So Big/So Small

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Remus: Jan you got a dare from HeatherGrace133

Janus: What is it?

Remus: It says Hey guys, its been a long time since I did one of these, lol. Janus, are you still salty about the whole locked-in-a-room-with Remus-on-a-sugar-high-thing? 

Janus: YES!


Remus: *grabs Janus and lifts him up high* WE SHOULD TRY THAT FLYING TRICK AGAIN!!

Janus: Remus stop please no!!!

Remus: *throws Janus across the room even harder than last time* FLY BE FREEEE!!!

Janus: *hits the wall hard and groans*

Remus: *runs around the whole room* WHEEEEEEEEE!!!



Janus: *still on the floor numb* What

Remus: *takes out his morning star* LET'S PLAY CATCH THE SNAKE!!!!!

Janus: *panics* No no no no no Remus!

Remus: *strikes his morning star at Janus*

Janus: *quickly gets out of the way and stands up*

Remus: *still holding his morning star* AWWW I MISSED!!!

Remus: *lifts his morning star back up* WELP NOW TO TRY AGAIN!!!

Janus: *runs away from Remus* No no no no no no Remus stop!

Remus: *chases Janus and cackles like a maniac* WHEEEEEEE!

*Flashback Ends*

Janus: *shudders, traumatized*

Remus: *cackles and continues reading* Hopefully not but I still dare Janus to sing "So Big/So Small" from D.E.H. to Remus and Virgil. Also, Emile has to be there to time how long it takes for one of you to start crying. Enjoy!

Janus: Oof alright

Virgil: Alright I'll go get Emile

Virgil: *sinks down to where Emile is* 

Emile: Oh hello Virgil! Sorry about what happened last time... Is Remus okay?

Virgil: Yeah he's fine Emile I actually came here to tell you that Jan is gonna sing So Big/So Small from Dear Evan Hansen to us and we wanted you to help time us to see how long it takes for one of us to cry

Emile: Oh okay sure!

Virgil: Cool

Emile: *takes his timer, notepad, and pencil and sinks down with Virgil*

Emile: Hello Remus! Hello Janus!

Remus and Janus: Hi

Remus: *summons a radio and sits criss crossed on the floor*

Virgil: *sits in Remus' lap and leans back*

Remus: *wraps his arms around Virgil and holds him close*

Janus: Alright you guys ready?

Remus and Virgil: Yeah

Janus: Alright

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