𝘚𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 {23}

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"Kook!!" Jimin rushed into the office with a huge smile on his face. "Woah there. Slow the fuck down!" Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose. "What happened? You didn't find any information about his girlfriend?" Jimin asked. "No...how is that possible? Jennie is just a normal school girl who doesn't probably know that her boyfriend is a mafia..." Jungkook sighed.

"Kook. I have some news..." Jimin said. "What is it hyung? Another target escape?" Jungkook scoffed. "No. None of them have a girlfriend..." Jimin looked down.

"What the hell?!" Jungkook stood up from his chair, angrily. "Lisa told me that Jennie is dating him!! And she is his weakness!!" Jungkook said. "Well, not girlfriend Jungkook-ah. They. Have. A. Sister..." Jimin smirked as Jungkook's eyes met his. "What's her name?!?" Jungkook asked. "Kim Jennie..." Jimin said.

"So you're telling me that we couldn't find out RJ's and RM's weakness till now and today we did?" Jungkook asked again, still not believing anything. "Yes, Jeon" Jimin snickered.

"Run a background check on Kim Jennie. She goes to Joongdong high school. I want her here in a week. And make sure you don't hurt her." Jungkook ordered his man as he bowed down, nodding.

"The plan?" Jimin asked. "Well, you know? The cliché one which always works..." Jungkook smirked. "Well, if it's cliché, wouldn't they-

"I know, I know. But there's a twist. We kidnap RJ and RM's sister, and tell them to come here... Then Mingyu hyung's guards will drug RJ and RM's men, while those two wander here for their precious sister. Our men drug them as well. And when they wake up, we're going to give them a slow and painful death...exactly how they killed mom, dad and Saemi right in front of my eyes" A dark chuckled escaped the younger's lips.

"What if they come up with a back up plan?" Jimin asked. "We tell them that we have our men spying on them. And if they do anything dumb, we threaten them that we will kill Jennie..."

"But will we really kill her?" Jimin asked. "I might be a mafia but I respect girls unless they mess with me..." Jungkook shrugged. "And I'm proud of you for that" Jimin gave his eye smile, pulling Jungkook into a hug.

"Oh by the way, can we meet Y/nie tomorrow?" Jimin asked. "Aren't your parents coming tomorrow?" Jungkook asked. "About that...they're stuck in another mission. They won't be back for two more weeks. Or longer..." Jimin shrugged. "Hmm"

"About Y/n...when are we meeting her?!" Jimin whined, as Jungkook let out a breathy groan. "We just started dating like 2 days ago, what's wrong with you?!" Jungkook shook his head. "We never really had a sister. We just wanna meet Y/n fast!!" Jimin said, hitting Jungkook's shoulder. "Whatever Chim. Give it some time!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Jimin was about to say something but Jungkook's phone call interrupted him. "Excuse me, hyung..." Jungkook said. "Yeah, sure" Jimin crossed his legs and sat down on the couch, grabbing a newspaper. "I said excuse me, hyung..." Jungkook reminded again.

"Oh yeah, don't mind me sitting here" Jungkook groaned and left to go to his room.

"Hello?" He called out. "Why so long to answer the phone?" The melodious voice on the other side of the phone, spoke up as Jungkook snickered. "Sorry, I was doing some work..." Jungkook said. "Oh sorry. I guess I called at the wrong time. I'll call later?" You asked. "No! I mean I'm done...it's fine..."

"You can say you wanna talk to me" You chuckled. "Yeah, cause I do!" Jungkook said. He heard a whine, making him confused. "Nooo!! This is not what happens in dramas. You're supposed to deny that you wanna talk to me and then blush. Then I tease you and then a flustered you, ends up admitting that you want to talk to me!!" You continued whining.

"You and your dramas!!" He clicked his tongue as you rolled your eyes. "Can I ask you something?" You spoke up. "Yes?" He replied. "Do you love me?" Without wasting a single second, he replied. "Of course I do, why would I not, I didn't date you for nothing, why you doubting my love for you, that's the dum-

"Can you stop rapping faster than Ravi?" You scoffed. "Ravi who?" He asked. "Uhh Kim Won Shik- Holy shit, you don't know Vixx?!" You asked. "No? Why would I know some rap- anyway. Why would you ask if I love you or not?" He asked. "Will you do anything for me?" You ask again. "Oh Y/n, I can kill for you..." Jungkook replied doodling on a piece of paper, which was randomly sitting on his bed.

You laughed. "Yeah sure Mr. Gangsta" Little did you know, he actually killed. For You (pun intended). "So whom do you want me to kil- I mean what do you want me to do?" He asked. "Hmm, I'll tell it later. But don't you dare forget this promise, Mr. Gangsta!"

"I won't. Also, is Mr. Gangsta my new nickname?" He asked, scoffing, as soon as he finished the sentence. "Yes it is Jungkook- oops, I mean Mr. Gangsta!" You purposely said it again as he hissed. "Stop!" He said. "Nope!!" You popped up the 'p'

"So,  what did you do all day?" He asked. "Welp, finished the stupid assignments you gave, hung out with my siblings, read Vixx fanfics-

"Fanfics? What's that?" He asked. "Well, you imagine Vixx or any other group's members as your boyfriends or brothers and Stu-

"You have a real life boyfriend! Why the fuck do you have to imagine some guys dating you?!"

"Uhh because why not?!" You scoffed. "Listen. I gotta go. My sis just called me. I'll talk to you later?" You asked as he sighed. "We barely talked today..." He said. "Uhh,we talked from 2-4 last night...and 3-4 in the afternoon" You laughed. "Not enough!" Jungkook said. "We'll meet tomorrow!!" You said.

"I couldn't see you for two days because of this stupid weekend!!" He said. "Aish, my sister is gonna kill me if I don't go. Sorry. Bye!!" You said before ending the call.

-To Be Continued-

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