𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 > 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 {72}

405 29 2

"Hey honey..." A voice called out. A beautiful and soothing one. You turned around only to see an absolutely gorgeous woman who looked very much like you. She wore a purple floral top with mom jeans.

"M-Mom? Am I dreaming?!" She chuckled.

"Yes you are, sweetie." You sighed.
"No wonder...where's dad?"

"Right here!" You turned around and saw a well built man who wore formal attire. 

"Daddyyyy!!!" You ran and hugged him tight.
"I miss you guys so much!! I wish this wasn't a dream..." You pout.

"We miss you all too baby" Your mom caressed your cheeks.
"You've grown up to be a beautiful young girl, Y/n-ah...I wish I could see you in flesh...
...are oppas taking good care of you?" Your smile dropped.

"Y-Yes" You forced a new one.

"Lies...I told both of them to take good care of you...If I was down there, I would've whacked their asses-

"Language, honey!" You laughed at your mother's statement.

"Daddy...Am i wrong? Because...I love him..." You looked down. 
"I mean, you could do bette-" A little smack on his arm from your mom shut him up. You chuckled through your tears.

"No, you're not wrong. Follow your gut, Y/n...let your heart win...I know you can do this, sweetie...I know how much of a  perfect and strong baby I gave birth to. I love you, honey...and I know you love Jungkook...his intentions are pure...and he loves you...Don't fight your brothers but fight the situation."

"I-I can't mom...I'm tired...I need you...I need you both..." You sobbed.
"No you're not...you're strong, independent and never give up..."

"And we're right here, baby...close your eyes whenever you need us" Your dad says.
"I don't wanna wake up..." You close your eyes...and they walked away. You stopped them...called them...but they walked away...


Your eyes opened, and you found yourself glued to the bed. You didn't wanna move...attempting to close your eyes again, to find your parents...you wanted to beg them for help. Help with your relationship, help with navigating your life, help with your brothers. But they didn't come back."

"You're strong, independent and never give up" 

Her words echoed in your mind. You pulled out your phone and connected the AirPods. 

The first song on your playlist was 'Wildest Dreams'. You pressed play.

I can see the end, as it begins

    my one condition is...

It was true tho. The moment you started dating Jungkook, you were sure that his roots and your roots don't match. Who you thought to be, a simple, innocent teacher was actually a merciless mafia. But you didn't know that. You thought that the moment he finds out, it's over for you. He wouldn't date a girl who's brothers are killers. But when you found out the truth, there was another problem. How could you date someone who MIGHT be your brother's enemy. 

Everything was perfect. The person and time, too. What went wrong? Why can't I just be happy? 

A tears escaped your eyes, as you stared at the ceiling. You heard a knock, which you ignored.

The door opened.

"You're up?" Namjoon mumbled.
You didn't say anything. He noticed the teardrop. He didn't say anything. He sighed.
"Breakfast will be ready in 10. Get ready."

♥︎ ­░⡷⠂ʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ/ ᴊ.ᴊᴋ--(ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴀᴜ)⠐⢾░ ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now