Chapter 78

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*second person p.o.v.*

After fighting the wooden creatures for some time, you four decided it was time to have your summonings join the fight. "Summoning jutsu!" You four shouted simultaneously. A giant cloud of smoke covered the summonings. As the smoke cleared, what was shown was a giant black lion, a giant blue snake, a giant toad and a giant slug. "What can i do for you, Y/n?" Kuro asked. "You're here to join the fourth great shinobi war." You said.

"Raion told me about it. I'm excited." Kuro smirked. "Your summoning is a lion?" Sasuke asked you. "Yeah. Kuro, say hello to Sasuke." You replied. Kuro growled at Sasuke. "You're the one who hurt Y/n. You'll pay for that." Kuro said angerly. "No, Kuro. We're all allies here. Cooperate." You said sternly. "Fine." He huffed. 'So this is the original team 7, huh? I'm nothing compared to them. I would just get in the way if i were to join them.' Sai thought.

"Okay then, Kuro, you and....Aoda was it?" You asked the blue snake. "Yes." The snake hissed. "You and Aoda will be killing the crowd of wooden creatures in front of you." You said. "Sounds fun." Kuro hummed. "Alright! Kuro, go!" You shouted. "Right!" He replied running into the crowd of wooden creatures. Kuro roared loudly and killed many of the creatures below him. "Kuro, we should use it." You said. "Really? Right now? Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes. Now." You replied.

You weaved hand signs, Both of your eyes glowing a light blue. Kuro's eyes also glowed a light blue. Your hair rose and had lightning flow through it, with dark blue markings running down your eyes like tears. "L/n style: sage mode!" You shouted. (I apologize for the cringy name T-T) Naruto and Sakura stared at you with their mouths agape. 'Whoa.' They both thought. 'That's pretty hot.' Sasuke thought.

Kuro opened his mouth and had a lightning plasma ball build up in there. Kuro released it. It killed some of the wooden creatures the instant the lightning plasma ball hit them. You raised your hand up and brung it down, as you did, lightning came rushing down and killed many more of the wooden creatures. "Looks like she mastered the jutsu." Your grandpa smirked. "This will use up most of her chakra, won't it?" Your grandma asked.

"No. It uses nature chakra. Although, it will leave her body weak." Your grandpa replied. You watched Naruto and Sasuke aim for the ten tails. "Aim well!" You shouted. "Right!" Naruto shouted back. "Of course!" Sasuke also shouted back. They aimed their attacks and hit the ten tails. "That's a relief. The ten tails is hit." Kuro said. You agreed with Kuro.

You and Kuro continued to fight the wooden creatures. You were getting tired. "Y/n, shall we release the jutsu? You're getting weaker." Kuro said. "No. We'll keep it and keep pushing forward. Don't worry about me." You took in a deep breath and sighed to even your breathing. Kuro hesitantly nodded in agreement. You heard a distant shout. You turned your head in the direction of the yell. "That was Obito." You mumbled. "Lads! You're all closer! Stop the jutsu of the one on top of the ten tails right now!" Hashirama shouted.

You sighed. "Kuro. Head for the ten tails." You ordered. "Right." He replied. Kuro ran towards the ten tails. You saw Sasuke go ahead without Naruto and Naruto shout out for Sasuke. "Come on, Naruto!" You yelled. "I- fine!" Naruto yelled back. Kuro ran past Gamakichi and Naruto. Just as you were about to get too close to the ten tails, you stopped Kuro. Minato had already stopped Obito.

Just as you were about to release your jutsu, the ten tails got free of the gates Hashirama had planted to hold it down. The ten tails suddenly was sucked into a vortex and disappeared. You looked up to see Sasuke and Minato falling. Naruto caught Minato and Sasuke. You let out a breath of relief and ordered Kuro to move away from the ten tails. Kuro ran and jumped up to where Naruto, Sasuke, Minato and Gamakichi were.

"What the hell happened?" You asked. "I'm not sure." Minato replied. You all looked closely to see it transform into a small white sphere. "He shook off Madara's manipulation and was weaving the signs to do this from the beginning!" Naruto exclaimed. The sphere cracks and broke apart. "That's...the ten tails' junchuriki!" Naruto finished.

"You're telling me that Obito became the ten tails' jinchuriki?" You asked shocked. "I...i think, it is Obito." Naruto replied. "The ten tails'....jinchuriki?" Sasuke had questioned. "He looks even creepier than before!" Naruto shuddered. " can you tell he's a jinchuriki?" Sasuke asked Naruto.

"I've become friends with the tailed beasts. They gave me some of their chakra earlier, so it's obvious to me. I could sense the tailed beasts' chakra getting sucked into Obito. One after another. Plus, i've seen Nagato do that six paths rebirth jutsu before. But the signs he was weaving were completely different! Anyway, he was performing the jutsu so become a jinchuriki all this time." Naruto explained.

"I see..." Sasuke said. You all looked back to Obito to see the gracious deity gates fall atop of him. "Wow! Amazing!" Naruto exclaimed. "No..." Minato whispered. The gates broke apart. "Those weren't enough to hold him down?" You questioned. "It seems so..." Minato replied. Obito rose from the ground. Red chakra arms reached out of Obito and took ahold of the barrier. It pulled the barrier in and snapped it.

Obito jumped up on the red gate Kuro and Gamakichi were standing on. "Obito! That's enough! Stop this!" Minato ordered. "" Obito questioned. "He doesn't remember his own name?" You asked. Lord third, first and second jumped down in front of Obito. "I'll be blunt. This guy is stronger than me!" Hashirama exclaimed.

"No offense, but it appears so." Lord third said. "Even if you reabsorb your remaining clones, you're no match, elder brother!" Tobirama said. "I know. However..." Hashirama trailed off. A black orb formed on Obito's top right hand. With speed, Obito sliced through the first and second hokage. Paper bombs that were stuck onto Obito by the second hokage earlier exploded. Suddenly, you were teleported away from the explosions. "This is too much! What's going on? I can't keep up!" Naruto exclaimed. 'What's happening in there?' You thought.


(1093 words)

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