah. He's fine too i assume." You said. "Oh. And where is Naruto? Did he beat pain? Is he fine?" You asked. "We're not sure." Hinata replied.

Once Katsuyu had explained what happened over with Naruto, the village crowded over near the edge of the forest where Naruto would exit from. Kakashi had went ahead and to Naruto. You were currently leaning on Hinata while she held you. "Are you sure you're okay, Y/n?" Kiba asked. "I'm fine, just sore and tired." You replied. Kiba nodded hesitantly and looked away. You followed his gaze to see Naruto on Kakashi's back. You sighed out in relief. He was fine. Children ran up to Naruto and threw questions at him, crowding the blonde. Sakura walked through the crowd and punched Naruto's head, hugging him afterwards while scolding him for being so reckless. She pulled away and wiped her tears. As everyone was crowding him, you decided to make way to your blonde bestfriend.

"Oi, blondie," The crowd went silent. Naruto turned to you with wide eyes. "You gonna hug me or what, you reckless idiot?" You opened your arms, trying to keep balance. Naruto ran to you and trapped you into a bear crushing hug which you hugged back to happily. He let out a cry. "Y/n! Why would you die?! I can't imagine a life without my bestfriend!" Naruto cried into your shoulder, his body shaking. "Calm down, i'm here now, aren't i?" A few tears of your own fell, too. "You're an idiot. Being so reckless like that." Naruto was scolding you. "You're the one to talk." You scoffed playfully. The crowd watched the heartwarming moment. "I'm glad you're okay though." Naruto pulled away from the hug and sniffled. "Same here." You pat his head with a smile.

*kinda big timeskip*

After your grandparents and lions that have been sad because of your death, a few days later you had confirmed that you were revived, alive and healthy. It was another normal day. You were walking with Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura when suddenly Kiba and Akamaru ran to you all. "Oi! Hey!" He shouted. He stopped and looked at you four. "What's wrong Kiba?" Sakura asked. "Now stay calm and listen! Lady Tsunade has been relieved as the hokage!" Kiba said. "Huh?" Sakura said confused. "What?" Naruto also said confused. "It seems someone named Danzo is the sixth hokage! I don't know too much, but apparently he's been active behind the scenes!" Kiba explained. "Danzo, huh? Man do i hate that guy." You mumbled. "Danzo?!" Sakura said in shock. "And that's not the only shocking thing! The sixth hokage declared Sasuke as a rogue ninja, and has given the approval to eliminate him!" Kiba exclaimed. Your eyes widened greatly, as did Naruto's and Sakura's. "What the hell's going on?!" Naruto yelled. "Even i don't understand." Kiba answered. "They couldn't wait until lady Tsunade recovered. It makes sense in a way." Kakashi said. "Kakashi sensei..." Naruto said.

"Sasuke is indeed a rogue ninja. Normally, he would have been eliminated long ago. It's only because of lady Tsunade that he's been able to live." Kakashi finished. Sakura looked down. "I'm going to see this Danzo!" Sakura said about to walk away. "Wait! Sakura! Storming into his office will solve nothing." Kakashi said grabbing her shoulder. "Lady Tsunade isn't even concious yet! How could they do this to her?! And what about Sasuke? You can't expect me to be quiet!" Sakura shouted. Naruto walked a few steps. "I'm coming." He said. "Calm down you two. At a time like this, staying calm is crucial or things won't work out." Kakashi said. "How can i stay calm?! I won't let them lay a hand on Sasuke!" Naruto shouted swinging his hand. You caught his hand and looked at him sternly. "He said wait. Danzo has already figured out that this is how you'll react. So you'll see him, then what?" You said.

"I won't do anything violent! I just want to talk to him and change his mind about Sasuke!" Naruto said. Kakashi sighed from behind you. "I hardly think that he'll go along with what you have to say. Danzo has already been appointed by the feudal lord. While he has yet to win, a vote of confidence from the jonin, he is the hokage. If you make a wrong move, you'll be thrown into jail." Kakashi said. "That's fine with me! I'm going!" Naruto said ripping his hand out of your grasp and walking away. "Me too!" Sakura said following him. You sighed loudly. "You guys really don't get it. Naruto, you possess the nine tails." You said rubbing the bridge of your nose. "What about it?" Naruro snapped. You opened your eyes and glared at Naruto. "Danzo would like nothing better than to confine you to this village. Do you want to be locked up in jail? That's exactly what he wants. Then you won't be able to look for Sasuke, because you'll be locked in a cell. Don't make a scene right now. And snap at me again, i dare you. See what happens to you." You said sternly. Naruto gritted his teeth.

Naruto, Sakura and you ran down a path, looking for Sai. "Sai! We were just looking for you! We need to talk to you." Sakura said stopping as Sai was spotted. "What is it?" Sai asked. "Tell us everything you know about Danzo." Sakura demanded. "That's impossible." He replied. "Why?!" Naruto questioned. "Don't tell me you're working for him again!" Sakura said. "Guys, stop. Don't assume things. Let Sai speak." You said with your arm out in front if Sakura. "Thank you, Y/n. And no, it's nothing like that. It's not possible for me to say a word about lord Danzo. Due to this." He said opening his mouth. On his tongue, lay a curse mark of some sort. "Danzo put a curse mark on you so you wouldn't be able to tell anyone about him. That's just what you'd expect from a cautious man like Danzo." You said. "Yes. It's a curse mark placed by lord Danzo. If i start to speak about lord Danzo, my entire body will become numb and i won't be able to move or talk. Every member of the foundation bears this curse mark." Sai had explained. "He's careful, and like Y/n said, he's a very cautious man." Sakura said.

"Lord Danzo and the foundation engage in espionage. They've done a lot dirty work behind the scenes in order to protect the village. This cannot be revealed. So even if one is captured, not a word will be uttered." Sai continued to explain. "But what a thing to do...putting a curse mark on one's subordanite? I can't accept that. " Sakura said. "It's what has protected the hidden leaf village from the bottom up. Their methods may have been unscrupulous, but their love for the village is no different from yours." Sai said. "Then why did he overturn lady Tsunade's decision about Sasuke? Isn't he planning to dispatch tracking ninjas to go after Sasuke?" Sakura asked. "I-is that so? I haven't heard anything regarding Sasuke- " Sai was cut of by a blade being pointed at Sakura. "Yeah, that's it. Keep on talking about Sasuke." A girl with pink hair said.


(1370 words)

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