𝘈𝘥𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦 {31}

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"Hi Oppa!" You exclaimed as you made yourself comfortable between Namjoon's arms. You pulled out your phone and opened your group chat as Namjoon was busy with the soccer match.

Eunnie 💕Girls, up for a hangout at Starbucks. Tomorrow, at 4?

Yeddeong 😘: Yup!! Y/n, hbu?

Me: Totally in for it.

Ryuging 🐶: I'm in

Me: Gotta ask my sister first tho...

Eunnie 💕: Sure!

"Oppa, the girls are planning to go to Starbucks tomorrow...can I go?" You asked. "What time?" He asked. "4" He simply nodded.

"What is it, Joon?" Jin asked, seeing his brother on the doorframe. "Uhh...I wanted to talk about...Y/n..." He said. A frown captured the man's face as he nodded, indicating the younger to have a seat. "What about her?" He asked. "Don't you think she's taking advantage of her freedom?"

"To be honest...yes..." Jin sighed. "She's always out. She's barely home these days." Namjoon pointed out. "That's true...wanna talk to her about it?"

And the next thing you knew, you were in the meeting room...again.

"So..." Jin started...

"Yes...?" You mumbled, looking down. "Y/n, sweetie, we love you." Namjoon said. "I love y'all too...?"

'That sounded more like a question. Way to go Y/n!' You thought.

"Y/n, look..." Jin sighed. "You know, ever since we gave you your freedom...you've been really happy. And you have no idea how happy, me and Joon are seeing a smile on your face, 24/7..."

"And...?" You frowned. "You're just taking advantage of it. Y/n, that's not fair...honestly..." Jin said. "Oh..." You said, not knowing what would you say next.

"So...?" Namjoon said. "I'm sorry...Oppa, it's just that...18 years of my life and I was trapped here. I didn't get to do stuff every teenager would...and I guess I did go a bit overboard when you guys decreased my rules. I'm sorry. I will try to draw the line..." You look down.

Namjoon, who was sitting beside you, caressed your cheek. "We're glad you get it. Also, you can continue your Starbucks plan today..." Namjoon chuckled.

"No, it's okay really. I can sta-

"Aish, Y/n, it's fine...just go..." Jin smiled. "Okay!" You exclaimed, leaving the room. 

"You sure about this tho?" Namjoon asked. "Of course! I still think she has something on with Xuimin..." Jin rolled his eyes. "The last time any of us ever saw him was Y/N's birthday. After that, she was grounded. There is no way they dated." Namjoon said.

"Haven't you noticed how smiley she's being these days?! And she's always humming love songs. And she is so distracted. The other day, she kept the toaster in my cupboard and the carton of milk in my office bag. All my papers got wet. Thank god it was the copy and the original oneS were with me..." Jin rolled his eyes.


"Then we should leave, immediately..." Namjoon added, to which Jin responded by grabbing a coat, nodding soon after.

"What if she sees us?" Namjoon asked, wearing the mask he was asked to. "She's been seeing us since she was a baby. I'm pretty sure, she will recognize us, with this get up..." Namjoon added. "Don't worry, Joon, we will not reveal ourself..." Jin shrugged. "Then why the masks and sunglasses?" He asked.

"So that someone else doesn't recognize us." Namjoon nodded.

They both snuck into Starbucks, their gaze looking for you. You were sitting alone. As if you were expecting someone.

"Is that a guy!?" Namjoon's eyes widened as he saw a figure with a black beanie and a bomber jacket, sit in front of you. Your bright smile was clearly showing all signs of you dating him.

"I swear I-

"Oppa?! What are you doing here" Interrupting Jin, your gaze fell on those familiar pair of pants, which only your brother has. Well, handmade from Italy and his initials carved in pure gold on the belt.

They speed walked towards you, with an angry glare. "I thought you were out with your friends?!" Jin slightly yelled, earning attention from a few.

"Well, yeah-

"M-Mr. Kim...?" The figure hurriedly bowed down. "You know us?!" Namjoon asked. "S-Sir, it's me...Eunjin. She dropped her mask and removed the beanie, revealing the tightly secured bun.

"Eunjin?!" Jin asked. "You know him?!" Eunjin asked. "Yeah he's my b...my Uhh....he's my...

"We're her brothers..." You and Eunjin both were shocked. You, because well, you weren't supposed to let anyone know that you had brothers...and Eunjin because all along, she thought you had sisters...

"I thought you had sisters!" Eunjin frowned. "That's her fake identity...so that if any mafia runs background checks, he doesn't find out that...we're her brothers..." Jin stated coldly. "How do you know him?" You asked your friend. "My dad...works under them...in fact, Yeji's and Ryujin's fathers too..." She said.

"W-Wow..." You said. "So, we'll take your leave now, princess. Bye" Namjoon pecked your forehead. "Bye..." You mumbled. "What were they doing here?!" Eunjin asked. "Spying on me...i guess..." You look down.

"Spy- what?!" She asked confused. You're explained everything to her. Everything. How your parents died, how you lived with your aunt till Jin turned 18, how they're overprotective, about Xuimin.

But...was telling her about Jungkook...right...?

"What about your boyfriend? Your brothers will kill you if they find out..." You sigh. "I know. But...I love him...a lot. I can't loose him..." You but your lip, embarrassed. "We'll find a way...don't worry..." Eunjin pat your shoulder.

"Heyy! Sorry we're late" You looked up to see Yeji and Ryujin. "What's wrong...?" Ryu asked. "Let's tell them...?" Eunjin took your consent as you nodded.

You sat on the table, fiddling with your fingers, listening to Eunjin talk to Yeji and Ryujin.

"Honey, we're so sorry, you had to go through that" Yeji rubbed your back. "It's fine...I mean I'm happy with my boyfriend now..." You smiled. "That's amazing. If he ever hurts you, we will kill him..." Ryujin said, making you chuckle. "So. The mafia life is hard, isn't it" Yeji asked, making you scoff. "It's rules and rules, and more rules...but well, it's better than before." You pout.

"Ok so...we're there for you if you need us Hmm?" Eunjin asked as you nod.

Maybe your choice of making friends wasn't bad after all. It was amazing to have people who understood you. Sure, it was a short period since you all became friends. But at least you had someone you could lean on, WITH your brother's consent. And you were thankful for that...

-To Be Continued-

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