𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 {18}

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The bell rang as everyone was now settled. "I will start with the attendance for the day" He said before opening the flap of his laptop, typing stuff in.

"So, now that the attendance is done. I have an announcement to make." He said, pushing his glasses up to his nose, with his index finger. The students looked at their teacher, ready to listen to whatever he had to say. "The rehearsals for sports day start today onwards. Who wants to sign up for relay race?" He asked.

A few hands were in the air. Mostly the boys and a few girls who aren't those typical divas, who care about their hair being ruined. And of course, you, who wanted to participate but due to the sprained ankle from yesterday, you couldn't run.

Yes, you lied about your ankle at first. But this time, you actually hurt yourself.

"Y/n?" Jungkook asked. "Yes sir?" You replied. "You won't participate?" He raised a brow. "Uh, no, I sprained my ankle yesterday" You look down. Jungkook nodded, understanding.

"So, whoever wants to do the relay race, may meet Mr. Kim in the football ground, right now. And those who don't want to, may sit in the library and read" Jungkook said, making his way to his desk. You got up, picked up the diary and were about to leave when...

"Y/n. Stay" He said. You nodded and sat back down.

After everyone left he looked at you. "You can sit here. I don't want you walking around much." He said. "Y-Yes Mr. Jeon" You smiled a bit. You looked down at your diary, opening it and filling it in.

The awkwardness in the air was thick. It started off as normal. But suddenly became awkward. You wished you could leave and go to the library where your classmates were. But you didn't want to leave the class either.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "U-uh yeah...I'm good" You replied. "So, how did you hurt yourself?" He asked. "Uhh, I was skipping around my house...and...I sprained my leg" You awkwardly chuckled, not wanting your crush to think you're clumsy.

You got the cold voice in return. "Be careful next time" He said before getting back to his work. "M-Mr. Jeon..." You called out. "Yes?" He replied, eyes glued to the laptop. "I have a doubt in biology. Can I clear it up...that's if you're free..." You looked at him.

His eyes fell on yours for a split second before he replied. "I'm free. What's the doubt" He asked. "Uhh...yesterday's lesson was...kinda...hard..." You looked down. "Ah, no worries. I'll help out." He got up and came and sat on the chair next to mine.

"Get your books" He said. You got your textbooks, keeping it in front of you. He opened the page and started explaining.


"Easy?" He asked. "Oh yes! I was confused for no reason" You chuckled. "Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts" He said. "I-I won't..." You passed a warm smile.

He got up, ready to leave when he suddenly heard a shriek, making him flinch. "What's wrong?!" He asked. "S-Sir...s-spider..." You look down. "You're scared of a spider?" He asked. "U-Uh...I have arachnophobia..." You awkwardly said.

Your eyes fell on the black, dangerous and ruthless looking creature get closer to you. Letting your fear take over you, your reflexes made you wrap your arms around a particular muscular one, catching him off guard.

His brown doe eyes, captured your very own as you got lost in those. You looked at him with heart eyes to which he replied with his usual cold ones. You felt safe and sound in his touch. Your eyes travelled to his pink lips as his expression mirrored yours.

"Ahhhh!" You shrieked, turning your face as you remembered about the spider. Jungkook groaned before grabbing 2 tissues and yeeting ( 😌 ) the spider across the window, making you sigh in relief. "Happy?" He scoffed. "Very" You placed a hand on your chest, chuckling soon after.

You looked right into his beautiful eyes for a split second before looking away.

I love you...but it's almost impossible for me to be with you

-To Be Continued-

♥️ Word Count: 720 ♥️

Hiyya Butters!! I'm sorry if I was late for this update. I kinda lost motivation. And this chapter might not be that great but Ig I'm okay now. So, enjoii!

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