𝘈𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘥 {43}

530 26 1

You let your back hit the soft mattress as you bounced a bit. Rolling towards the right-facing your back towards the door. 

What a day it was...I wish today never happened. 

Your boyfriend was a mafia. That was kinda hard to digest...while you were overthinking that, you overthought about how you told Joyu about Jungkook...again your thoughts lapped up and now you were overthinking about your future and...

The door opened, disturbing your train of thoughts. 

You quickly sat up and looked at your brothers who had austere looks on their faces. Tonight was not gonna end well...

Jin took a seat on your study chair while Namjoon made himself comfortable on the bed. 

 "This time, there won't be a silent treatment...you're the one who's supposed to be punished, not us..." The oldest spoke suddenly making you flinch. 

"Y/n...you're grounded for a month...from school, you're directly coming home, and from home, you're directly going to school." Namjoon stated with authority in his tone. 

You sighed and nodded. 

"You're gonna hand over your phone to us...and Ipad will only be only be used for school...give me your laptop as well." 

Jin put his hand forward. You placed your phone on his palm, with your gaze glued to the ground.

"It's hard for us to go back to normal Y/n...I hope you understand. We need time too" Namjoon said, still having the straight face on. 

"Just so you know, if we ignore you, its not because of the silent treatment...it's probably because we don't feel like talking to you...Meanwhile, its your efforts that will get us back to normal" You felt a sting in your heart as you heard the oldest say those words. 

They both went back to their own rooms. 

It was currently 10:56 PM. You really didn't feel like going to school tomorrow. 

You lay down on your bed and start thinking again. 

Maybe it was better if you avoided Jungkook...at least for a short period. You don't blame Jungkook for what happened today but it was better if you elude him.


You opened your eyes and checked the time. It was 6:09 am in the morning. Body clock...

You tightened your ponytail and removed the clothes you'd worn yesterday...disgusting...

But you were too tired too change. 

You wrapped up with your shower within 30 minutes...and by the time it was 6:55, you were ready for today. 

Jin and Namjoon both wake up at 7 if you have school...but because they knew you were skipping today, they slept in. 

You took the opportunity and went downstairs and quickly cooked your brothers' favourite breakfasts. 

(You can add your own fav breakfasts because in this ff, their favourite food is not blueberry pancakes :3 ) 

After some time, they both came down and looked at you, weirdly as you were setting the table up. 

"Oppa! breakfast's ready!" You beamed. Jin sighed and sat on the table as your smile started fading. 

"W-What, do you not like it?" You asked with a frown. Namjoon sat down too and looked at your now puppy eyes.

"Y/n...when I said, you have to "fix everything" and "gain our trust back", I didn't mean, you wake up earlier than usual and go all out for our breakfast." He said as a confused expression plastered your face. 

"Don't get us wrong...we appreciate it...but if you really want to get back to normal...you have to prove yourself to us" Jin said with a softer tone. 

"I understand" You muttered and went back to your room. 

How badly they wanted to hug you and caress your hair, mumble comforting words into your ear...call you 'princess' and forget everything. But they really couldn't bring themselves to. 


I really think I should avoid Jungkook...I mean...it's better since I need time with my brothers to fix everything...


Exactly 9 hours after you gave yourself time, and thought about avoiding you boyfriend...

Kookie 💟

Hey wanna meet up at my condo once you're done with school? 


Uhh no sorry i have a family dinner. can't. sorry

Kookie 💟

That's alright...let's try some other time

✔✔ seen 10:44 am

You sighed and diverted your attention back to the whiteboard. 

This went on for a few days. He texted, you rejected, he worried. 


"But it's not normal hyung! She's like totally ignoring me" Jungkook smashed a file on the table and looked at Jimin. 

"She must be busy kook...you're overthinking" Jimin said, analyzing a purple file. 

"I'm not! it's been 4 days since she texted back!" 

"Jungkook, calm down, something must've happened with her sisters. Don't worry" Jimin placed the file down on the table before facing his brother.

"I need a break" Jungkook said and went to his room. 

Y/n 👍

Hey sorry I was a busy studying. 


Ok no worries

At least she didn't die. Jungkook thought, low-key pissed at you.

To Be Continued--

I'm lowkey hating this chapter

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