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Remus: So Jan I got a dare from Fanders-And-Fandoms

Janus: Yeah?

Remus: And it says Dare for Remus: Pretend to dump Virgil to see how he reacts, sorry Virge but I need to know.

Janus: *gives Remus a serious look* Remus

Janus: *shakes his head*

Remus: I know but you both have a dare that makes up for it

Janus: *sighs*

Remus: Scare Bear! Can you come here really quick?

Virgil: *walks in the room* What's up?

Remus: Um Virgil we need to talk...

Virgil: *getting slightly anxious* About what?

Remus: About us

Virgil: W-What about us?

Remus: I think we should break up...

Virgil: *on the virge of tears* W-What? Why?

Remus: I just don't think this is gonna work out and I'm just not feeling it anymore

Virgil: *teary eyed* That's it? After all the things we've been through and done together

Virgil: *shaking his head* I-I

Virgil: *about to run away crying*

Remus: *immediately grabs Virgil by his waist and pulls him close to him*

Remus: No no no no! It was a dare! It was a dare!

Virgil: *teary eyed and trying to get out of Remus' grasp but fails* No it wasn't!

Remus : Yes it was!

Remus: *shows Virgil the dare* See!

Virgil: *sees the dare* O-Oh...

Remus: I literally bathe and ate for you! Do you honestly think that I would be stupid enough to dump the most hottest emo side in the mindscape!

Virgil: *blushing*

Remus: *kisses Virgil on the lips*

Virgil: *kisses Remus back*

Remus: I love you Scare Bear and I would NEVER EVER leave you

Virgil: *smiles wiping away his tears*

Remus: *sighs* Also on that note, to make up for the dare, you and Jan also got a dare...

Virgil: What is it?

Remus: Its say you *mumbles*

Virgil: What?

Remus: I said you both *mumbles*

Virgil: Remus c'mon what does it say?

Remus: *sighs* Fine it says Virgil & Janus clean Remus' room afterwards too

Virgil: *smirks* Oh I guess that does make up for it

Remus: *takes a deep breath trying not to cry* Make it quick just go 

Virgil: Alright c'mon Jan

Virgil and Janus: *walk to Remus' room*

Remus: *silently sobs*

*A Few Moments Later*

Virgil and Janus: *walk out of Remus' room*

Virgil: Alright Remus enjoy your clean palace

Remus: *still silently sobbing* I won't

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