Chapter 60

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*second person p.o.v.*

Naruto took your katana out of your blade holder and swung it at the girl with pink hair. Naruto went to elbow the girl, but the boy with white hair stopped it. The girl rolled over the boy with whiet hair's back and was about to swing it at Naruto again when you caught her sword with one hand. Sakura and Sai went around them but the boy with white hair kicked Sakura away. "Sakura!" You shouted. The girl with pink hair took this chance to try and elbow you in the neck, but you blocked it and kicked her to the ground. The boy ran from behind you and swung his blade. You dodged and kicked him back with the girl. "Ninjas from the hidden cloud, huh?" You mumbled. You flickered back to Naruto. "Give me my katana." You ordered. He tossed you it and you caught it. You slid it back into your holder and glared at the cloud ninjas who retreated back onto the lake behind them.

"What the hell do you guys want?" Naruto asked. "You were just talking about Sasuke! Tell us everything you know about him!" He ordered. "It's got nothing to do with you cloud ninja!" Sakura shouted. "It's got everything to do with us! Sasuke Uchiha of the hidden leaf attacked our village!" The boy with white hair said. "Oh?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Your rogue ninja abducted our master! We don't know if our master is dead or alive, you idiots!" The girl with pink hair yelled. "T-that's a lie! Why would Sasuke do such a thing?!" You heard Sakura say. "Like we'd know what the Akatsuki's motives are!" The boy with white hair yelled. "The Akatsuki?! What do you mean?" Naruto asked. "Huh?! Don't kid around! Sasuke is a member of the Akatsuki!" The girl with pink hair pointed. "You guys let your rogue ninja roam free, so lord raikage ordered us to come here. And we've gotten your hokage's permission to get rid of the Uchiha!" The boy with white hair explained.

"We'll get our revenge!" The boy with white hair said. "The Uchiha is ours!" The girl with pink hair also said. She stood up from her crouching position and held her blade out. "You will tell us everything you know about Sasuke. Of course his ninjutsu style and powers, but also any data you have gathered about the Akatsuki and Sasuke's partners, as well as their past actions." The girl with pink hair demanded. "No way! It's a lie! Sasuke wouldn't join the Akatsuki!" Sakura yelled. "Are you sure it's Sasuke who joined the Akatsuki?" You asked sternly. "Yes! The Uchiha family crest was verified. And his facial composite matched the list." The girl with pink hair said. "That's...that's not poss..." Sakura said before bursting out into tears. "Why are you crying?! We should be the ones crying! Your tears won't being back lord killer bee or lady Yugito! If you have time to cry, then tell us about Sasuke!" The girl with pink hair shouted. "Wait, guys. When the authorization to terminate Sasuke was given, all the hidden leaf data relating to him should have been passed on to you. It's not necessary to press these three any further." Sai explained.

"Oh, you're right! Our captain is now waiting for it. We were just trying to get whatever other information was available!" The girl with pink hair shouted. "You can't expect us to stay still! We don't even know if our master's even alive! You're not involved in this, so you wouldn't understand how we feel! Is your master a jinchuriki?!" The boy with white hair also shouted. "I'm a jinchuriki too. The Akatsuki is after the jinchuriki. So actually, i am involved. The Akatsuki will always capture a jinchuriki alive. So there's a chance your master may still be alive." Naruto said. "Are you serious?!" The girl with pink hair gasped. "Never mind Sasuke, you need to save your master first." Naruto said. "Are you sure? Really, really sure?" The boy with white hair questioned. "Didn't i tell you?! Our master wouldn't die so easily!" The girl with pink hair told the boy with white hair. "I'll help you rescue your master and give you any inofrmation we have on the Akatsuki." Naruto said. "Hey blondie, you're quick to understand! Come with us and tell us about Sasuke!" The girl with pink hair pointed to Naruto.

"Naruto..." Sakura said looking up at him. "Leave it to me, Sakura." Naruto reassured. "What is your name?" The girl with pink hair asked. "Naruto Uzumaki." He replied. You started walking away. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" The boy with white hair asked. "I'm leaving. It's not like i'm going to help you anyway. Even if Sasuke is a rogue ninja, i'm not selling out my teammate. Naruto can tell you about the Akatsuki, and just because he is, doesn't mean i will." You said still walking away. You stopped for a moment and looked back at Naruto, Sakura and Sai sternly. "If they hurt any one of you, let me know right away," You paused and turned to the cloud ninja. "If it comes to violence, i won't hesitate to hurt you with just as much force." And then you continued to walk away.

As you were walking back to the village, Sai came running up to you. "Hm? Sai? What, don't tell me they're hurting Naruto, are they?" You asked. "Yes, in fact they are. The girl with dark pink hair is beating Naruto, but only because Naruto asked for it. Naruto said she could relieve her anger out on him. I believe he said something like that." Sai explained. You sighed. "Show me where they are." You said. He nodded and started running in their direction. You followed behind Sai as he led you into a forest. Running into the forest, you heard punching. You ran towards Naruto and caught the punch aimed at Naruto's face. "I did warn you, did i not?" You asked. "I told you this was a bad idea." The boy with white hair sighed. "So? What are you going to do about it, huh?" She smirked.

"Karui! Stop it!" The boy with white hair said. You grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back and kicked her to her knees. You pushed her back into the ground and got close to her ear. "Do you have anything else to say?" You asked. "Y/n, it's fine. It's my fault. Leave them alone." Naruto said standing. You let go of Karui and stepped back. You turned to Naruto. "Let's get you cleaned up." You said. Before you could walk away, you turned back around and caught a punch. "Karui!" Omoi exclaimed. You stood taller over the pinkette, towering over her with an intimidating look. "Did you want something?" You looked down at her, your face inches away from hers. "No." She gulped and backed away, a barely noticable blush on her face. You backed away and dusted off your coat while walking away. "Good day to you cloud ninja." You said almost sarcastically.


"I'm going to see the raikage!" Naruto said. "What are you saying?! The five kage summit is about to convene! It is agreed that every hidden village will exercise restraint in leaving their lands and conducting radical missions!" Yamato exclaimed. "What will you do by seeing him?" Kakashi asked. "I'm going to convince him to forgive Sasuke!" Naruto said determined. "Right now, you don't even have the necklace that seals the tailed beasts! A jinchuriki like you must not leave the village! It was bad enough as many as eight tails transformed during that last battle! We were lucky that the seal was activated in time to surpress the nine tails, but who knows about the next time? Besides, i'm in charge of the village reconstruction. I cannot stay by you all the time!" Yamato said. "I met the fourth hokage. That last time, it was the fourth hokage who stopped my nine tails transformation." Naruto said. You widened your eyes. "The fourth hokage?" You mumbled. 'So, he met his father already, huh?' You thought.


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