Eating Soap

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Remus: We have two dares and a question from Blue-the-gamer-gay

Remus: The first dare is for you Virgil and it says Virgil, please hang out with the kids for one day-

Virgil: Alright

Virgil: *walks away to where the kids are at*

Duke: *sees Virgil* Hi Dad!

Jeremy: Hi Uncle Virgil!

Monty: Hello!

Virgil: Hey guys we're gonna hang out with each other for the day 

Monty, Jeremy, and Duke: Yay!

Virgil: Alright so what do you guys wanna do first?

Jeremy: *takes out a Lego set* Ooh! Can we build this Disney castle Lego set together?

Virgil: Sure

Monty, Jeremy, and Duke: Yay!

*With Remus and Janus*

Remus: Alright the last dare is for me and it says Remus, eat all the soap in the house, and when someone asks where it went, tell them the impaled rats ate it-

Remus: *cackles* Alright

Janus: Nope you're not eating all of the soap here go to the others

Remus: *cackles* Fine fine as long as I still get to eat soap I don't care

Remus: *sinks down to the light sides*

Remus: *sneaks in the kitchen and drinks all of the dish soap and quickly hides*

Patton: *walks in the kitchen and goes to the sink to do the dishes and sees the empty bottle of dish soap*

Patton: That's strange I could of sworn I bought another bottle

Remus: *snickers and hiccups a bubble and quickly sneaks in Roman's room*

Remus: *sneaks in Roman's bathroom and looks in his shower*

Remus: *sees all of Roman's soaps* Jesus Christ Romano how many soaps do you even NEED?

Remus: Ah oh well more for me!

Remus: *eats all of the soaps*

Remus: Hmm does shampoo count as well?

Remus: *cackles* It does now

Remus: *drinks all of Roman's shampoo and burps a bubble* Mmm Strawberry

Remus: *quickly sneaks out of Roman's room*

Roman: *goes to his room and goes in his bathroom to take a shower*

Roman: *notices his soaps gone* What the hell!? Where are my soaps!?

Remus: *hears Roman in the distance and snickers*

*Time Skip*

Jermey: *playing with building blocks*

Monty: *playing with a toy train* Choo! Choo!

Duke: *playing with a toy car* Vroom! Vroom!

Virgil: *smiles watching them*

Duke: *gets an idea and goes up to Virgil* Dad?

Virgil: Yes Dukey?

Duke: Can we ride on your back?

Virgil: Alright just for a little

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