Chapter 71

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*second person p.o.v.*

All the tailed beast's were now in their original form. "Th-this is really bad!" Guy shouted. "Guy, Y/n, don't move! I'm going to blow them away with my left eye with kamui!" Kakashi shouted back. "There's so many of them! It's impossible with visual prowess alone!" You said. "In that case, i'll open up the eight gate..." Guy said. "You idiot! You'll die after doing that!" Kakashi yelled. "But still..." Guy trailed off. Just as the tailed beast bombs were about to hit you three, something hit them away. "What was that?! So fast!" Guy shouted. You looked closer at the person in front of you. "I-is that Naruto?!" You asked. The tailed beast bombs landed away from you all. The tailed beasts were about to attack when you four were inside some sort of nine tails. The nine tails blew away the tailed beasts and their attacks.

"What's going on?!" Guy questioned. "Are we inside the nine tails chakra?" Kakashi asked. "I think we are." You replied looking around. The nine tails chakra attacked all of the tailed beasts at once and looked for the chakra rods. Suddenly, all of the tailed beasts got into one circle and made one giant tailed beast bomb. "Hey...don't you think that's pretty big for one of those things?" Guy asked in shock. "Are they pooling their power into a single point?!" Kakashi also asked. "Naruto, what now?!" You shouted to Naruto. He made a giant tailed beast bomb that was just as large as the other one. You quickly put your hands on Kakashi and Guy and had them have your lightning armor. "What is thid for, Y/n?" Kakashi asked. "Just in case." You replied. You had yourself also wear lightning armor. 

The tailed beast bombs collided with eachother. Naruto's nine tails chakra made little arms and took out the rods in the tailed beasts. The nine tail chakra began to disappear and you all landed on the ground safely. You took back your lightning armor off Kakashi and Guy, including yourself, and watched as the gedo statue spit out chains and took the tailed beasts into its mouth. "Naruto gaining such experience and strength makes me feel old and feeble." You heard Guy said from behind you. "What's the matter? You're not being yourself! It may sound funny coming from me...the springtime of our youth is still far from over! We still have a lot of-" Kakashi was cut off. "Quiet! Do you want me to feel even worse?" Guy said. "That's the Guy i know." Kakashi said. You felt a droplet of water fall on your face. You looked up to see that it had started raining. You closed your eyes and sighed. "I haven't been able to clean myself, so this rain is refreshing." You muttered.

"Now, now young Y/n! After this war you can think about that!" Guy said. "Yeah, i know." You replied opening your eyes. "Y/n, how much chakra do you have left?" Kakashi asked you. "I didn't use too much chakra, so i think i have about....over half." You said. "That's more than me. It's amazing how you have so much chakra." Kakashi mumbled. The eight tails took ahold of you four and put you all on top of his head. You, Kakashi and Guy jumped down and went to attack the moving gedo statue. You focused chakra into your foot and kicked the gedo statue's foot, causing it to fall down. "Heh! You don't look too happy!" Naruto said. "What is that supposed to mean?" The masked Madara asked. "Since you're hiding your face, i can only guess. If you feel insulted, take off that mask and show us how composed you are! Stupid!" Naruto pointed.

"Nice going Naruto!" Guy smiled. "I told him not to rile up his opponent." Kakashi face palmed. Madara did a hand sign and a gourd and bottle of some sort appeared. " seems i have no choice but to use it." Madara said. "What is that?" Guy asked. "A giant gourd and a bottle..." Naruto answered. "Frankly, i wanted to revive this when the conditions were perfect." Madara said. The gedo statue took the gourd and bottle and ate it. "It's only a fragment, but it's not lacking in power. It's taking too long." Madara continued. The gedo statue roared loudly. "To be honest, i never wanted to participate in this war. Yet here i am, about to fight some weird looking gedo statue. I just wanted to stay at home and rest. But it's too bad because i just had to be special element to this war." You muttered annoyed. "Y/n, now's not the time to be complaining." Kakashi replied. "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm just really tired." You sighed. "We all are. But once we win this war, you can go home and sleep for as long as you'd like." Kakashi chuckled.

"Hm. That sounds nice." You mumbles. "Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and the sage of the six paths...they're all legendary names...but what's the connection with the nine tails' chakra?" Guy sensei asked Naruto. "There was a time when the brothers challenged me to a battle. Naturally, i devoured them. However...they survived and fed on me from the inside and absorbed my chakra." Kurama explained. "So Kinkaku and Ginkaku had some of your chakra. And the masked guy took them as insurance, for the revival of the ten tails....from Darui's first company. That's consistent with the report we got from HQ." Kakashi said. "But given that they're just fragments of eight tails' and my chakra, who knows what form of shape the revived ten tails will take." Kurama said. "We must act before the ten tails fully comes back to life." Kakashi said. " speak your mind way too easily. You're a man for whom a life full of regrets is fitting!" Madara said.

"Just...who the hell are you anyway?" Guy asked the masked man. "What's the point in telling someone who can't remember faces?" Madara replied. "Kakashi, like you said, if we're going to make a move, now's the chance, before the ten tails is revived fully. Old man six paths used to say that the ten tails' full revival would signify the end of the world. But if he only has a piece of eight tails and me, who had most chakra out of the might be worth a try." Kurama said. "You're all mistaken. For me, the revival of the ten tails doesn't need to be complete. My end goal is a super genjutsu....the infinite tsukuyomi! I will put every human on this planet under a single gentjutsu...a single world that belongs to nobody. One perfect world without war or ill feelings. Only within a single collective consciousness....where the individual has been cast aside, can truth be found! The world no longer needs hope, a future of famous heroes. Even if incomplete, once ten tails is revived, the infinite tsukuyomi jutsu can be achieved. Then reality will come to an end...and all that will exist will be a single unending dream...that will last for eternity!" Madara said.

"I had dad, mom and pervy sage. Kids love looking up to their hero. That's why i can keep on running forward withut hesitation. I will become the greatest hokage of them all! That's my dream, you idiot!" Naruto smiled. "Even if you don't want your youth to end, dreams must come to an end at some point!" Guy said. "Yeah...dreams must be fulfilled." Kakashi added. "What they said. I don't have any inspirational words." You shrugged. Kakashi and Guy laughed at your answer.


No bc Y/n's answer is how i would answer 😭


(1310 words)

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