𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 {6}

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Both your heads snapped towards the door, revealing your worst nightmares. Your brothers. "O-Oppa..." You gasped. "Next time, lock the door"

Jin smiled. Not just any smile. The psycho smile. "O-Oppa, I swear it isn't what it looks like!" You panicked. "Y/n...stay away from this..." Namjoon warned. "What do you mean stay away from this?! P-Please don't hurt him..." You begged. "You're making it harder for yourself as well as your little boyfriend..." Jin chuckled.

"Y/n leave! I'll be fine!" Min Seok yelled. "How can I?! Did you leave ever time I was in trouble?!" You cried. "That's different Y/n! Stop being fucking stubborn for once!" He yelled. "Listen to him, princess. It's for your own benefit..." Seokjin scoffed.
"N-No...please don't hurt him" You went and hugged Namjoon tightly. You sobbed in his chest as his face still maintained an ice cold expression. "I-I won't go against your orders. Just...just let him go..." You looked up to Seokjin as a heavy sigh escaped his lips.

"We give you 1 whole hour to pack your stuff and leave. Get it?" Seokjin looked at Minseok. "H-Hyung...I swear I love your sister...can I ha-

"Is your life more important or my sister?" Namjoon asked with gritted teeth. "Your sister" He boldly said. "Shut up Minseok! Just leave...do like I told you to...Forget. My. Existence" You shut your eyes, not being able to see the state Minseok is in.

He just sniffled, before making his way to his room.


"What are you doing here?!" You stopped crying for a second only to see him with his bags. "I-I wanted to say b-bye..."

"Then bye! Go!" You didn't mean to act rude to him. But you couldn't help. You were afraid for his life. "I'm leaving...just...wanted to give you something..." He handed you a bouquet and a pink teddy. "I was about to give you this when I was gonna propose. But I guess I can't anymore. Look through the flowers and tell me how they are"

"How am I supposed to tell you when we won't meet each other again?!" You scoffed. "You'll know" He flashed a small smile before leaving.

And there you were, in a vulnerable state, watching your first love leave. Moreover, you couldn't do anything, and sit on your bed, helpless. Funny how the person you hated so much had become your first love...

But wait...what did he mean when he said 'tell me how they were'?

You quickly grabbed the bouquet, rummaging through the flowers when you found something hard. You pulled it out only to see a...

A phone?

You looked at the note hanging from the bouquet.


Maybe that's the password...

You typed in the password and it opened. You sighed in relief. You saw the wallpaper and it said.

'Open Messages' You clicked on the icon.

My Baby ♥️🥰:

Dear Y/n,

This must seem weird, but I finally found a way we can talk. This phone was supposed to be your birthday gift. But because I couldn't give it then, I hid it in a bouquet in that one hour I got. I did all the settings, used my Apple ID and added my number. Just keep this phone away from your brothers, and we can talk.

You assumed he saved his name as 'My baby ♥️ 🥰. No matter how much you were crying, this message brightened up your mood. A chuckle escaped your lips. You smiled before replying.

Me: Are you fr?! Omggg Xuimin I love you so so so much!

My baby ♥️ 🥰: I love you too, sweetheart. But keep this away from your bodyguards and brothers. And go to sleep now. It's late.

Me: Okie! Night. Love you ♥️

My baby ♥️ 🥰: I love you more!

You  quickly placed the phone in 'my box of secrets'. You went into your wardrobe and opened the secret safe. Your brothers don't know about it. But you made one. Because there are a lot of things that are kept there, which you don't want your brothers to know about.

You hid the box in there before going to the room. You plopped yourself on your bed, burying your face in the white pillow, which was matching your bed. At last, you were happy. Yes, it would take time to convince your brothers...but at lease you found true love...

Your face was still red because of all the crying. But you were too tired to wash the smudged mascara on your face, not bothering about the fact that you looked like a ghost with one.

"Y/n" A stern voice snapped you out of your thoughts as your head turned towards the black door. "Y-Yeah...? You stuttered when you saw Namjoon's tall figure leaning against the brown door frame. "You're grounded for two months. And you'll be skipping school for 2 weeks. Hand me your laptop, iPad and phone." He said.

You knew that after whatever happened, protesting against the punishment they chose, would be dumb. Basically entering the lion's den, again after the lion released you the first time.

You sighed, walking up to your study table, and handed your laptop, iPad and phone to your brother. "G-Good night Oppa" You were about to kiss his cheek, like any other day. But he gently pushed you away, making sure he doesn't hurt you. "O-Oppa..."

"For once, i thought we did a good job with you" The father inside him spoke up. Might sound cringe but It was no lie that your brothers raised you. Yes, your aunt used to pay very frequent visits but she had a family as well. She couldn't have stayed with all of you 24/7. She did hire manyyy caretakers. But they didn't make you who you are today.

Your brothers did. You admitted that you did feel bad. But at the same time, you wanted to consider your happiness for once.

"O-Oppa, I'm really sorry" You hugged him. "No, you're not Y/n...you're not..." He sighed before leaving.

-To Be Continued-

♥️ Word Count: 1027 ♥️

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