Chapter 41

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*second person p.o.v.*

You made it to the inn and went to the girls' hot spring with Sakura. You took off your shoes and unbandaged your hands slowly, watching the white bandage unwrap your scarred hand. You unzipped your top after, taking off your pants afterwards. You took off your undergarments and rinsed yourself with warm water before wrapping a towel around your body. You walked into the hot spring with Sakura and slowly took off your towel, revealing your defined body you worked hard to achieve.

Some girls in the hot springs looked at your scars, almost as if they were silently judging you, but in reality, they just were curious as to why you got so many in the first place. It wasn't your fault you were an overthinker, not to mention an insecure one, too. You got into the water and sat down with Sakura. "Ahhhhh, this is so relaxing." Sakura sighed contently. You nodded and put a hand over your chest. "Y/n, you don't have to be shy. We're all girls, there's no boys around here." Sakura said.

"No, it's not that." You said. "Then what is it?" She asked. You went closer to her ear. "I'm using my hands to keep my breasts from floating." You bluntly said. She blushed and sunk half her face into the water. "I'm so jealous." She mumbled. "It's fine Sakura. I think you're beautiful. Not everyone's body is the same." You said. "Thanks." She said. "Don't be looking!" You heard Naruto shout. Your head turned in the direction of the yelling. "Shut up with all the talk about what's between my legs!" Naruto shouted. The girls around you start giggling. Sakura looked annoyed and dived into the water. "Naruto, you're speaking too loud." You mumbled quietly.

A girl with pink tinted cheeks went over to you, tapping your shoulder hesitantly. "Hm?" You looked up to her curiously. "I-i wanted to ask you something." She stammered cutely, averting her eyes away from you. "What is it?" You asked. "If it's all right with you, i would like to know why you have so many... scars, scattered across your body. Many of us here would like to know." The way she spoke and acted reminded you of Hinata, since the woman stammered and stuttered a lot. "I don't mind." With a simple reply, all the girls looked over at you curiously. "I'm a kunoichi from the hidden leaf village, which means i also trained to become one. During my training that took place for a few years, i was very clumsy. My weapon is a handmade katana, so i'm sure you can all imagine how hard it was to learn how to master. Therefore, during my years of practice, i scarred myself accidentally." You explained.

"Oh my, she speaks so elegantly!" One fangirled. "She's like a knight in shining armor!" Another commented. "A knight?" You tilted your head to the side like a curious cat, making the girls fangirl even harder. "So cute!" A girl squealed. "Oh, my God." Sakura rolled her eyes at the fangirls' behavior. "Sakura, weren't you one of them?" You pointed out quietly. "Oh, shut up." She huffed with a blush. "Right?" You asked again. She sunk into the water with embarrassment, swimming away from you and the girls. "What's your name?" A fangirl asked. "I'm Y/n L/n." You replied. "Even her name suits her!" They all squealed. "Thank you." You nod. "And she's got great manners!" They all squeal again. "Are you with someone?" The girl who had approached you earlier asked. You looked down.

"I cannot say. To be quite honest, i'm not sure. But if you're saying if i love someone or not, yes, i do. Though it may not be so strong, it's still there. No denying it." You replied. "That person must be so lucky!" A girl said. "Really?" Your head went up again as you looked at the girl. "Mhm! To have someone like you, they for sure have to be lucky! Even if they have a little bit of your love!" The girl nodded happily. "Ah, i guess you're right." You looked back down again, looking at your reflection. 'Lucky? No, more like i'm suffering. I want to be set free from the suffering of loving Sasuke. It hurts.' You thought.

After soaking in the hot spring for a while, you and Sakura decided to head back. You stood from the water and grabbed a towel, wrapped it around your body and walked inside. You put on your undergarments and slid on a robe, tying the front and walking out with Sakura. "That was a nice bath." Sakura said. "Yes, very soothing." You agreed. You both walked into a room where you guys would eat. You all walked in to see many foods and dishes set on the table. "I've never seen so much food!" Sakura said. "Man, it sure looks good." Naruto says wiping his drool. He walked over to his seat and looked at Yamato. "Say! Say! Captain Yamato!" Naruto said sitting. You walked over and sat down with your back straight. "What is it Naruto?" Yamato questioned.

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