Chapter 46

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*second person p.o.v.*

You stood in front of lady Tsunade, reporting your mission. "I see..." lady Tsunade said. She sighed. "So?" Lady Tsunade said looking up. "We aren't giving up!" Naruto replied. "Okay. I will issue your next mission immediately. Stay at home until i contact you!" Lady Tsunade said. Team 7 left the hokage building. "Okay, see you all later." You said walking into your house. "Bye!" Naruto said waving. "Drink water and eat Y/n!" Sakura shouted also waving. You nodded and closed your door. You took off your trench coat and felt a note slip out. You took the note and opened it.

Dear Y/n,

If you're reading this, you might've just seen me.
I wanted to give you this note for a while. This note
is important, at least it is to me. I'm sorry for causing
you so much pain over the years. I never intended to.
I'm not sure if i'll ever come back, so i just wanted you
To know....i love you. I always will. And if it's not you,
It's not anyone. I wanted to tell you that years ago, but
revenge is something i have to do. I hope you can
understand this. Don't cry over me. I'm not worth it.
Although, i hope to run into you sometime
In the future, my love.


You breathed in shakily and put the note down. A few tears slid down your eyes as you wiped them. 'I love you too, Sasuke.' You thought. You sighed and got into your room and got out your notebook and guitar. You started humming, singing, strumming your guitar and writing. You wanted to write a song where you could spill out your emotions into. "Hearts made out of paper? No. Fragile hearts? Sounds weird. Loving you? No, sounds cheesy. Paper hearts? Yeah, paper hearts sounds just about right." You mumbled. You heard a knock on your window to see it was master Jiraiya. You opened your window. "What is it?" You asked. "Whaaaaat? I can't visit one of my students?" He said inviting himself in. "You can, it's just that i'm wondering why you're here." You said turning around. "I just wanted to say hello. Oh, where's your parents? I would love to say hello!" He said smiling. "Sorry. They've passed a long time ago." You said closing your notebook. Jiraiya's smile dropped. "I'm sorry. I-i didn't know. And a long time ago? When?" He asked. "You walked out of your room and he followed. "Over 2 years ago i think. Ninjas came in some how and killed them." You replied quickly.

"I'm sorry, i never realized that happened." He said. "No, it's fine. Now, enough of this sad shit. You can leave now. You said your hello." You said grabbing an apple. "Oh, come on. Don't be like that Y/n. I heard about your little run in with Sasuke. I wanted to check up on you to see if you need some company." He said plopping himself onto the couch. "I'm fine, so you can leave now." You said biting into your apple. "Enough of that attitude, i'm sure your parents wouldn't allow it. Put on your trench coat, we're training." He said standing and handing you your coat. You caught it and slid it on. "I'm only joining you because i have nothing else to do." You sighed walking out of your house with Jiraiya. "Let's go, my little student!" He said marching forward.

"One. I am not little. Two. I am more mature acting than you. Three. This may be a waste of time. Four. I don't know why i'm listening to you." You said. "Because, i am your teacher." He said proudly. "No. My grandpa is, master Jiraiya." You replied. "Oh. Well i am your other teacher!" He said marching again. "No, that's Kakashi. And before you say you're my other, other teacher. You have Iruka sensei, Yamato and my grandma." You said throwing your apple core in the compost. He slumped down in a depressed state. "You really know how to kill the mood, Y/n. You used to joke along with me! Now you're too grown up." He said slumping.


Training with master Jiraiya made you tired. You found out your other chakra nature was water, now you knew how to do jutsu with lightning and water, but it tired you out, plus you had to deal with Jiraiya. You woke up and rubbed your eyes. You got up and went to your window which had a bird knocking on it. It was a letter from Sakura. You opened it to see that she wanted you to go to the hospital where Kakashi was at. You pet the bird quickly before it left. You got changed into your crop top from your ninja attire and slipped on some shorts. You bandaged your hands except your finger tips this time and walked to you door, putting on your ninja sandals and leaving your house afterwards. You walked into the hospital and greeted the hospital lady at the desk. "Y/n! Long time no see! Look how tall you've become! You're so pretty, too!" She smiled. You waved at her. "I'm here to see Kakashi, what's his room number?" You asked. She gave you the room number and you were on your way. You opened the door to see Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Sai, Shikamaru, Choji, Asuma sensei Ino.

"Yo." You say closing the door. "Hey. Haven't seen you in a while. You look.... nice. You look much taller." Shikamaru said, ruffling your hair. "Yeah, you, too, Shikamaru." You pat his back gently as in a small greeting. Everyone turned to look at you. "Y/n!" Ino jumped on you. She hugged you tight, squeezing the air out of your lungs. "Ino, don't hug her too tight, you might kill her." Asuma sensei said. Ino got off of you and apologizing saying she was just happy to see you. "Heeey! It's Y/n! Long time no see!" Choji said. "Yeah. So uh, what was i needed for?" You asked putting your hands in your pockets. "Visiting your sensei! What else?!" Sakura said hitting you upside the head. You rubbed the back of your head and glared at Sakura. "Alright, then. I had nothing else to do anyway." You replied, walking over to Kakashi's hospital bed and sitting down.

"How are you feeling Kakashi?" You asked. "I feel fine, but the nurse is keeping me here a bit longer, i should be discharged tomorrow or the day after. I'm going to be training Naruto too, would you like to accompany us?" Kakashi replied. "Yeah, sure." You said. "Great! Y/n can help you train Naruto." Kakashi told him. Naruto smiled. "Help him train? I thought you had it under control and i was just going to watch." You said furrowing your brows. "Welp, not anymore." Naruto shrugged. You sighed and shook your head. "You aren't busy tomorrow, are you?" Kakashi asked. "No. That's why i agreed to come with." You said. "Right." He said looking back at his book. "You damn pervert." You whispered. "What was that?" Kakashi asked looking up from his book. "You're a pervert. Reading makeout paradise? I can't believe you're my sensei." You said disappointed. Kakashi blushed and hid his face behind his book. "Y/n! Why would you say that in front of an audience?!" Kakashi whisper shouted. You looked at everyone in the room who were unphased. "Everyone knows you're a pervert, Kakashi." Naruto said laughing. "Whyyyyy?" Kakashi whined.


Why do i do this?


(1275 words)

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