Virgil's Spider Traits

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Remus: Scare Bear you got a dare from Atlas_2

Virgil: What is it?

Remus: It says I have a dare for Virgil but he doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to. Basically, do the light sides know about your spider traits? And if not, can you tell, or maybe show them?

Virgil: Well I mean they probaby associate me with spiders because of my room, but I never actually showed them or told them about my spider traits

Remus: *gasps* Really!?

Remus: *getting excited* Oh you have to show them Scare Bear!

Virgil: I don't know...

Virgil: What if they get scared?

Remus: Virgil, Patton can literally turn into a giant, hulk, frog monster. I doubt spider legs, extra eyes, and fangs is gonna be any different

Virgil: Maybe you're right

Virgil: *sinks down to the light sides*

Patton: *waves* Hey Virgil!

Virgil: Hey

Virgil: *rubs the back of his neck* Um did you guys know that I have spider traits

Roman: Called it!

Logan: Well we suspected you had some form of an association with arachnids from the theme of your room, but we weren't entirely sure if it was just mere coincidence

Virgil: *rubbing his jacket sleeves* Oh uh well i-is it alright if I s-show you guys?

Logan: That would be adequate

Roman: I don't see why not

Patton: *nods his head, secretly freaking out on the inside* Mhmm

Virgil: Okay *takes a deep breath in and out and closes his eyes*

Virgil: *has fangs, giant tarantula legs coming out of his back, and spider eyes on his face*

Roman: *surprised* Woah

Patton: *turns the other way around trying not to faint*

Logan: *reaches to touch Virgil's fangs*

Virgil: *hisses* 

Logan: *quickly flinches his hand away*

Virgil: Sorry, sorry  it's just-

Logan: It's quite alright Virgil. I didn't mean to provoke you, I should've asked first

Virgil: No it's fine, you can touch if you want 

Logan: *touches Virgil's fangs* Fascinating

Roman: Wow you really are Spider-Man!

Virgil: Yup

Patton: *looks like he's about to faint*

Virgil: I'm gonna change back before Patton passes out

Logan and Roman: Agreed

Virgil: *turns back to normal*

Virgil: *tries to help Patton regain his balance* Pat it's alright I'm back to normal

Patton: *trying to calm himself* Sorry kiddo I'm just really terrified of spiders!

Virgil: I know and it's alright Pat

Patton: You sure?

Virgil: *gives Patton a reassuring smile* Positive

Patton: *nods and smiles* Okay

Virgil: Alright I gotta go. Later guys

All: Bye

Virgil: *sinks back down* 

Virgil: *sighs of relief*

Remus: So how'd it go?

Virgil: It actually went way better than I expected

Remus: Told ya!

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