Chapter 10

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Y/n sings?" Everyone questioned. "" You said looking away. "But Sakura just said so!" Naruto yelled. "Yeah! Y/n does! She sang when we walked into town and a crowd surrounded her! She and some violinist played music together. Y/n sang a song named Rather be, a song her mom wrote. She was playing piano." Sakura explained. "Way to go Sakura. You had to expose me." You deadpan. "Sorry Y/n, you sang so great, it was a story to share!" Sakura said. You sigh and sat down. "Yeah Y/n you should sing for us sometime." Sasuke said while smirking. "Shut up." You said glaring at him.

"Yeah, we would love to hear you sing." Kakashi said smiling. You groaned out. "Fine. But not anytime soon." You said shoving food into your mouth. "You should sometime soon." Naruto suggests. "Great idea!" Sakura said. You dropped your spoon and had an irk mark on your head. "Did you not hear me? Not anytime soon." You said angry. "Too bad. We all want to hear you sing. Everyone already agreed so deal with it." Sasuke said still smirking. "Ugh darn you guys." You groaned out annoyed. Not long after, Naruto and Sasuke shoved food into their mouths like wild pigs and then held up their bowls.

"Seconds please!" They both yelled before they started puking. "Stop eating if you're gonna vomit!" Sakura scolded. "Yeah you guys. It's a waste of food. And it now stinks." You said plugging your nose. "No, i'll eat." Sasuke said sitting up. "I have to eat even if it means enduring. I have to get strong." Naruto says also sitting up. "Yes, yes but vomiting is different." Kakashi said. "You guys are so annoying." You sighed. After dinner tea was handed out so you were sipping on tea. "Excuse me, why is there a torn picture hanging here? Inari was looking at it all dinner. It looks as if someone were torn off deliberatly." Sakura said.

Uh oh. You started panicking. "Sakura, why would you ask that?! You can't just ask that, it's rude!" You whisper shouted. "It's my husband." Tsunami said. "He was a man who was once called hero of this land..." Tazuna started. Inari got up and out of his seat. "Inari! Where are you going?" Tsunami shouts after him. "Dad! I'm always telling you not to speak about him infront of Inari!" Tsunami said glaring at Tazuna. Tsunami ran out of the room after Inari.

There was a silence. Tazuna then explained what happened to Inari's father and how Inari used to smile all the time. After he finished explaining, Naruto stood up but fell due to exhaustion. "You've done enough training for today. You've built too much chakra. If you move any more than that you'll die." Kakashi tells Naruto. "I'll prove it. I'll prove that...there are this world!" Naruto shouted standing up.


You were laying in bed staring at the ceiling. You couldn't sleep. You sigh and turn over to your side. "Can't sleep?" Someone whispered. It was Sasuke. His sleeping bag was next to yours so you turned around to face him. "Yeah. And if you're awake that means you can't either." You said. "Duh of course i can't idiot." He said rolling his eyes. "Shut up." You whispered. After a moment of silence you both sighed and turned to the ceiling. After a while, your eyes started drooping.

"Goodnight Y/n." Sasuke whispered, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. You were too tired to notice what Sasuke did. "Goodnight Sasuke." You said as you fell asleep. Sasuke studied your face and took in all the details. 'What a weird feeling. I feel as if my stomach turns, but in a good way, when i'm around her all of a's probably nothing, though...' Sasuke thought. He sighed and layed back down. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

*another timeskip*

You woke up to see everyone except Kakashi sensei asleep. You made your bed and went to the bathroom, got into your ninja attire and brushed your teeth. You walked out of the bathroom to see Sasuke making his bed. "Morning Sasuke." You wave he looks up and you. "Goodmorning." He says and left to the bathroom. You left the room and went downstairs to greet everyone a goodmorning. You looked to see Kakashi, Tazuna, Tsunami and Inari awake.

"Goodmorning everyone! I hope you slept well!" You said sitting down. "Goodmorning Y/n. I slept like a log last night, thank you for asking." Kakashi said. You smiled. "Goodmorning." Tsunami says happily. "Mornin'" Tazuna said. Sasuke walked into the room and sat beside you. "Goodmorning." Sasuke mumbled to everyone. "Goodmorning Sasuke." Kakashi said. Not long after Sakura walked into the room and yawned. "Goodmorning." She said. "Naruto didn't come back last night either?" Tazuna asked.

"He's such a fool, he's been out every night, climbing trees." Sakura said sleepily. "That's Naruto for ya. He doesn't stop even if it tires him. If he wants to improve on something, he will do everything he can to achieve it. No surprise there." You say. "He might be dead already from using up too much chakra." Sakura says. "I don't think he's dead. He didn't become hokage yet." You said annoyed. "I wonder if Naruto's okay. To think a child's out in the middle of the night." Tsunami said as she handed out the food.

"Well, you don't need to worry. Although, he might not seem to be, he's a full-fledged ninja." Kakashi reassures Tsunami. "I wonder... that idiot is probably passed out by now in the middle of nowhere." Sasuke says. "Sasuke, where are you going?" You ask as Sasuke got up from his seat. "I'm going for a walk." Was all he said before he walked out the door and left. "But we're about eat..." Sakura says. But as you and Sakura looked down at his bowl he had already finished. "Oh..." you shrug. You dismissed it and started eating.

After everyone had finished eating, team 7 headed out to look for Naruto. "Where in the world could Naruto be? And Sasuke hasn't come back from his walk either..." Sakura said looking around. Suddenly a kunai shoots out of nowhere. Everyone looked up to see Naruto up on a branch. "No way... Naruto can climb that high now? Wow!" Sakura says. "How 'bout that, how 'bout that? As for me, i can climb this high now! Believe it!" Naruto says happily. You smile up at Naruto.

"Great job Naruto! I knew you could do it!" You shout up at him. Naruto shot a smile your way. Naruto stood up but slipped. "Oh jeez." You deadpan. Sakura screamed but as Naruto was falling he connected himself to the tree once more. "Gotcha! You fell for it!" Naruto shouts. You sigh in relief while Sakura scolds Naruto on how he shouldn't do that. Until his feet actually pop off. "NARUTO YOU IDIOT!" You shout out. Naruto was falling until Sasuke quickly ran up the tree beside the one Naruto was on and caught him. "Nice Sasuke! You're awesome!" Sakura exclaims fangirling. You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose.


*sigh* what a drag. I have to re-watch Naruto and Naruto shippuden. That's going to take FOREVER. Wow. And i really want to follow the show's story. Ugh. I'm gonna need to make more timeskips. BIG ones too.


(1257 words)

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