Fantasy Island

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Remus: We all have a question from WeAreTheFreaks03

Virgil: What is it?

Remus: It says All of you- Have you seen Fantasy Island? If so what is your Fantasy? If not you're missing out and Remus you would love it

Remus: We have not, but since you said I would love it, you've caught my curiosity!

Remus: *looks it up* OOH

Virgil: What's it about Ree?

Remus: It says "The enigmatic Mr Roarke makes the secret dreams of his lucky guests come true at a luxurious but remote tropical resort, but when the fantasies turn into nightmares, the guests have to solve the island's mystery in order to escape with their lives."

Remus: You had me at nightmares!

Remus: Should we watch the trailer?

Virgil: Sure, I don't see why not

Janus: Definitely not

Remus: And away we go! *presses play*

Trailer: "I hope you're ready"*various scenes play*

Remus: OOH

Trailer: "There is an elevator. In the elevator you press the button to the floor with no name."

Remus: Oh look Jan, you have your own button!

Janus: Wooow there better be actual snakes on that floor

Trailer: "Behind those doors, is a life you always dreamt of"

Janus: *sarcastically claps* Yeah because a production company with a house is definitely what I dreamt of

Trailer: *plane flying around the island*

Remus: Imagine if the plane CRASHED

Virgil: Probably how they got on that island in the first place

Trailer: *shows woman running in the house*

Trailer: "The plane. It's here!"

Trailer: *shows a blonde woman coming out of the plane*

Virgil: Or not

Trailer: "This weekend, you will be our guests!"

Remus: From hell!

Trailer: *shows dude taking off his shirt*

Remus: Oop 👀

Trailer: "Here, anything and everything is possible"

Remus: *John Cena impersonation* Are you sure about that?

Trailer: "No service. Guess not everything is possible"

Virgil: Same!

Janus: Virgil, why is she literally you though?

Virgil: That's what I'm saying!

Trailer: "Good evening, I am Mr. Roarke"

Janus: You sure you're not Colonel Sanders with that suit on?

Trailer: "Let me officially welcome you to, Fantasy Island"

Remus: The name of the movie!

Trailer: *shows people partying* "Fantasy Island!"

Virgil: Where did all those people even come from!?

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