Chapter 45

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*second person p.o.v.*

Sasuke landed in front of Naruto with his hand across his shoulder. You glanced at the two. "Come to think of it, wasn't it your dream to become hokage? If you had the time to be chasing me, you should've spent that time training. Right, Naruto?" Sasuke asked. "And so this time around...i'll finish you off." Sasuke said taking out his katana. "How can i become hokage, when i can't save one friend. Isn't that right, Sasuke?" Naruto answered. Sasuke raised his blade, but just as he was going to swing down, you were already there with your katana out. "You've gotten fast, Y/n." Sasuke smirked. "But....that wasn't the right move." Sasuke said. Sai grabbed you and pushed you out of the way as he took the hit from Sasuke who emitted lightning from his body. "Why would you do that Sai? You know well i can protect myself." You said standing. Sasuke electrocuted Sai and Naruto with his chidori stream. He was emitting chidori throughout his whole body.

You looked at Sakura who was about to charge at Sasuke. "No, Sakura!" You shouted. You stopped her and let Yamato go at Sasuke. "Remember our talk earlier? Sasuke's a strong opponent. You can't face him yourself." You said. She looked down and nodded. You looked over at Yamato who was being stabbed by Sasuke's katana. You flickered over there and grabbed Sasuke's wrist, you pulled the katana out of Yamato and pushed Sasuke's wrist back. His face inched closer to yours, noses almost touching, his breath hot on your face. "You really have gotten strong, Y/n. Your chakra is even greater than mine." Sasuke said taking his wrist out of your hand. He swung his katana down again, but your katana blocked his. "Sakura! Heal captain Yamato!" You shouted. She nodded and guickly got to Yamato. You glanced at Naruto to see he had red eyes, fangs and longer claw like nails. "Snap out of it, Naruto!" You said looking back at Sasuke. He swung his katana at you while you blocked it once more.

"Y/n, move out of the way!" Yamato said. "Just do whatever you're going to do! I'll be fine. I can deal with him." You told Yamato. A wood dome formed around you and Sasuke. Darkness surrounded the both of you. You heard his katana go back into his blade holder. You stepped back and held your katana in a protective manner. You felt a hand softly grab the one holding your katana. He pushed your katana out of the way and hugged you. "What are you doing?" You whispered. "I'm hugging you." He replied nuzzling his face in your neck. "I know you are, but why?" You asked. "Because i haven't done this in almost three years. Now hug me back, i need to leave." He mumbled. "No, you can't leave. I came here to bring you back. You can come home with me and hug me all you want...just please, come home." You said, your voice just above a whisper. He grabbed your hands and wrapped them around him. "You know i can't. I have to get revenge." Sasuke whispered. His arms slowly pulled away from you. You gripped his shirt.

"No, please stay." You pleaded. He gently took his hands off his shirt. "I'm sorry, love. Forgive me for what happens next." He whispered before he cupped your face gently and  kissed your cheek, then breaking out of the dome. You dropped your katana and let out a breath you were holding. 'Love? Since when did he call me that? And you want me to forgive you, Sasuke? For what?' You thought. The wood retreated back into the ground. "Y/n! What happened?" Sakura asked from where she was. You remained quiet and looked at Sasuke who was standing up above the entrance. "Why don't you get it?! Soon, Orochimaru's going to take your body!" Naruto shouted. "If it happens, it're still the same Naruto. Revenge is pretty much everything to me. If i can carry out my revenge, it's no concern of mine what happens to me, or this world. Put simply, neither i nor Orochimaru can defeat Itachi as of right now. But if i can obtain the power to accomplish that by giving my body to Orochimaru, then i'll give him as much of this life of mine he wants." Sasuke replied. You widened your eyes. Yamato stood up and looked up at Sasuke. "The talking's over. Naruto, Y/n, Sakura. I didn't want to do anything rough in fron tof you guys...but i'm going to get serious now." Yamato said glaring at Sasuke.

"Captain Yamato!" Sakura shouted. "What do you mean, serious..?" Naruto asked trying to get up. "You weren't serious before?" You asked looking at Yamato. "I just can't let someone who left the village in the same way as Orochimaru's run loose. So i'll do whatever i have to do to haul Sasuke back to the hidden leaf." Yamato said. "The hidden leaf, huh...? I've had enough of you guys." Sasuke says raising his katana up. He stabbed his katana in the ground and did hand sign. "It's over." Sasuke said with his hand raised. All of a sudden, a hand stops Sasuke. It was Orochimaru. "Don't bother with that jutsu, Sasuke." Ororchimaru said. "Let go of me." Sasuke demanded. "Hey, Sasuke. Don't talk to lord Orochimaru like that..." Kabuto says walking over. "I've got no reason to stop." Sasuke said glancing at Kabuto. "You know what the Akatsuki are up to, don't you? We want these guys from the hidden leaf to take care of them for us. As many of them as possible. Your revenge won't turn out well if the other Akatsuki get in the way, right?" Kabuto explained. "That's a pathetic reason." Sasuke said turning his head to Kabuto.

"It should increase your chances of revenge, even if only by one percent...isn't that right?" Kabuto said fully turning to Sasuke. Orochimaru let go of Sasuke's hand. Sasuke let his hand fall to his side. "Let's go." Sasuke demanded. Sasuke took his katana out of the ground and slid it back into his holder. After a moment, the bottom of Sasuke, Orochimaru and Kabuto started to flame, they were leaving. You finally decided to say something. "Why would you break the one thing i asked you to keep?! Was it that hard?!" You shouted. Pain was evident in your voice, Sasuke noticed that.

"Answer me! You promised, yet you keep on leaving me! Do you know how much pain you caused me and everyone?! It's your fault i'm in this much pain." You whispered the last part, your voice cracking slightly. "Yes, i know." You heard him whisper. His eyes glossed over as he watched his love break down in front of him, knowing that he was the one causing it. He never wanted to hurt you. But it was too kate now. You watched as he faded away, tears still falling. You fell to the ground on your knees and clenched your fists. "We almost had him! Yet he slipped through our fingers again! Damn it all! We were so close, too!" You screamed. Tears slid down your face.

Naruto wanted to cry and scream. What you said was the ugly truth. You heard Naruto sobbing from behind you. "Y/n, Naruto. Stop crying. Crying won't bring Sasuke back. I'm here! I'll get stronger with you both!" Sakura said also crying. Sai looked at each one of you. "Y/n, who was....Sasuke to you?" He asked. You sniffed and sat up. "He of my closest friends. Or you could say..." You paused and thought. "He's someone i love. I love him so much it hurts. I know he loves me too, wasn't enough for him to stay with me." You said. 'So she loves wonder she seemed so overprotective of him. What a weird emotion....' Sai thought.


Love hurts.


(1350 words)

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