Chapter 82

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*second person p.o.v.*

As you were fighting, the flower bud opened slowly. As you were fighting a wooden dragon and helping others, Sasuke's susanoo and Naruto's nine tails chakra form slam into the ground. You continued to fight and not worry about Naruto and Sasuke. As you sliced a vine in half you landed and suddenly felt the tailed beasts chakra. Now you decided to go. You ran to where you felt the chakra coming from.

*timeskip cuz i'm lazy*

You were helping pull out the tailed beasts out of Obito, the ten tails jinchuriki. You grunted and poured all of your strength into your arms. After moments of pulling, the tailed beasts finally were out of Obito. "They're out!" Naruto yelled proudly. "All right." You panted. You sat back onto the ground and looked up at all the tailed beasts. Obito fell from the sky and landed harshly. You watched Sasuke take out his katana and run after Obito. Before he could actually get to Obito, Kakashi appeared. Kakashi was about to kill Obito himself when Minato stopped him. Naruto and Sasuke ran and went to go look for Madara and Hashirama to help seal Madara away. Before doing so, Naruto ran up to you. "Y/n! Come on!" He reached his hand out. You sighed and took his hand. You stood up beside him. "All right. Let's go." You said.

The both nodded and ran with you. You ran up the divine tree and looked around. The clouds covered the moon and blocked the moonlight. "Y/n!" You heard Sai call out for you. You turned around to see him on an ink bird with Naruto. "What is it?" You asked. "We found Madara. We might need help with sealing him." Naruto said. "I'm not part of the sealing corps, but okay. Whatever." Your shrugged. You hopped up on the ink bird and flew over where Madara and Hashirama were. You three jumped up off of the ink bird and landed. "Sai!" Naruto said. "I know!" Sai immediately got to hia sealing scroll. An ink tiger shot out of the scroll and headed for Madara. "Naruto...i'm grateful to you. You even extracted the tailed beasts from Obito...saving me the trouble of weakening him." Madara had an evil smirk plastered on his face.

The tiger bit down into Madara's arm and didn't budge. "Okay! Just a bit longer!" Sai said. "Art of rinne rebirth!" Steam emitted out of Madara. "Finally, i can fight for real!" Madara stood up and the tiger on him disappeared. "This is the form, the body i needed! It's not a battle without raging blood...and a pounding heart!" Madara said. Black flames suddenly covered his back. Amaterasu. "Ancient relics...should just butt out!" You heard Sasuke shout from above on an ink bird. You glanced up at Sasuke. "A brat who doesn't even come close to my level. You stole my line." Madara says turning to Sasuke with his eyes closed. "Sasuke! It's pointless to just throw attacks at him. This guy can absorb ninjutsu!" Naruto yelled. The armor and shirt fell off of Madara's body.

"It is these two polar opposites opperating together that give rise to all things in this universe....Hashirama, do you remember me telling you this long ago in front of the Uchiha stone tablet? That inscription on the stone says, when two opposite sides cooperate, you have true happiness. But i also told you it could be interpreated differently." Madara said. "That's..." Hashirama trailed off. "The one who obtains both Uchiha and Senju powers can attain true happiness. Don't you think it could be read that way as well....Hashirama?" Madara says. "It seems you've been doing a lot of plotting since you left the village." Hashirama said. "No....actually, this is something my subordinate's comrade came up with by coincidence. Seems there was a fellow who thought a lot like me." Madara replies biting his wrist. Blood flowed down his arm. "Me coming back to life was exactly as planned!" Madara shouted. He slammed his hands together creating a hand sign.

Hashirama couldn't move all of a sudden. Before you could react, Madara was already on the move. You held your arms out in a protective manner as he kicked you away. You landed on a rock wrong and dislocated your kneecap. "Y/n!" Sasuke shouted. Sasuke jumped down from the ink bird and fought with Madara. "Y/n, you okay?" Naruto asked standing up. Naruto and Sai ran over to you. "I dislocated my knee i think. I need to put it back into place." You grunted. Before they could reply, you grabbed your knee and pushed it back into place. You groaned out in pain and quickly went to heal your knee to stop the pain. "Help me up you two." You grit out. They nod and help you stand. You took a few steps and decided to push through the pain. "How much does it hurt?" Naruto asked. "It's managable. My medical ninjutsu can ease the pain." You replied.

Madara sucked out the sage jutsu chakra out of Hashirama and left him. Madara went and fought with Gaara and the tailed beasts. "I'm going to help!" Naruto said. His glowing cloak came and covered Naruto once more. "You go do that. I'll be over in a bit." You replied. He nodded and ran off over where Madara was. As you were healing your leg, you saw the ten tails gedo statue appear. "That thing again?" You muttered. "How was Madara revived?" Sai asked. "Obito's...rinne rebirth. I think. Naruto said something about it earlier. Afterall, Obito does possess the rinnegan. It makes sense if he did it." You replied. "Rinne rebirth?" Sai questioned. "Yes, rinne rebirth. When i died during pain's attack, i was revived with Nagato's rinne rebirth." You answered. "That is why Madara was bleeding earlier. It makes perfect sense." Sai said with a hand on his chin. You nodded and hummed in agreement. Moments later, Sasuke also left.


I'm gonna have to make more timeskips. The fourth great shinobi war is getting boring to write-


(1030 words)

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