Chapter 5

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Sasuke here at point B!" Sasuke says through his mic. "Sakura here at point C!" Naruto says through his mic. "Naruto here at point A!" Naruto says through his mic. "..." everyone was waiting for your answer. "Y/n?" Kakashi asks through the mic. "Awwhhhh Tora is so cuteeeee!" You squeal through the mic. Everyone walked over to you. "Does he have the red ribbon on his right ear?" Kakashi asks. "Yup!" You confirm.

"Alright! Mission capture Tora is a success!"


"Ohhh! My cute Tora! I was worried to death!" The fat lady says while hugging Tora. "No wonder he ran away." Sakura says. "Yeah. I feel bad." You whisper back to Sakura. She nods. The third hokage starts speaking about the missions available. "Nooo! No! No! No! I want to have a better mission!" Naruto shouts his arms forming as X. 'He's got a point.' you agree. "Naruto! You're still a genin! You'll get better by doing simple missions!" Iruka yells.

Naruto and Iruka sensei start yelling at each other. Until Kakashi sensei hits Naruto in the head, knocking him to the floor. The old man third told us how the A, B, C and D missions are sorted from jonin to genin. Naruto explains how he isn't a prankster and a little boy anymore. "Ok, fine." The hokage gives in. Naruto turns to look at him. "If you insist, i'll have you do the C rank mission. You'll be bodyguards for someone." Old man third assigns. Your head shot up to look at the hokage. "Really? Who is it?! A feudal lord?! Or a princess?!" Naruto shouts excitedly. "Don't get so hasty. I'll introduce you now. Could you please come in?" Lord third calls someone. A drunk old man opens the door.

"What's this? It's just a bunch of kids!" The old man yells. "Escpecially the smallest one with the idiot face. Are you really a ninja?" The drunk old man asks Naruto. "Who's the smallest one with the idiot face he's talking about?" Naruto asks. You all line up to see Naruto was the shortest. You were slightly taller than Naruto but shorter than Sasuke and Sakura.

"I'll kill him!" Naruto declared trying to go after him but Kakashi sensei was holding him by the back of his collar. "You can't kill our client we're supposed to protect Naruto!" Kakashi scolds. "I'm Tazuna the master bridge builder. You'll be risking your life in guarding me until i return to my land and finish my bridge!" Tazuna announced.


After that, you were all assigned to get your things and to meet at the gates of Konoha. You grab your bag and filled it up with things you needed including your katana. Ever since the test, you brought your katana with you. "Bye mom! Bye dad! I'll see you all when i'm done my mission!" You say as you put on your ninja sandals. "Bye sweetie! Be careful!" Your mom shouts. "Yeah, be very careful!" Your dad shouts. "I will!" You say as you wave goodbye, heading to the Konoha gates.

"All right! We're off!" Naruto yells in excitment. "What're you so excited about?" Sakura asks Naruto. "You see, i've never left the village before!" Naruto answers looking around frantically. "Am i really safe with this squirt?!" Tazuna asks unsure about his safety. "I'm a jonin, i'll be watching him so there's no need to worry." Kakashi reassures. "Hey old man! Don't be mocking ninjas so much!" Naruto said while pointing his finger at Tazuna.

"It's gonna be a loooonnggg journey with Naruto." You mumbled. "Tell me about it." Sasuke agrees. "Yeah, and we got Tazuna provoking Naruto." Sakura sighs. You all started walking towards the land of waves. "Say, Mr. Tazuna..." Sakura starts. "What is it?" Tazuna replies. "Your country is 'The land of waves' right?" Sakura asks. "What of it?" Tazuna asks. Sakura turns to Kakashi sensei.

"Say, Kakashi sensei? Are there ninjas in the land of waves too?" Sakura asks. "No, there aren't any ninjas in the land of waves... but in other nations, while cultures and customs are different, hidden villages exist, and there are ninjas there." Kakashi replies, explaining more about the land of waves and the five great nations.

As you were walking you spotted a puddle. 'It's too sunny for a puddle to be should've been dry by now.' You thought. You look over at Kakashi sensei who was also looking at the puddle. You walk over to him and tug on his sleeve. "You saw the puddle too, right?" You ask. "Yeah. I think we're being followed. Just keep an eye out but don't say anything." He answers looking around. You nod and walk back beside Sasuke. "What were you two talking about?" Sasuke asks. "Nothing." You reply.

Your instincts told you to turn around. So you did. And two ninjas were headed your way. "Kakashi sensei!" Everyone yelled as one of the ninjas wrap a spiked chain around kakashi sensei, 'killing him'. You take out your katana. The two ninjas went behind Naruto. You run over and swing your katana down on one of the ninjas, but it was blocked. Sasuke jumped up and threw a shuriken and a kunai, locking the chains in place.

This time, you jumped up on the two ninjas and kicked their heads the chains breaking off. You jumped down to see the two ninjas sprint towards Naruto and Tazuna. You quickly jump infront of Sakura with your katana out, Sasuke jumping infront of you with his arms out shielding you, Sakura and Tazuna. But you were all saved by Kakashi sensei who grabbed the two ninjas and put them in headlock. "Kakashi sensei! You're okay!" You yell in relief. Kakashi sensei walks up to the four of you. "Sasuke, Y/n good job. Sakura you too." Kakashi compliments. You walk back to Naruto helping him up.

"Hey. Are you hurt, Scaredy cat...?" Sasuke teases. You roll your eyes. "Shut up Sasuke. We just got ambushed, we don't need that right now. No need to be so arrogant." You say as you walk up to him and hit him upside the head. "Hey, what was that for?!" He shouts at you. "For being a bully." You say sticking your tongue out at him. "Naruto. These guys have poison in their claws. You need to remove the poison quickly. You have to open the wound and drain the poisoned blood. Don't move so much. The poison will spread." Kakashi told Naruto. "By the way Mr. Tazuna...i need to talk with you." Kakashi said as he turned to Tazuna. You knew what he wanted to talk about. It was about what just happened.


How was your day?


(1131 words)

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