𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘰𝘮 {22}

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"I so can't believe this is happening!!" You squealed as you plopped yourself on your bed. "See? We found a way" The voice on the other end of the phone spoke up as you giggled. "Well, you know that if my sis didn't have a change of rules, everything would've still been the same?" You scoffed.

"But she did. So..." He said again.

"Miss Y/n, dinner is ready." Your maid bowed down as you gave her a small smile. "Jungkook, I gotta go, I'll call you later?" You asked. "Face-Time me after your sister sleeps. If you're awake by that time..." He said.

"Yeah, I'll be up. No worries. I'll text you. Bye!" You chirped. "Bye princess" He said as he ended the call.

"What if she takes advantage of her freedom?" Namjoon asked, not being able to focus on his food. "We can't do anything Joon. We promised uncle that we'll treat her like an adult" Jin sighed.

"Gosh, why'd she grow up so quick?!" Namjoon sighed. "Tell me about it" Jin laughed a bit. "Oppa! I'm here!" You quickly went and sat down between Jin and Namjoon.

You played your current drama, Hi, Bye Mama! As you waited for one of your brothers to feed you.

(Y'all don't judge her. Ma bro feeds me when I wanna watch kdrama and eat 😭)

Namjoon picked up a spoon, dipping it in the soup, as he blew on it, letting it cool. He placed the spoon in front of your mouth as you opened your mouth, your eyes glued to the screen.

You successfully took the first bite without Namjoon dropping it. He was about to dip it in the soup again, when...


"Holy shi-




"WHAT- sis what?" Jin asked, giving you a weird look. "Gang-Hwa ate the egg Seo-Woo drew on as a gift for Yuri" You shrugged. "Whatever. So...uhh...hyung, here, will feed you" Namjoon passed a small, nervous smile before running away.

"Ms. Park, please clean this" Jin sighed, as he started feeding you. You paused your drama as Jin gave you a questioning look. "Oppa, why the sudden change in rules. I mean, I was kinda curious..." You played with your earrings, as Jin smiled a bit.

"Well, uncle came home today. When you were at school..." He started. "And he said that we can't keep you trapped like that. So, we decided to let you have friends. But our guards will run background checks. And you're 18, you're supposed to explore stuff. You know? And keeping you in the house 24/7 will never help. Also, we decided that we're gonna try and spend more time with you. So that you don't feel neglected" His smile widened with each sentence.

"Wait. You're lying!!" You screamed. "Nope" He said, popping the 'p'

"Holy shit!! We're gonna have those sibling days again?!" You asked. "Of course, sis" Jin kissed your cheek, before feeding you again.

"Look at your eyes, you seem sleepy. I suggest go to sleep" He said, in a concerned tone. "No I wanna talk to you" Your raspy voice reached his ear through the screen as he snickered.

"We're gonna see each other tomorrow anyway..." Jungkook said. "Noo but I still wanna talk!" You pouted. "Fine. How was your day" He asked. "Bad" You said with a pre-cry pout. "Why? What happened?" You asked. "Chang-soo's heart is broken..."

"What?" He asked. "It's a kdrama thing, you won't get it." You rolled your eyes. "You done with your assignment?" He asked. "Yes sir!" You saluted. "Good-

"Is that a puppy?!" You asked as you saw something fluffy behind Jungkook. "Yes. Meet Gureum" Jungkook Carried his puppy and showed him in front of the camera. "Awwwww he's so cuteee!!" You squealed which woke Monnie up, who was sleeping beside you.

He whimpered a bit as you bit your tongue. "I'm so sorry Monnie..." You carried Monnie, as he snuggled into you. "Wait is he that stubborn idiot?" Jungkook asked. "Yah! Don't call my baby an idiot!!!" You scolded.

"He legit came in front of my car and didn't leave even after I honked a gazillion times." Jungkook shook his head. "You literally did it thrice..." You roll your eyes.

"Whatever. To be honest, he's actually cute" Jungkook said, petting Gereum. "I know. But how come you never told me you had a dog?!" You asked. "You never asked me." He shrugged.

"You're so mean!" You whined. "And you're so beautiful" He said, with a smirk. "Really? I'm wearing a night dress, with a messy bun and my eye bags are visible af" You rolled your eyes.

"Well, messy bun is a guy's weakness." He said. "And about those eye bags, you should sleep. And I won't hear a thing about it" Jungkook said. "But-

"Y/nie" He said in a stern tone. "Fine!" You huffed, ending the call.

A chuckle escaped your lips as you stared at the screen. Sure, he didn't smile much. But those snickers and smirks were enough for you. He is the definition of perfect. He has unbelievably good looks and a great personality. You dreamingly sigh, as you plop yourself on the pillow, letting sleep take over you.

"You know you've secretly been smiling right?" Taehyung asked, plopping himself on the younger's bed. "Thanks to Y/n" Jungkook let Gereum go as he ran away. "So when am I gonna meet my future sis-in-law?" Taehyung asked.

"I mean we just started dating. I will give her some time before introducing her to the two of you. Speaking of, where is Jimin hyung?" He asked. "He's asleep. But kook, why didn't you scold me when I called Y/n my sister in law?" Taehyung asked, wiggling his brows. "Well, some day or the other she's gonna be your sister in law. What's the point of denying it" Jungkook stated with a smirk.

"Damn, you're head over heels for that girl!!" Taehyung laughed. "For real" Jungkook sighed. "What's wrong?" Taehyung asked the younger. "I'm scared. What will happen if she finds out I'm a mafia. She will leave me..." Jungkook said.

"I mean she would be disappointed. But she won't leave if she actually loves you. Moreover, it's not like you kill people for no reason." Tae shrugged. "That's true. By the way, leave cause I'm sleepy!" Jungkook said.

"That's not how you talk to your hyung" Tae whined. "Whatever hyung. I'm sleepy! Leave!!" Jungkook said, as he lay himself on the bed, closing his eyes.

-To Be Continued-

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