Chapter 83

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*second person p.o.v.*

As you were slowly healing your leg, you felt Naruto and Sasuke's chakra weaken. You froze. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Sai asked. "Naruto and Sasuke's chakra...they're weakening...!" You said. "What? What do you mean?" Sai asked again. "I'm sorry. I need to go." You stood up quickly and ignored the pain in your knee. "Kuro! Shiroi! Raion!" You yelled. The all appeared in front of you. "Do any of you know where Naruto is? Or even Sasuke?" You asked.

"I do." Kuro replied. "Where are they?" You asked him. "I'm afraid that Naruto had Kurama extracted from him. He might not make it. And i'm not sure where Sasuke is." Kuro replies. "Shiroi, Raion, you can leave. Kuro, take me where Naruto is." You ordered. The three nodded and did what you asked. "Sai, keep watch here." You turned to Sai. He nodded. You hopped up on Kuro.

Kuro ran as fast as he could and brung you where Naruto was. There was a giant wooden statue there with a bunch of arms. You got off of Kuro and ran to Naruto. "Sakura, how is he?" You asked. "Y/n, you made it in time!" Sakura said in relief. "He had Kurama extracted from him. Can you help Sakura heal him?" Gaara said. "Yes, of course." You replied. "Get on the sand with Sakura." Gaara ordered. You did what he asked and right away got to healing.

"Y/n, how is everyone on your side? What happened?" Sakura asked. "I'm not sure what happened to Sasuke, but his chakra is weakening by the second. But i'm not exactly sure about where he is. I think he's with Madara." You explained. "My chakra is almost depleted." Sakura said. "My chakra is almost gone too." You replied. You looked down at Naruto. 'You better not die.' You thought.

As you were healing Naruto, Sakura's medical ninjutsu slowly disappeared. Your medical ninjutsu slowly stopped too. "At this this rate, Naruto's going to...die!" Sakura cried. "Naruto! Wake up! Come on!" You said. "I don't think he's going to make it." Sakura closed her eyes. "Naruto...! Get up....Your bestfriend needs you...!" You whispered.

You stared at his face in hopes of him waking up. His eyes remained shut. All of a sudden, the nine tails chakra covering your and Sakura's body came off. Sakura felt Naruto's pulse and put her head against his chest. "No heartbeat or pulse..." She muttered.

"Hang in there, Naruto!" Gaara shouted. "Where are we going?!" Sakura asked. "Where the fourth hokage is. That's what the nine tails told me to do. Right now, there's no other way to save Naruto!" Gaara answered."How long until we get there?" You asked. "Several kilometers." Gaara replied. "I'll use the rest of my chakra to do what i can!" Sakura said.

She focused chakra into her finger tips and cut Naruto's side open. She used her medical ninjutsu again and pumped his heart. "Y/n, help me!" Sakura said. "I can't. My chakra is gone. I need to wait for it to come back, i'm sorry." You replied. She grit her teeth. "Darn." She cursed. Sand suddenly wrapped around your and Sakura's waist. "We're going to go at full speed!" Gaara said. "Right!" Sakura replied.

As the sand went faster, you tried to sense Sasuke's chakra. You widened your eyes. "Y/n, what is it?" Sakura asked with concern. "I can't sense Sasuke's chakra anymore. I think he's...dead." You whispered. Her eyes also widened. "No, it can't be....!" She muttered. "I'm afraid so." You replied. Tears pooled in your eyes and slowly fell. You sat there with a straight face, but the tears didn't stop. 'Damn you, Madara Uchiha. Damn you for killing my teammates.' You thought.


A lot happened. Naruto was revived, and so was Sasuke. Madara became the ten tails jinchuriki and fought with Guy sensei, blah blah blah, and Naruto and Sasuke faced Madara. Now, you stood with Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura was healing Kakashi's left eye due to it being stolen by Madara. It seemed that Obito's rinnegan was soon going to fall into Madara's hands.

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