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Remus: We all have a question and a dare from CCATFVAM

Remus: The question says For everyone: Can you talk and understand the animal half you are (If this doesn't make sense, the question is basically: Because Janus is half-snake, can he talk to snakes and understand them)

Virgil: Yeah we actually can 

Virgil: It honestly makes understanding what our pets want 10x easier 

Remus: Yeah

Remus: Alright the dare says And if so, I dare you all to appear randomly over the course of a week and talk to said animals in front of the light sides

Remus: *gasps* Does this mean I get to finally have my pet octopus Jan?

Janus: *sighs* No

Remus: *fist pumps* Yes!

Remus: *summons a tank with an octopus* 

Remus: *holding the tank* I think I'll settle with calling you Oswald!

Oswald: ... (Ooh I love it!)

Virgil: *takes out his spider Arachne out of his jacket pocket*

Virgil: *petting Arachne* You ready to meet the others Arachne?

Arachne: *small hiss* (I guess...)

Janus: *takes out both Asclepius and Viper out of his hat*

Janus: You two better not start with each other

Asclepius and Viper:*hiss* (We won't!)

Janus: *sighs* I see where you both get your lying from now

Remus: Alright you guys ready?

Virgil and Janus: Yeah

Remus: Alright and awaaay we gooo

Remus, Virgil, and Janus: *sink down to the light sides with their animals*

*Time Skip*

Asclepius: *hiss* (Dad where's my husband?)

Janus: I'm sorry your what now?

Logan: *looks up from his book*

Asclepius: *hiss* (Oh c'mon you know who)

Janus: *confused* Uh-

Viper: *hiss* (Asclepius we all know Pepe actually loves me and not you)

Asclepius: *hiss*  (No he doesn't!)

Viper: *hiss* (Yessss he does!)

Asclepius: *hiss* (No he doesn't-)

Janus: Both of you enough! What did I just say earlier! 

Asclepius and Viper: *hiss* (Sssorry)

Janus: *frustrated sigh* It's alright

Viper: *hiss* (We all know that I'm right)

Asclepius: *hiss* (Dad take me to my husband right now! I have a point to prove!)

Janus: *sighs*

Janus: *walks away to another room* Patton!

Logan: *writing in his small journal* Can also communicate with snakes

*Time Skip*

Remus: *rubbing his hands together* Alright Oswald speak to me!

Oswald: ... (This bitch Rebecca really said that Ursula is not iconic)

Remus: *dramatic gasps*  She did not

Roman: *walks in the room and sees Remus*

Roman: Remus what the hell are you doing

Remus: Hey watch your fucking language around my son Roman!

Remus: *to Oswald* Geez your uncle just does not get it

*Time Skip*

Virgil: Hey Pat do you want to meet Arachne?

Patton: Sure! What is she like your dog or cat or?

Virgil: Well

Virgil: *shows Patton Arachne* She's actually my pet tarantula

Arachne: *small hiss* (Hi...)

Patton: *getting scared* Oh t-thats a t-that is

Patton: *faints*

Arachne: *small hiss* (Why is grandpa so afraid of spiders...)

Virgil: *petting Arachne* I honestly don't know 

*Time Skip*

Remus, Virgil, and Janus: *holding their animals*

Roman: So let me get this straight

Remus: Ha!

Roman: You guys can talk to the animals that you are?

Remus, Virgil, and Janus: Yup

Roman: Cool

Logan: Fascinating

Patton: *still passed out on the floor from seeing Arachne again*

Remus: Yeah

Remus: Anyways we have to go guys so byyye

Remus, Virgil, and Janus: *sink back down with their animals*

Patton: *wakes up and groans* Hey where did everybody else go?

Remus: *cackles and summons Oswald's tank to his room* 

Remus: That was fun!

Virgil: *puts Arachne back in his jacket pocket*

Janus: *puts Asclepius and Viper back in his hat* 

Janus: Remember Remus if you want to keep Oswald you have to take care of him

Remus: Oh believe me I will!

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