𝘓𝘪𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘺 {16}

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The cold air filled your nostrils as you deeply exhale. Maybe it was time to move on and make a new start. Sure, you felt that Sorin's and Junmi's death was someway or the other related to you. Especially since your brother had talked about 'Karma'

The bell ringing bought you back into senses. You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts before entering the school.

"Good Morning class" The cold voice was heard all across the classroom. "Is everyone here?" He asked. "Uhh sir...Sorin, Minji, Jihya and Junmi aren't here..." Minhyuk, the attendance manager spoke up. "Minji is sick, Jinya is out of town for a week and Sorin and Junmi left the school"

Murmurs were heard all over the classroom. Leaving school mid-term? That didn't make sense. Well, no one in the school except Principal knew about their death, as requested by their parents. So the principal told everyone that they left school. Little did everyone know that 'Mr. Jeon' knew about it.

"Now, please start the class and stop the talking and concentrate" Jungkook said.

"Miss Y/n?" He called out. "Yes sir??" You asked. "What's your last class?" He asked. "Uhh I think it's P.E..." You said. "Okay. Meet me in the library during P.E, I will talk to Mr. Lim" He said. "But sir-

"No buts, Y/n. Meet me in the library please..." He said. "Y-Yes sir..." You sighed.

The time arrived, you were in the library, waiting for your teacher. A familiar figure entered the empty room. You smiled warmly at him, to which he replied with...

Well, a poker face. "Good afternoon, sir" You greeted. "Good afternoon. Sit" He pointed at a chair. You nodded and sat. "So, I booked the library for us to study a bit..." He said. "Only me?" You asked. "Yes. I see that you haven't done the reproduction in organisms project. So I will help you with that" He said.

"Y-Yes sir..." You said.

Time passed by and soon the bell rang. "Y/n, I hope you understood everything..." Jungkook looked at you, raising a brow. "Yes, Mr. Jeon, I did..." You smiled. "Thank you for your time" You bowed. "Making sure that all my students understand concepts is my job. You don't have to thank me for it" He said.

You looked into his deep mysterious brown orbs. They told a story. The story had answers of why he's so cold. The story explained him. He was staring into your eyes as well. Trying his best to find a bit of spark. For him.


You flinched. Your eyes darted towards the door as your eyes widened, realization hitting you. "Oh no!" You gasped, while Jungkook stood there with his poker face. "Mr. Jeon! We got locked!" You exclaimed. "Oh shit. This is bad" He said expressionless. As if this thing never bothered him.

All you could think about is your brothers. They would be worried sick. They might even go on a man hunt, who knows? You went on the door and started banging. "Hello! Anyone there!!? Hear me out!!" You turned back to him.

"How do we get out?!" You asked him, panicking. "Well, it's a Friday. There are no extra curricular activities. No one would be staying back." He shrugged. "Ah! Mr. Jeon, please call someone!" You said. "I left my phone in the class" He said.

"And my phone is in my locker!!" You slapped your forehead. "Y/n calm down. We will find a way out, I'm sure" He said. "What? How!?" You sighed. "I guess we're stuck" You went and sat on a chair. "My sister is going to kill me!" You slapped your head. "Don't worry about that, I will call he-

"No! I mean...Uhh...please email instead hehe" You awkwardly chuckled. "O-Okay..." He shot you a weird look. "I wish I had my phone" You sighed.

"Right, you can't even call your parents..." He said. He looked at you, waiting for an answer. Yes, he knew that your parents died. But at some point, he wanted to start a convo. "I-I...don't have p-parents...It's just been me and my s-sisters since I was 2..." Your gaze was once again glued to the floor.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" He said. "I-It's okay..." You weakly smiled. "So, you live with your sisters?" He asked. "Uhh yeah, I do!" You flashed a smile. "Really? What are their names" He asked.

"Ohh...Uhh...Their names...Uhh...it's Park Jinae and Park Minae!! Yeah!" You said. "Oh." He nodded. "Y/n..." He called out. "Yes sir?" You asked. "Do you know anything about your parents?" He asked. "N-No. I don't...I tried asking my sister...but she never told me..." You said.

Of course your brothers told you about your parents. But Jungkook doesn't have to know, does he?

"Oh...I'm sure your mom must be beautiful" A tint of softness lingered in his tone. As if the cold 'Mr. Jeon' never existed. Your eyes once again met his. "What makes you say that?" You asked. "You" A faint whisper left his lips as his tender fingers touched your lose hair strands.


You backed away as soon as you heard the door click. Your eyes met Danwoo's concerned. "Omg! Danwoo Oppa!" You sighed in relief. "Miss Y/n! Thank god I found you. Your br- sisters were concerned." He said.

"Someone locked us in" Jungkook spoke up. "O-Oh. I managed to get an extra key from the principal. I was looking for you all over the school and ended up in the library..." Danwoo said.

"Ok Y/n. I guess it's time for you to leave..." He said. "U-Uh yeah...thanks for today sir. Bye!" You said before leaving with Danwoo, while Jungkook fished out his cellphone, ready to give a piece of his mind to his men.

"Really?! One fucking job and you can't handle that?! Couldn't you have guarded the hallway, secretly after locking us in?!" He yelled, frustrated. "Fuck it" He ended the call, groaning soon after.

-To Be Continued-

♥️ Word Count: 1033 ♥️

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