𝘋𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘢𝘭 {75}

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"Namjoon, do you think what we did was right? I mean, telling Y/n the truth about her boyfriend." Jin asked, looking up from his phone.
"To be honest, I don't know. When I told her the truth, I expected her to get scared and never think about him again. But she's in denial.  I kind of feel guilty, not gonna lie..." Namjoon shrugged.
"hey! It's not like we lied to her. We told her what we found out. And anyway, it's not like she's gonna see him again. We can't let her, knowing he's a potential threat to her and us." Jin picked his phone up again.

"Hyung. We haven't visited the headquarters in a while, since this drama with Y/n happened. Do you think we should resume work there? I'm sick of work from home. It's not getting any work done" 
"Yeah we should. But the investors are abroad. Going there is pointless. We're gonna have meetings online and stuff. Let's continue from next week. As for Y/n, we'll increase security and put tracking systems. We will feel bad doing this, but Joon, this is for her. We can't fall weak" Jin stated.
"And by 'we', you mean you?" Namjoon snickered.
"Ok finee! So, I spoil her a little. No harm done." Jin shrugged.
"No harm? She's going out with someone who wants to kill h-

"Talking about me?" You bit your apple as you walked inside the room, rolling your eyes.
"Well, the topic kinda diverted" Namjoon shrugged.
"Oh yeah? What is this time? marrying me off? or new and improved ways to keep me at home? or the best one...that conspiracy theory of my boyfriend killing me?" You sarcastically chuckled.

"Why does every conversation between us start and end with a fight?" Namjoon looked up, to maintain eye contact with you.
"Well, you guys start it!" You huffed.
"Playing the victim again? Y/n, c'mon we're supposed to be the ones mad at you and passing sarcastic comments with a side of taunts. Not the other way round" Jin smirked.

"Y/n, you've been acting out, these past few weeks" Namjoon pointed out.
"Maybe I am. But honestly, I blame you"

You turned around to leave.

"We're not lying" Those words stopped you from going any further.
"We're not lying" Jin repeated.
"...About your boyfriend's plan about killing us" You sighed.

"If he had to, he would've by now. Oppa, He knows bits and pieces about my trauma. He would never do something that would hurt me so bad. Taking you away from me would kill me inside, he knows that. And he wouldn't do that, never" 

"You put up an act, when you had to. What if he is too?" Jin raised a brow.
" I saw love for me in his eyes. And I saw the same look every single day I was with him...I literally trust him more than myself. He will never do such a thing. I know he won't..." You walked out.

"See, I told you she was going through a denial phase. She will never believe us" Namjoon  stated.
"We can't do shit about it, Joon. This is for her, we can't fall weak..."


 You were studying. And not because you wanted to kill time, but because you had a little test coming up after the break ends. Brutal, right?

A knock on the door interrupted your thing.

"It's me"
"Come in, oppa." Namjoon walked in.

"It's kinda funny how you're nice to me again" You sadly chuckled, earning a sigh from the older.
"Don't you wish everything went back to...normal?" Namjoon asked.

"I wish you never made that mistake of dating him." You closed your book.
"I'm sorry? That was never a mistake, oppa. If anything, it was the best decision I've ever made."

"Lying to us? That was your best decision? Then clearly, you barely made any good ones" 
"You put me in such a situation. If you guys weren't such helicopter brothers, and actually gave a fuck about my feelings, I probably would've felt safe enough to tell you about him" You retorted.

"Oh, please, excuse me for prioritizing your safety" Namjoon said, sarcastically.

"Safety? What were you keeping me safe from? someone who loves me?" Namjoon rolled his eyes.
"No...from someone who wants to kill me, hyung and yo-

"No he doesn't! Oppa, what the hell is wrong with you?! It is so unfair how because of your "business" I can't live a normal life cause you will doubt every person who breathes next to me. Oh, and for the record...and for the last time: He is not trying to kill us" You opened your book again, indicating Namjoon to leave.

"You're gonna regret this so bad, Y/n"


Your shoulders trembled with the force of your emotions. You could only manage to mumble, asking the driver to drive faster.

You sobbed heartbrokenly as tears fell down like a shower. The air was too thick to swallow and every moment passing, made it hard for you to breathe.

The car came to a halt as you jumped out and ran towards the reception.

"K-Kim Seokjin...?" You asked, whimpering.
"Miss, are you okay? do you need wat-"
"No, thanks...just please tell me where Kim Seokjin is admitted."
"Room 1209...down the hallway" You nodded and jogged.

You spotted Namjoon and quickly hugged him. He flinched, but realized what happened and hugged you back super tight.

"Hey, princess...it's okay. Hyung's fine now. Nothing will happen to him"
"H-How did thi-"

"Someone raided an office branch. Hopefully they don't know where HQ is. We both were discussing something...then suddenly there was heck a lot of commotion in the office. Everyone started running and leaving the building. A man in black overalls came and tried shooting. I dodged him but a bullet ended up on Jin hyung's arm. We couldn't figure who did this because he ran away as soon as he heard the cops. I rushed him to the hospital and immediately called you"

"What did the doctor say?"
"He said it's nothing serious." A sigh of relief escaped your lips.

"How did he not ask about why there was a bullet involved?"
"He's our man..." Namjoon whispered.

You hugged him again.

"I was so scared. I could barely breathe." You gulped.

"Y/n...do you think your boyfriend did this?" Your eyes shot up to look at his.

 You had this conversation with him a week back. You kept denying it. Cause you knew you were right.

Jungkook would never do this...


_To Be Continued_

It was all a blur. You were rushing to the hospital, tears streaming down your face. All you could mumble was 

"Danwoo oppa, drive faster"

Your shoulder trembled with the source of your emotions.

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