𝘒𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘣𝘴 {76}

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"You can come in" The doctor's voice saved you. You both walked in.

"The bullet's been removed but the pain will stay for a while. Make sure he doesn't stress that arm at all. No lifting anything, and make sure there is no pressure either. I've prescribed pain killers, but only take them when the pain is unbearable." The doctor listed as you made mental notes.

"Thanks doctor..." Jin mumbled.
"I'll give you guys some space" The doctor left.

You rushed and hugged him. 

"I-I'm so sorry" You burst into tears. You had no idea why you were saying sorry. It's not like you shot him, 

And Jungkook didn't do this either. Of course he didn't...

"Hey, Y/n...Baby, I'm fine. See, nothing happened. I'm strong y'know" You chuckled through your tears.
"I was so s-scared."

You pulled away, letting Namjoon greet the oldest too.

"You guys are so dramatic, I didn't die!" Jin huffed, pulling both of you in a hug.

"Hyung, I...I have no idea how this happened. We had perfect security, everything. But, I'll go home and ensure increased secur-

"You should. This isn't your fault at all, okay? Let's just be thankful it wasn't any of you" Jin said, as he reached out to drink water.
"I think we should only work from headquaters for now. Y'know...just for a little while." Namjoon suggested.
"That's what I was thinking-

"Oppa, you're literally on a hospital bed. For once, screw work." You rolled your eyes.

Jin chuckled.

"Hey, Y/n..." He called out.

He wanted to apologize. He wanted to say sorry for how he'd been treating you. But he couldn't bring himself to. What if you think that it was entirely their fault? Obviously majority of it was yours. Going against their wish, and lying to their faces. 

 He will have a heart-to-heart with you when you finally accept that it is your fault. Don't get him wrong...he will apologize. But just take a rain-check on this one.

"Princess, school starts tomorrow. I don't want you to skip. And make sure, there's no funny business. You can't take your old phone anymore. You will take the one we give you and only for contacting us, or Danwoo. I want your secret phone too. And from now on, we're monitoring your credit card swipes, and cash withdrawal so you don't buy a new phone or something. I'm sorry, but not for these restrictions, but for not feeling guilty. You've put us in such a position, kid" You sighed.

"What? Without putting up a fight? progress" Namjoon cheered to which you returned a sad smile.

"I just don't want you to stress in such a situation" You said to Jin.

"Thank you" He smiled.


"Hyung is being discharged next week." Namjoon looked at you as you dumped the last book in your bag.
"Oh really?! That's great." You smiled, but it soon faded as Namjoon's expression didn't mirror yours. Instead, it was the opposite.
"Anything wrong?" You asked.

"Y/n, at the hospital...when I pointed out that your boyfriend could've done this, the doctor interrupted us. You looked like you were starting to believe us" 
"What? No, that's crazy" You avoided eye contact, as Namjoon chuckled, sarcastically.

"Y/n, I'm a mafia. We read body language of the opponent better than anyone."
"Oppa, stop. I told you trust him. He wouldn't do that"

"Trust? Y/n, we trusted you too. You broke it. What if he-"

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