Chapter 65

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*second person p.o.v.*

Sasuke was just about to hit Sakura with his chidori, you redirected it and Kakashi got in front of Sakura. "You really wanted to kill Sakura? How you've fallen, Sasuke." Kakashi said disappointed. Sasuke was about to kick you but you jumped over his leg and landed back beside Sakura and Kakashi. Kakashi took out string and captured Sasuke in it. Sasuke used the substitution jutsu and jumped away. "One after another." You heard Sasuke say. "Sakura. You tried to kill Sasuke by yourself, didn't you?" Kakashi asked Sakura. Sakura looked down, guilty.

"You don't have to shoulder such a heavy burden by yourself. I was the leader of team 7. It was my fault that all of you split up. Sakura, i said something irresponsible to you in an effort to put you at ease. I must have been trying to convince myself of that too. I'm sorry i'm such a careless sensei." Kakashi said. "Sasuke...i don't like to repeat myself. But i'll say this once more. I've seen so many guys like you, i've lost count. Those who follow the path of revenge end up nowhere. Do not become possessed by vengeance!" Kakashi shouted.

Sasuke laughed hysterically. " mother...bring my entire clan! Bring them all here! Do that and i'll quit right now!" Sasuke yelled. "I don't want to kill you." Kakashi said. "You talk like you could kill me at anytime! Stop acting like you're still my sensei. I'm itching to kill you....Kakashi." Sasuke said with a crazy look in his eyes. You bit your lip and looked away, you couldn't bare to see what Sasuke has become. "Sakura. Heal that girl to the point where she can speak. We still have time right now. She knows a lot of intel about the enemy." Kakashi ordered.

"What are you and Y/n going to do, sensei?" Sakura asked. Kakashi gave Sakura a closed eyed smile. "We will take on what would have been your burden. I guess you could say it's my responsibility. All right?" Kakashi replied. Sakura nodded. "Hurry and go, Sakura." You said softly. She scurried over to the girl and brung her away. You and Kakashi ripped off your rain coats and you took out your katana.

"Y/n, are you ready to settle this?" Kakashi asked. "...yes. i am." You replied. "I don't like repeating myself either. Stop acting like you're still my sensei." Sasuke said. Kakashi lifted his headband up to show his sharingan. You got into stance and got ready. "The sharingan is proof that you're an Uchiha. So stop using the sharingan like you're an Uchiha!" Sasuke shouted running at you both. He threw shuriken at you both. Kakashi made a mud wall and you repelled the shuriken with your katana.

Sasuke made the chidori and broke through Kakashi's mud wall. You and Kakashi jumped off the bridge to avoid Sasuke's chidori. Soon enough, Sasuke followed and landed under the bridge. "For someone whose sharingan is borrowed, you're quite skilled in using it. However, can your sharingan do this? I will show you...that my sharingan is on a completely different level than yours!" Sasuke's eyes changed and the susanoo appeared.

" really have changed." You muttered. "More than you know, Y/n." Sasuke said. His susanoo aimed it's arrow at you and Kakashi. As the arrow was about to hit the both of you, Kakashi used his mangekyo sharingan to blow it away. Water splashed everywhere and ran down your body. "So that's the susanoo?" Kakashi questioned. "To think someone who's not an Uchiha can awaken the mangekyo. So it seems that eye's power saved you both. You should be grateful to the power of the Uchiha." Sasuke smirked. " are more than just your clan. More than just hatred. Look deep inside your heart. One more time." Kakashi said.

"Are you still going on about that?" Sasuke asked. "Deep down, you know." Kakashi replied. "You're laughing. They're all laughing. You're laughing at the cost of Itachi's life! Laughing together, completely ignorant of everything! Your laughing voices sound like contempt and mocking to me now!" Sasuke shouted. With his anger, the susanoo grew larger. "I will change those laughs into screams and wails!" Sasuke shouted.

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