𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 {3}

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"I have a doubt that it is this girl" She spoke with a smirk. "Are you sure?" The brunette raised his eyebrow, still not sure about the information he had received. "I'm not sure...but I'll spy on this girl more and give you the right information" She smirked.

"Good. I'm proud of you" A dark chuckle escaped his plump lips. "I swear those assholes will regret messing with me" His eyes traveled to a happy picture frame of his family, with one crack in the middle. His eyes showed nothing but hatred and regret. Hatred for the people who killed his family and regret because he couldn't do anything in order to save them.

He stood up, ready to leave the office only to be stopped.

"Don't you think I need a reward?" She seductively whispered. "Not now. Once I find everything about them. Once I kill them with my bare hands" He spoke with a cold tone. She smirked and walked closer to him as she unzipped his pants, palming his member.

"Second thoughts?" She asked, exposing her cleavage. "Fuck" he muttered before both throwing her on the office's couch.

"I'm sorry again Oppa..." You sighed. "Aish...you apologized like 10 times. Stop now. We know you didn't mean it" Namjoon chuckled. "Also, we want you to meet someone..." Jin said, pouring some milk in your pink mug. "Who?" You asked, as curiosity took over you. "Yoongi and Hoseok will be here with him any minute" Namjoon smiled, picking up his chopsticks, as he took another bite of the rice he was eating.


"Oppa!!" You said, jumping into Hoseok's arms. "Let's not forget I exist" Your eyes fell on a pouting Yoongi. Honestly it's surprising how they all have a soft spot for you. Because, yes, you've seen them in public. It's not very pleasant. So, you don't even wanna imagine what they do in their missions.

You giggled before answering Yoongi. "Sorry! It's just that both of you have been so busy with work that we didn't see each other for like 3 weeks!" You pouted. "We're sorry, princess. But look at the gifts we got you!!" Hoseok pointed at his bodyguard holding a few bags.

"Yayyyy!!" You hugged Yoongi. "Where are your brothers??" Yoongi asked. "Oh, they're inside. I'll call them" You ran upstairs as Yoongi and Hoseok made themselves comfortable on the couch.


"So Oppa, whom did you want me to meet?" You asked the 4 of them. "He will be here any-

Hoseok's phone rang as he answered it. "Oh ok...I'll send someone to get you"

Hoseok whispered something to his bodyguard as his bodyguard made his way towards the door.

A few seconds later, The door opened, revealing Hoseok's bodyguard and...

And another man. He was so handsome. He had dark, mysterious brown eyes. He had adorable bunny teeth, which showed when he was passing on a small smile to everyone in the room. You felt yourself staring at him.

His eyes were staring into yours

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His eyes were staring into yours.

"Come, sit" Yoongi said as the man nodded, stepping closer to all of you, as his perfect ass

(A/N: Istg I had to-)

Came in contact with the couch as he started making himself comfortable.

You saw your brothers giving him an eye. "Care to explain, Yoongi?" Jin's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. "I-I'm Jungkook" He introduced himself. "And?" Namjoon asked, looking at Hoseok.

"Uhh...well hyung...you know how Y/n's bodyguard is not allowed to get in school? We pulled some strings and yeah. Jungkook will pretend to be in Y/N's class. That way, we won't have to worry when she's in school." Hoseok finished.

"What?!" You spoke up. "You already spy me! I mean, how else would you know about Lisa?!" You asked Jin. "We have our ways, Y/n. But sometimes, they fall weak. So Jungkook will be with you 24/7." Yoongi answered.

"T-That's perfect!" An excited smile decorated Namjoon's features, revealing his dimples. "That's not! Oppa, please! I can't have someone follow me 24/7!"

"Great then, Jungkook, you can start tomorrow. We will arrange your room. And you'll be staying here with us" Jin said, totally ignoring your words. You huffed, throwing a sharp glare at the tall man before getting up and running to your room, ignoring calls of the boys.

How they wished they would've listened to you because he was not even close to Jungkook. The real one...

-To Be Continued-

♥️ Word Count: 736 ♥️

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