𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 {10}

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"You shouldn't leave your puppy on the road if you don't want it to get hurt" The cold voice sent chills down your spine. You face lifted up, as a tall man came in front of your eyes.

He was tall, and extremely handsome. He had dark brown orbs, bunny teeth and was wearing a black coat. He gave out the dark and cold aura. It scared you a bit.

"H-He isn't m-mine..." You managed to utter, looking down. He scoffed. "So you're telling me that you came in front of a car, just to save a random puppy. I didn't buy that. You're saying this because you don't want to embarrass yourself..." He smirked.

"N-No...for real...it's not mine. And if I didn't come in front of the car, he would die..." You pulled the white, whimpering creature, closer to your chest. "And what if you died?" He asked. "I-I...I don't k-know..." You looked down. "Use or brains next time...hope you have some" He spat before walking towards his car.

You looked down at the puppy and swayed him. "You don't seem well...and I can't take you to a vet right now...come home with me" You kissed his head before taking him. At that point, you didn't care about your guards telling your brothers, or your brothers finding out. You just wanted to take care of him.

"How do you like the name, 'Monnie'?" You asked, not quite expecting a reply from the puppy.

Your eyes widened when a small whimper escaped his mouth, making you squeal. "You love it?!" You asked, hugging it.

(Imagine he's a puppy, and dirty, and injured)

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(Imagine he's a puppy, and dirty, and injured)

You took him home. Now with Monnie in your hands, it would be kind of hard, sneaking in, plus your room's door was locked from inside. Not that your brothers didn't have a spare key, but you didn't know where it was.

You rang the bell after using the back gate for the second time. The door opened revealing a concerned maid. "Miss Y/n?! Where were you!?" She asked. "I...Uhh..." You were trying to form words but were miserably failing.

She pulled you inside and you saw Jihyun, one of your guards, talking to your brothers on the phone, along with a few others. You could clearly hear both of them shouting, as the phone was on speaker.

"Arghhh! You fuckers!! What the hell do you mean she is not in her room! Check properly!!" Namjoon yelled. "S-Sir, we opened the door with the spare key...b-but...Miss Y-Y/n w-wasn't there..." He said.

"If I don't have Y/n talk to me in 5 minutes, you guys are dead. Literally..." Jin screamed. You bit your tongue, making your way towards the guards. Their eyes widened.

You snatched the phone from Jihyun's hands. "Oppa!"

"Y-Y/n..." Namjoon said. "Oppa! Stop it! I'm fine!" You yelled. "What do you mean- and where the fuck were you huh?!" Jin yelled. "Uhh...I...I was in your room...Uhh...looking for my watch...I left it there when we were having movie night..." You said. "Really? And why didn't you respond when everyone was screaming?" Namjoon asked.

"I got distracted and started watching TV. And the door was closed..." You said. "Fine...and why was your room locked?" He asked. "I-I...accidentally locked it from outside. Y'know...with the flow..." He said.

"Oh, thank god..." Jin sighed. "Y/n...we'll talk to you later...we gotta go. Bye!" Jin said. "Y-Yeah...bye..." You hung up. You looked up to see 6 pairs of eyes on you. "Explain" Jihyun spoke up.

"Ok, so I locked the door and left from the window and this baby followed me home so I don't know what I'm saying but I'm just-

"Miss Y/n! Stop...you got down the window?!" Jihyun asked. "I-...Uhh...I needed some a-air..." You looked down. "What?!" Danwoo looked at you. "Anything could've happened! An accident! You could've gotten kidnapped! It could rain heavily!" Danwoo said.

"In July?" You looked at him. "That's not the point!" Jihyun said. "And this dog?!-

"Monnie...cute isn't he?" You asked. "That's still not the point! You can't keep it!" Jihyun said. "Why?!" You pouted. "Your brothers will never allow!"

"I'll tell them he followed one of you home!" You shrug.

"Guys...please...Monnie could be my only friend...It's not like my brothers let me make friends..." You look down.

"Fine...I'll try talking to Mr. Seokjin..." Danwoo looked down. "Yayyyy!!" You cheered, playing with Monnie.

"What're you saying?!" Jihyun passed a questionable look. "She looks happy with it..." Danwoo whispered. Jihyun looked at you and saw you talking and playing with Monnie. "She does but sir will kill us if we let her keep it..."  Jihyun spoke up "she will convince them the way she convinced us..." Danwoo said.

He was well aware of your break up. And he felt guilty, because he knew that it was happening. In fact, he was threatened to shut up. The least he could do is let you keep the puppy.

"Come, let's go!" You cooed, taking Monnie upstairs.

He leaned on his chair, closing his eyes. Only one face flashing before his eyes. His eyes shot open, wanting to see her, only to reveal the darkness in the office. "Arghhh! I don't even know your name! Stop doing this to me!!" He yelled, frustrated.

His hands made their way to the black telephone kept in there. His fingers aggressively clicked on a few digits before the ringing started.

A few minutes later, his best friend, also his fellow mafia, who was a hacker, arrived. "Yo kook, you called?" He asked. "I almost hit a girl near Sonpa-gu street. Right in front of Sarang bakery, and parallel to that road was Moon garden. Around...10:20" He said.

"Her name? Photo? Anything?" He asked. "Nothing. I just need her information as soon as possible" Jungkook said. "It's gonna be hard...but I'll find it...don't worry. There are CCTVs on that road, I'll show you some footages, tell me which one was your girl...and I will track her down and get her information" His friend proudly exclaimed.

"Thanks Tae hyung..." Jungkook coldly mentioned before his eyes fell on the cracked photo frame of his family.

♥️ Word Count: 1075 ♥️

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