𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 {20}

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The time was ticking, Jungkook waited for Y/n. He wanted to know why she was avoiding him for a week. It was currently early in the morning. The male waited for his love to arrive in her black BMW. But, no sign. Y/n was usually the earliest. But since the past 2 1/2 weeks, she's been arriving at the last minute.  You might think it was dumb for him to wait even if she comes late. But he had emailed her 'sisters' to let them know about Y/n's last minute thing.

Hopefully she arrives quicker.

It was bugging Jungkook. The Y/n who used to be playful with him, despite his cold attitude was being ignorant.

Tires screeched, making the 'Teacher's' face light up. He looked up to see the beautiful girl he is whipped for. She stared at the car till it was out of sight, and walked towards the school, totally ignoring that her crush is there.

Jungkook stopped you though. All he wanted was answers. And not getting them, was bugging him. "Miss Y/n, please please meet me in the library"

The library. The room which could be booked for personal use. Well, Jungkook seemed to have some weird obsession with the library. Especially when it came to you.

Finally, he was able to meet you in the library. But the atmosphere basically described the word 'awkward'.

None of you were speaking. Jungkook's cold gaze was on you. "W-Why did y-you call me sir?" You asked, mentally scolding yourself for stuttering. He sighed, now breaking the firm eye contact he held not too long ago.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He held the cold gaze, except his voice softened just a tad bit. "I-I haven't...I attend a-all your classes..."

"Yeah but you shifted your seat, you don't meet me for your tuitions-

"Mr. Jeon, in those 'tuitions' we don't study, we just talk. So I'd rather not miss my extra curricular activities." You look down. "Well, I think you're the one who told me that you don't like those"

"I-I do...I just...uh...

"Like spending time with me more?"


"Then what?!"

"Nothing! I just..."

"You just what?!"

"I don't want to hang out with my teacher!"

"Well, didn't you say that you almost started considering me as a friend?!"

"I was joking!!"

"Then why the hell would-

"Because I love you okay?!"

You gasped and place a hand on your mouth, realizing what you blurted out. Being a sensitive one, you felt like crying. Because this was the moment your crush would just reject you, and tell you that he has a girlfriend. You wished for the ground to open cut and swallow you.

"W-What?" He looked into your eyes. That mysterious pair of brown orbs, once again staring at your very own. It felt like Deja Vu. Except, his eyes were soft.

"I- Nothing. Just forget anything I said Mr. Jeon..." You looked down, before looking back up for a split second.

You turned on your heels, ready to leave only to be stopped by a firm grip on your wrist. You turned around. "What if I tell you that I like you too?" He asked raising a brow.
"W-Woah! Y-You're 2 years older than me..."

You said. "And? It's not like you're 17 and I'm 45. It's just 2 years. Plus for the people who reply with 'And Jail is just a room' to 'age is just a number' can shut up because 2 years is common af. Anything else?" He asked.

"Y-You are my teacher!" You said again. "Well, it's not like the rules say 'a teacher can't be in a relationship with a student' but even if it did, we can keep our relationship private and be a student and a teacher in school"

"I have a very very very overprotective sister..." You said. "I'm sure we'd do a good job at hiding. Plus, we can always persuade her. No matter how hard it is" Jungkook said again. You were out of excuses. Well, you wouldn't mind risking your brothers for Jungkook.

But he had a girlfriend. And if he dated you, it would be like cheating on an innocent girl. Which of course, you wouldn't wanna go through again.

"This is wrong..." You looked down. "Why?! I love you! You love me! Then what the hell is your problem?!" He raised his voice a bit. Of course, ever since you were a kid, you've been used to gun shots. And definitely used to Jin and Namjoon screaming at you like there's no tomorrow.

So, you didn't flinch like any other girl would.

"Because you have a  girlfriend!!" You asked. He blinked twice before staring right into your eyes. "And who the fuck told you this?" He asked. "I-I...overheard y-you talk to y-your friend..." You looked down. Now he thinks you're a creep who is obsessed with him. Little did you know, it was the other way round. Except Jungkook isn't a creep

(Imma just protect ma man before y'all come at him 😌)

"Ohhh that?!" He asked. "Yes!" You said. "She's my ex. U-Uh we both fell out of love...and broke up." Jungkook shrugged. "So?" He asked.

"I-I don't know..." You look down. "This didn't happened as planned...but...

He gently placed 2 fingers under your chin, lifting it up, allowing you to stare at those doe eyes yet, again.

"I like you. More than you can ever think of. Will you be my girlfriend...?" He asked. Almost whispering. Sure, he would've given up if you said that you didn't like him. But the feeling was mutual. Now that you returned the feelings, he couldn't have let a misunderstanding get in the way. 


"Shh...just say yes or no" Even tho he had a strong feeling you'd say no. He wanted to keep trying. He wanted to be with you. He wanted to love you. He wanted to spoil you. He wanted you.

"Y-Yes" His face lit up. He looked at you. "W-What...?" He asked. "I- Yes!" You squeezed your eyes shut.

"So...I guess we're dating now" Jungkook's voice made you open your eyes. "Well, yeah...Mr. Jeon..." You chuckled. "Call me Jungkook when we're alone" He casually said. "It still kinda feels awkward" You fidgeted with your clothes, without breaking the eye contact.

"Mr- Jungkook..." You softly called. "Yes?" He asked. "You sure about this?" You asked. "Why would I not be?" He asked. "Jungkook, there's this thing which no one knows about me. And I'm not comfortable with saying i-

"Then don't..." He replied. "Well, don't pressurize yourself into telling me something you don't want to." He continued, shrugging once he finished. "That's not the only problem..." You looked down.

"Then what is?" He asked. "I-I'm too sensitive. You won't be able to bare with me..." You sighed. "You know. Little flaws in a person make him/her who they are. And you? You're perfect Y/n. And...uhh...well, to be honest, you've made me feel like no one else has before. Not even my ex." He scratched his nape.


"I'm not forcing you. Actually, just f-forget this ever happened..." He looked down.

Right when he was about to leave, he felt soft lips on his cheek.

His eyes widened. He looked at you. "I was about to say 'but you have to promise me that you will not fall out of love with me" You pout.

"That's why you should let people complete sentences" You humphed.

The next thing that happened. Shocked you.

-To Be Continued-

(A/N: Hi guys!! So from this very moment, imma call my readers 'butters'. Why? You ask? Well, I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT BUTTER SO WHY TF NOT-)

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