𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴?! {64}

457 23 8

"Oppa! I want new clothes." You sat down in front of them as they both looked up at you.

"Okay" Jin said, his voice muffled because of the food in his mouth. He handed you a black card as you kept it in your pocket.

"I want to go with you guys" Your lips puckered into a pre-cry pout.

"Princess, we're busy today" Namjoon answered as he wrote something down on a post-it before sticking it on to his To-Do list.

"Oppa pleaseee!!" You pretended to sob as Jin gulped down the snack in his mouth.

"Y/n" He sighed.

"Please Please Please!! Just today!!"

"Y/n. No is No."


"Uhhh now let's go to Zara!" You skipped to the store in front of you with your brothers and  3 bodyguards, holding at least 7 bags each.

"Y/n, we're tired" Namjoon whined, leaning on a mannequin but...


Gasps were heard around the store as Namjoon's face flushed in embarrasment.

One of the guards quickly placed the bag on a nearby chair, as he picked the mannequin up.

Jin and you both passed around looks of apology.

"Y/n, let's go somewhere else, this is embarrassing" Namjoon mumbled, only to be ignored by you. Not being able to handle the embarrassment, he brisk-walked out of the store, as you and Jin looked at each other and chuckled. 


You and Jin laughed at the sulky Namjoon as he continued whining.

"Oppa!! Stop being such a crybaby" You lightly hit his shoulder. His fingers ran through his hair as he rolled his eyes.

"Ok Joon, what does it take for you to forget what happened?" Jin asked, giggling. 

"Ice cream" Namjoon mumbled as your eyes widened.

"Yayy!! Ice Cream!!" You clapped your hands and jumped.

"Y/n is such a baby" Namjoon stuck his tongue out.

"And you're so clumsy, to drop a mannequin." 

"Shut up, Kiddo" Namjoon emphasized on kiddo making you roll your eyes.

"At least I don't break everything I touch" You sassed.

"And at least I don't act like a 4 year old-"

"Oppa look he called me a 4 year o- Oppa?" You looked around, frowning upon the absence of Jin.

"Ugh why did he leave me with you?" Namjoon mumbled while you continued to look around. 

And there you saw that figure with broad shoulders, around 10 metres away, towards the ice cream parlour.

"B-But what about the flavours??" You yelled as Jin turned back for a split second.

"Chocolate chip cookie dough with nutella for you and fruity for Namjoon, I know!" He screamed back.

You and Namjoon chuckled, as he pulled you in a side hug.

"Weren't you bullying me like 5 seconds back?" You giggles.

♥︎ ­░⡷⠂ʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ/ ᴊ.ᴊᴋ--(ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴀᴜ)⠐⢾░ ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now