𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 {25}

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The class settled down as you looked at your new seat mates. You were still kinda shy. But of course, you had promised Jungkook that you will make new friends. And now you had to fulfill it.

"Guys, we have a meeting very soon. So this period will be free. Jaegyun can look after the class. And as for y'all, you can talk, but not a single peep should be heard outside the class. Alright?"

Jungkook grabbed his stuff, after getting an okay from others. "Hi! I'm Ryujin" The short, black-haired girl spoke up with a bright smile on her face. You smiled back a bit awkwardly before speaking. "I-I'm y/n..." You said with a smile. "Cute name! I'm Yeji and this is Ryujin. U-Uh...my girlfriend..." Yeji looked down as you stared at the couple with a warm smile.

"Y'all are too cute together" You chuckled. Ryujin gave a suspicious look as she stared at you. "What? You're not gonna judge us?" She asked. "I mean, I'm not living in the 17th century. And yeah, you can be really open about who you are..."

"Wow that's sweet. Yeji and Ryujin used to get bullied back in our old school. So we moved here. Well, we promised not to tell anyone but Yeji just can't shut up..." Eunjin said as the 3 of you chuckle. "So, you have a boyfriend?" Eunjin asked as you looked down, shyly nodding. "Uhh yeah..." You said.

"He goes to this school?" Yeji asked as you nodded a no, quickly. "No...uhh...he goes to another s-school..." you said. They all 'oh'ed as all 4 of you started talking about random stuff.

You all talked until it was lunch time. And all of you got to know a lot about each other. Yeji is the oldest, then Ryujin, then Eunjin, then you. Well, you did turn 18 just 4 months back...

A huge grin spread on your face as you saw your boyfriend on his phone, standing outside the school, waiting for you. He saw you as he kept his phone in his pocket. "You look cute when you smile" He said. "I know" You joked, flipping your hair.

"I can't believe I made friends" You squealed as you both start walking, making sure you both are away from students' sight.

Jungkook suddenly held your hands, as he pulled out his phone. "Jungkookie" You called out as he softly hummed. "Why were you acting so mean when we first met...?" You asked, with a small pout on your face. Jungkook stopped in his tracks, as he now averted his gaze to you.

"I was...uhh...I was expected to be somewhere...and Monnie...he just appeared in front of my car...not ready to move...and then you jumped in fro- nevermind...it's complicated..." He sighed. "It's okie" You shrugged.

"You live with your friends right?" You asked him as he nodded. "Yeah, we all share one mansion. I don't have a family and they have families. But almost as if they don't. So, we got each other"

"Cool. So when can I meet them??" You asked. "Soon enough" Jungkook pinched your cheeks, lightly, making you giggle. "You aren't jello now?" You asked. "I mean, yeah, I can't let my girlfriend be with a random guy. I mean I trust you...but not him. As for my friends, they're like my brothers...and I trust both of you equally. So yeah...but not now..."

"Then when?" You asked. "Some day...I don't know" He shrugged. "But-

"Y/n, your driver is here...you should go...please text or call me after reaching home...okay?" He pecked your forehead as you nodded, bidding him goodbye.

you walked another block to be greeted by Danwoo. You sat down, still in deep thoughts. Why would he not want you to meet his friends...?

"You okay? What are you thinking about?" He asked with a small smile. "U-uh nothing..." You said. "Okay"

"By the way, your brothers won't be home. So eat and-

"Freshen up, sleep if you want to then study a bit then watch TV if you want to? Right?" You asked. "Welp, yeah" He chuckled. "I still don't get why they hate me going to school...yet so concerned about my studies..." You sigh. "Well, they want you to study at home. Right in front of their and our eyes..." Danwoo explained.

"Well, I don't see why they have to be so overprotective even after they gave me freedom..." You said. "I mean, it's right for them to get worried for you...Y/n, they're your only family...you should be great full..." He said.


"No buts. Namjoon sir and Seokjin sir are the best brothers. Better accept it now..."

"I mean they're really good brothers...but...I wouldn't say best...they don't have to be so protective right?"

"To be honest, I would've done the same if I was in their place...they've been so concerned about you ever since your parents...well..."

"I know...I just- Nevermind..." You plugged in your earphones. All these years, you never had serious feelings for someone. Which is why you were okay-ish with them controlling your life...But this time, you knew you were in love with Jungkook. And even if they gave you freedom, they did have guards following you around. And it bugged you.

You reached home, plopping yourself on the bed. Still in very deep thoughts.

You took out your phone.

Me: Reached home. What about you??

Mr. Gangsta 😘: Me too. Take care...

Me: You too ♥️😚

Sure, Jungkook wasn't the happy-go-lucky you'd imagined as your future partner. But you loved him the way he was. He had an impact on you...and you loved how he did. There were many things about him you  didnt know. And there were many things about you which he didn't know.

But...you still loved him. A lot.

-To Be Continued-

A/N: This is a really serious issue. Myanmar is turning into the next Palestine now. In fact, Palestine's state still isn't any better and now Myanmar is going through that. This is honestly disgusting. Children are being abused,  old people are being tortured, young, unmarried and married women with kids are being r@ped. People are losing supplies and still, some disgusting fuckers are against Palestine and Myanmar.

To all my butters from Myanmar: Things will get better, I will keep praying for all of you and you will see better days.


♥︎ ­░⡷⠂ʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ/ ᴊ.ᴊᴋ--(ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴀᴜ)⠐⢾░ ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now