𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 {51}

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"Oppa please just let me go with you!"

"Y/n, just when I think your demands can't get any weirder, you prove me wrong." 

"But why can't I go with you and Joon oppa?!"

"Because it's our work place!"

"So?! It's not like I'm asking you to take me on a mission. It's the headquarters!"

"Will you leave me alone if I say yes?"



And that's how you were sitting between Hoseok and Yoongi in the backseat of your brother's car, preparing for your first visit to the HQ.

"Hyung, I still don't get why she has to come to our office. That is so stupid" Namjoon rolled his eyes as the older sighed.

"Joon...it's fine. She knows the rules" Yoongi, who joined your brothers today...specifically because you were going too, spoke up.

"But hyung-

"Namjoonie, it's fine! We can take care of her for a day!!" Hoseok chirped, side hugging you.

"But Y/n...any specific reason you wanted to come" Jin kept his eyes on the road as he spoke.

Yes oppa, I would really like to be surrounded by people so I can forget about my fight with my boyfriend.

"No oppa...I just want to see your office."


All eyes were on you. Questioning looks, dirty glares, perplexed faces. 

Maybe you were a gold digger behind the money. Maybe you were a new office worker. Maybe you were thrown from the sky but why the fuck were you with the Mafia bosses?!

"My sister. Now get back to your work." Jin's cold voice sent shivers down everyone's spine. He felt threatened, knowing that if people misunderstood your relationship with them, you could be harmed. After all, everyone working there was a mafia.

"Oppa...if they are from your team, why don't they know me?" You tugged on Yoongi's sleeve, and whispered. 

"Y/n because only the closest ones know...it's like an inner circle thing"

Namjoon pulled you towards him, earning a glare from Yoongi and Hoseok. He just shrugged and wrapped an arm around you while you all walked towards the elevator.




what were you thinking?! Was sitting in Jin's cabin all alone fun? No. 

But was it better than sitting idle at home and thinking about your boyfriend? No, because you were doing that anyway, just in a different place.

You didn't know if the thing going on between you and Jungkook was a break or not. Or maybe you were just overthinking this.

But if this was a break, instead of being disconsolate, you are supposed to think practically.

Has this fight occurred for the good?

Maybe...but also maybe not.

But if it was for the good, what was the reason behind your sorrows.

And if it wasn't for the good, why doesn't it just fix itself.

Your phone vibrated, and Ryuijin's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey Ryu" You sluggishly spoke, doodling on a piece of paper kept on your brother's desk.

♥︎ ­░⡷⠂ʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ/ ᴊ.ᴊᴋ--(ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴀᴜ)⠐⢾░ ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now