Chapter 15

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*second person p.o.v.*

The sand ninja starts to slowly unwrap the thing covered in bandages on his back. "You aren't using the crow just for this, are you?!" The girl says. "Kankuro. Stop it. You're an embarassment to our village." A raspy voice said. You turn to look at the tree Sasuke was sitting on. It was the red head you made eye contact with not so long ago. "G-gaara..." the boy named Kankuro said nervously. The red head boy so called Gaara continues to speak with his brother. "P-please listen to me Gaara. T-they lashed out first." Kankuro said scared.

"Oh? Pointing fingers now are we?" You say glaring at Kankuro. "No! Of course not! That brat-" Kankuro was interrupted by Gaara. "Shut up Kankuro. Or else i'll kill you." Gaara threatened. "R-right. I was wrong. I-i'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Kankuro stuttered. "Look. When i said for him to pick on someone his own size, i didn't ask for someone to kill the dude." You said to Gaara. "I'm sorry about that." Gaara says.

You look at Kankuro. "Well? I'm waiting for you to apologize." You said crossing your arms. "Sorry..." he says. "Are you dumb, stupid or dumb? Why are you apologizing to me for? You didn't grab me by the neck." You said as you stepped aside to show the scared Konohamaru. "S-sorry." Kankuro said looking away. Gaara turned into sand and appeared infront of his sand siblings. "Let's go. We didn't come here to play around." Gaara said as they walked away. "Hold it!" Sakura calls out. They stop. "What is it?" The girl says.

You start walking away from the scene slowly. "Judging by your headbands, you're ninjas from the village hidden in the sand, right?" You hear Sakura ask. "Without question, the land of fire and the land of wind are allied nations. But the arbitary coming and going of shinobi is supposed to be prohibited by the treaty. State your purpose!" Sakura demanded.

"What? Have you been living under a rock?" The girl asks turning around. "Oi, Sakura. Leave them be. They're probably here for the chunin exams." You say still walking away. "Hmph. Looks like not all of you have been living under a rock. As you said, we're sand village genin from the land of wind." The girl says bringing up her permit.

"And as the girl with the h/c hair and katana said, we're here to take the chunin exam." The girl mentioned. "Chunin exam...? What is the chunin exam anyways?" Naruto asks confused. "You really don't know anything, do you?" The girl asks. You continued your walk, the conversation from behind you fading out. You didn't want to hear something you already knew about.

Over with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura: Sasuke jumped down from the tree he was sitting on. "Hey. You there... what's your name?" Sasuke said. The girl, Temari, turned around with a blush on her face. "Huh? M-me?" She asks shyly. "No. The guy with the gourd on his back." Sasuke says. "I'm Gaara of the desert. I have an interest in you and the girl who walked away as well...what are your names?" Gaara asks.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. As for the girl you're talking about, her name is Y/n L/n." Sasuke says smirking. "Hey! Hey! What about me?! I'm sure you want to know my name!" Naruto exclaims. "Not interested." Gaara says bluntly as he and his siblings jump away.


You walked home and took off your ninja sandals. "Hey. I'm home." You announce. You walk into the dining room to see your mom and dad speaking with eachother. "Yo." You wave. "Hey, Y/n. Your grandparents want you to go-" your dad starts but was stopped by your mother. "No! She shouldn't go there! They never liked me, so what makes you think they'll like her?" Your mom shouted. "Let your daughter decide! She was invited! They actually sound sincere!" Your dad shouts.

"Hey! Guys! What the hell are you even talking about?!" You shout slamming your hands on the table. They look at eachother. Your dad looks at you and sighs. "Your grandparents from the land of lightning want to train you. They want to help you grow stronger." He explains. "Do i have to?" You ask pulling out a chair. "No. You can go anytime you want to train as long as you notify them. You might be there training for 2-3 years max. It depends on how fast of a learner you are. I think you should go. But your mother here thinks you should stay and train here. You can choose whether or not you want to go. Like i said, you may go as long as you tell us and send a letter there." Your dad said.

"I don't know if i want to go. I'll think about it." You say. "That's great! You'll get to meet your grandparents from my side." Your dad smiles. Your mom sighs. "I don't want you to go Y/n. It's for your safety." You mom says holding your hand. "Mom. I'm not fully sure if i want to go or not. I do want to get stronger. If i decide to leave, i want to leave knowing you'll support my answer and support my choice. And, if they try something, i'll use what i learned. It'll be enough." You persuade.

"Alright, sweetie." Your mom finally says walking away to her room. You feel a hand on your shoulder; it was your father. "I'm sorry about your mother. She's just worried about what they'll do to you. Like i told you before, my parents never like our relationship. So if you do decide to go, i'll support you." Your father says giving you a solemn look. You give a small smile and stand up and walked to your room.


You got changed and met at the bridge. "Hey." Sasuke greeted. "Hm." You nod at him. Sasuke looked at you concerned. "What's wrong with you?" He asks sitting next to you. You huff. "I got a letter last night from my grandparents asking if i would like to train there. They offered to train me themselves. I said i'll think about going or not, but i don't think my mom wants me to go at all. My dad supports any decision i make though. And if i do decide to go train there, it'll take about 2-3 years." You explained. "But if you do go, you'll get stronger, right? But if you do, you'll leave us." Naruto says pouting. "Naruto, she said she's thinking about it. We don't know if she's going or not." Sakura says.

"Goodmorning folks. I had to help an old lady with her groceries. Y/n, i heard what happened. I spoke with your father. But, if you decide to go, it's totally fine! It's a hard decision." You hear Kakashi say. You look up. "You're late!" Naruto and Sakura shout. Kakashi jumps down from where he was and stood before you. You pushed yourself off the bridge railing and stood beside Sasuke. "This may be sudden, but i recommended you guys for the chunin exam These are your applications." Kakashi said handing out applications for the chunin exam.


(1230 words)

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