𝘉𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 {14}

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A soft kiss was planted on your forehead by Namjoon before you scurried off to school with Danwoo following close behind.

You were in the car when your phone dinged, indicating you got a notification.

Minnie 💜: Not coming to school today. Sorry!

Me: Aww 😢. Gonna miss you. Take care.

You kept your phone back in your bag. No, this is not the phone Xuimin gave you. It's the idea he did. You got yourself a new phone and locked Xuimin's phone into the cupboard. And who knows how many notifications it has?

You sighed as you thought about your day. Who knows? You probably have to face bullies. Yes, they abused you mentally. But Sangmin was always there to save you. Now that he's not there, your bullies might as well become physical.

With the backpack's straps, securely clutched in your tiny hands, you walked towards homeroom with your gaze glued to the ground. They probably all know by now that Sangmin isn't coming as he is the 'early bird' of the school.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard someone. "Y/n!" You looked back to see Jinhwan. "Uhh hey?" Nervousness took over you as you gazed around, looking for your guards.

"I needed help with Math homework..." He politely asked. "Isn't your girlfriend a topper...?" You asked, not wanting to sound rude. "U-uh, yeah...she's busy." He chuckled, awkwardly. He was basically emotionally cheating on one of your bullies, Junmi.

"O-Ok..." You said. "So, my place or yours?" He asked. "Uh, sorry?" You asked. "My place or your-

"Actually, we'll do it in school..." You looked down. "Why not at one of our hous-

"Just...please..." You said. "Okay. By the way, I needed help with Trignometry and Geomet-

"I suggest you take help from the Math teacher instead of a student..." A deep voice was heard, making your head snap towards the voice. "S-Sir..." You looked down.
"Right, Y/n?" He asked. "U-uh, I don't mind helpi-

"But I do. You have detention after school" Your eyes widened. You never got a detention. Plus, you'll be home late, and if your brothers found out about your detention, they will be so mad.

"What?! F-For what sir?!" You asked. "I didn't get your biology assignment" He shrugged. "What? No! I did it! I was the first one to submit it!" You said. "I don't know, Miss Y/n, it wasn't there when I checked it." He said before turning on his heels to leave.

Your gaze was now on Jinhwan who was looking down, totally afraid of Mr. Jeon. "Sorry, Hwan. I can't help you" You huffed. He pouted, but nodded in understanding.

Your eyes were on the clock, while Jungkook's eyes were glued to a student's notebook. That's what it looked like. But his dark eyes were secretly staring at you, time to time. He didn't like how you wanted to leave. He wished he could confess right away. But he was scared of rejection. Yes, you read it right. The scariest Mafia was scared of rejection from a normal high school girl.

He wanted to make you fall for him. He wanted you to be his, but in a correct manner. Not a Yandere AU in which the male lead kidnaps the female and then abuses the shit out of her. Jungkook loved you too much to do that. Yes, both of you started on bad terms. But he couldn't help it but fall for you. He had no idea when his 'obsession' turned into love.

A feeling he never felt for a girl. It was no secret he loved his family. Jimin and Taehyung. But he never liked a girl romantically.

"You can leave now" Jungkook said in his usual cold tone. "T-Thanks sir!" You got up, in a hurry before scurrying off with the backpack in your hands.

You texted Danwoo to come pick you up. And once you got an okay, you continued walking down the hallway. "Oh well! Look who's here! Miss. Park slut Y/n..." A voice made you stop in your tracks. "J-Junmi..." You looked down. "How dare you flirt with my boyfriend?!" An intense glare was thrown your way.

"I-I didn't! H-He was the one w-who asked help for a m-math...problem..." You said. "Now you're answering me? You got nerves girl" She scoffed before walking towards you.

⚠️ TW: Bullying and slut shaming ⚠️

A harsh slap was thrown on your cheek, making your face turn to the side because of the impact. She was about to hit you again when your hand was thrown on her, as a reflex. Your eyes widened and she mirrored your expression. You couldn't believe you hit her.

"What the hell is going on here!?" A high pitched voice was heard across the empty hallway. "Sorin unnie! Thank god you're here! This bitch slapped me!!" Junmi pointed at you. "N-No! She slapped m-me first!" You defended yourself.

"Wrong choice, slut" She said before walking over to you, grabbing your hair and throwing you to the ground. "You were, are and always be pathetic" She kneed you in the stomach, making you fall down. 

A few kicks were thrown on you, with punches and hair-pulling.

"Remember this before flirting around with taken boys" Junmi spat before leaving. With the remaining energy left in you, you got up, heading towards the bus stand. No way Danwoo could see you like this.

Nervously, entering the house, you heard some screaming. "What the fuck do you mean she is not answering her phone!?!" You flinched. Oh no, this was bad. "I'm sure she isn't that irresponsible!! Just get me my sister!" Jin, whose voice could never be failed to recognize screamed.

You had to show yourself. Almost as if this was Deja vu, you appeared in front of their eyes. "Oppa! I'm here!" Your weak voice was heard through the mansion. "Y/n?!" Both of them exclaimed in unison.

The bruises on your arms and legs made their eyes go wide as plate. Your disheveled, lose pony and messy, and dirty clothes were scanned before their eyes. You felt two arms envelope your tiny body. "Y/n who did this?!" Namjoon asked, looking at Jin who was hugging. And you, crying in your brother's arms.

"O-Oppa..." The tears you'd been holding back for almost half an hour, rushed down your face. "T-They...S-She...I...l-lone" The hiccups intruded your words, making it almost impossible for your brothers to understand.

"Get water immediately" Few of the maids scurried off, hearing Jin's demanding tone. "Princess, sit down..." Namjoon led you to the couch once Jin had let go of the hug.

"Sh...it's okay...we will not spare that person..." As much as Namjoon wanted to cry, he had to stay strong. Seeing you cry had made him weak enough. And the fact that Seokjin wasn't doing a good job at being strong meant he had to take care of you as well as his brother.

Tears left Seokjin's eyes as he saw you in that condition. "O-Oppa, it hurts" You sobbed. Only you know how you travelled from school to home with a bus. "Jihyun. Get the first aid kid." Jin demanded, sniffing, before Namjoon handed you the water, a maid had gotten.

Jin and Namjoon both saw red. The urge of killing your bullies, making them grab their guns. Except they didn't know that someone already did the job.

-To Be Continued-

♥️ Word Count: 1232 ♥️

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