𝘔𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢... {40}

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"J-Jungkook..." You sobbed. "T-They got m-me here...I-"  Without letting you complete your sentence, he pulled you into a hug. He knew how traumatizing it would've been for you considering you were a pampered and protected one. And sure enough, it was scary enough for you. Fear was clearly visible on your face. You couldn't think of why Jungkook was there instead of some creepy kidnapper. Your brain wasn't ready for all that. Seeing him, made you have a breakdown. 

Jungkook also forgot how mad he was at his men...at himself. Why couldn't he have confirmed everything??

He quickly picked you up, bridal style and headed towards his room. He lay you on your bed and caressed your hair. he grabbed water from the night stand. He made you drink it. 

"Y/n, tell me what happened...from the start till now." He looked dead serious. His dark brown orbs held anger, dejection, regret. 

"I-I was with the girls...we were at a coffee shop...I had to leave early because I had some a-assignments to complete...It was q-quiet on the way. and I took the route I u-usually do. I started s-speeding because I was scared. Then...t-then a van stopped in front of me and...a few men wearing m-masks caught me and pushed me in the van. I-I tried p-protesting but they...t-they made me smell a handkerchief and...then I fell unconscious...w-when my eyes opened...I was in a dark basement" You said still sniffling and hiccuping. 

Your eyebrows crashed together as you realized something.

"B-But why d-did they get me here...? To y-your house...?"

Jungkook sorta knew that hiding stuff from you would make the situation worse. It was time he told you. he was risking his first love for this...but he couldn't keep you in the dark anymore.

He sat down...facing you.

"I-I'm not...what you t-think..." A frown captured your face as your face as your eyebrows crashed. "What do you mean...?" You asked perplexed.

"Y-Y/n...that high school teacher drama...I-it was to get to you...I'm not a teacher...I-I don't have a normal job or b-buisiness..." He was shivering, so afraid to lose you. He knew he was just one sentence away from losing you. "I'm not a n-normal person" 

"Then who are you, Jungkook...?" You asked, afraid of what's the answer gonna be. 

"I'm a...


--To Be Continued-- 

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