Chapter 28

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*second person p.o.v.*

Your parents were really worried that you got caught up in all of the recent events. Bandages covered your abdomen and chest, but you were fine, except most weren't. Many leaf ninjas died in the midst of battle, including lord third. He died fighting Orochimaru. And here you were, trying on a dress that you were supposed to wear at his funeral. You put on the dress and some shoes. "Bye mom, dad. See you at the funeral." You said. You stepped out of the house and walked with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura to the funeral. As you were standing, it started to rain. You looked up. "It looks like the sky is also crying...." you mumbled. "We will begin the memorial service for the third hokage, who lost his life in this battle, as well as other victims of this battle." Homura said. You were handed a flower to put on the table for all the fallen ninjas.

You stood in line and waited until it was finally your turn. You set down the white flower. "Goodbye old man. May you rest in peace. I hope you're in a better place." You whispered. You went back into your original spot and looked down to hide your tears. You didn't think you'd cry, but here you were. Sasuke looked over at you to see your shoulders shaking. "Y/n..." he said while hugging you. You cried into his shoulder. Sakura looked at your crying figure and gave you a look of sympathy. You cried for a little before you sniffed and stopped crying on Sasuke's shoulder. "He didn't die for nothing. He died an honorable death, he died a hero of the leaf village. Crying won't do anything..." You said looking up at the sky. "The stopped." You said. The clouds cleared up and showed the shining sun and a beautiful rainbow. After the funeral, you stood with Sasuke, Kakashi and Sakura as Naruto bid his goodbye to Iruka sensei. Naruto ran over and smiled. You gave him a smile just as big and waited for him to run over.

*biggish timeskip*

Naruto went on a journey with master Jiraiya to find one of the other legendary sannin, princess Tsunade and they finally came back. Tsunade was made fifth hokage, but it wasn't announced to the whole village yet. Sasuke was in the hospital and so was Rock lee, so lady Tsunade was supposed to heal them. Naruto called you over and you were going to accompany them as lady Tsunade healed Sasuke and Rock lee. You and Naruto stood infront of the hokage office building door and waited for her. She walked out with Shizune. "Hello. You must be that friend Naruto kept on talking about, hm?" She asked. "Yep! I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n." You said smiling. "A L/n? Shouldn't you be in the land of lightning?" She asked. "Ah, well you see, my mom is from Konoha and my dad from the land of lightning. They met blah blah blah had me, grandparents didn't approve so my parents moved to Konoha." You explained quickly.

"Oh. Well that makes sense." Tsunade shrugged. You then looked over to see Shikamaru with his dad. Shikaku and Tsunade then start speaking about medicine. Shikamaru leaned over towards the two of you. "Hey, who's the lady who acts as if she's all high and mighty?" Shikamaru asks. "Oh. That's the fifth hokage." You whispered back. "She may appear young, but in reality, she's an old lady in her fifties." Naruto whispers. You snorted. Tsunade starts walking down the stairs with Shizune, you and Naruto following. "Bye Shikamaru!" Naruto said waving. "Later!" You waved. You and Naruto walked down the stairs. "Y/n! I need to show you a new jutsu i learned! It's called the rasengan!" Naruto exclaimed. You smiled. "I can't wait to see it!" You said. You all walked to the Konoha hospital and went to Sasuke's room. You and Naruto walked over to Sakura. "Sakura! Sakura! Everything will be alright now! I brought along an awesome person! Sasuke will be fine now!" Naruto reassured.

Tsunade went over to Sasuke and put herr hand to his head, emitting a green chakra. After a short moment, Sasuke opened his eyes and sat up. "Sasuke!" Sakura said as she hugged him. "Phew. Glad he's fine now." You sighed in relief. You watched as Sakura cried as she hugged Sasuke. Naruto walked out of the room and pointed his finger in and out. "Next person!" He said. Sasuke looked up at you weakly. You smiled. "I'm going to give you two a moment." You said as you walked out of the room with Tsunade. You weren't jealous, it was just the fact that Sakura was here visiting Sasuke everyday, hoping he would wake up and get better. You understood the situation. After Tsunade gave Kakashi a scolding, it was Rock lee's turn. Everyone walked to where Rock lee's room was to fine him walking on a crutch. "I brought lady Tsunade here!" Guy said while pointing at her. Tsunade reminded Naruto he had to go to meet up with Iruka sensei, so Naruto left. It had been ten minutes since you left Sasuke and Sakura so you decided to check on them.

You told Tsunade and left to where Sasuke's room was. You knocked on the door and waited a second before you opened the door. "Hey. I was just checking up on you two. Sasuke, how do you feel?" You said walking up to the end of the bed and sitting down. "I feel fine." Sasuke replied. You looked at Sakura. "He should be fine, might be a bit tired though." Sakura said. You looked back at Sasuke. "No, i'm fine." Sasuke answered. "Whatever you say." You shrugged. "Oh! Let's tell you about everything you missed! So, that blonde lady you saw earlier was lady Tsunade, now named the fifth hokage...." you explained more things that happened while he was asleep in the hospital. Sakura also mentioned some things.


You were in bed while staring at the ceiling, somehow thinking of Sasuke. You were thinking back to the time in the forest of death. You were still worried about Orochimaru. You were afraid of what the curse mark could do to Sasuke. You kept on thinking about the events that happened recently and fell asleep soon enough. Over with Sasuke, he was also staring up at the ceiling, thinking about you. He thought about the promise he made with you and about the incident with Orochimaru too. He sighed and turned to his side, tired of the same white old ceiling. He was tired of the weird smell of the hospital and it's boring room. Eventually, he also fell asleep. He fell asleep excited to see you. He looked forward to seeing your bright smile every single day.


I'm tired 😴. Imma head to bed now. Bye!


(1168 words)

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