Voodoo Dolls

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Virgil: *on his phone and sees he has a dare*

Virgil: *thinking* I got a dare from sweetsugarcandy234

Virgil: *thinking* And it says Dare for Virgil: Make voodoo dolls of Janus and Remus and tickle them or throw them at the wall or something lol Remus and Janus will feel everything you do to the dolls (not bad btw I'm not that weird!) I'm cringey as heck

Virgil: *thinking* I can try

Virgil: *gets up and walks to where Remus is*

Remus: *sees Virgil* Oh hey Scare Bear what's up?

Virgil: Nothing much Ree and-

Virgil: Wait hold still Remus you have something in your hair

Remus: *puts his head down for him*  What? What is it?

Virgil: *plucks a strand of Remus' hair and hides it*

Remus: Ow!

Virgil: Got it

Remus: *rubbing his head* Thanks I guess?

Virgil: *smiles and kisses Remus' cheek* No problem

Remus: *smiles*

Virgil: Oh yeah by the way do you know where Jan is at?

Remus: Oh he's in the kitchen

Virgil: *walks away* Thanks

Virgil: *walks in the kitchen* Hey Jan

Janus: *sees Virgil* Hey

Virgil: I was wondering if I can see your hat real quick?

Janus: *takes off his hat and gives it to him* Okay? Sure

Virgil: *takes his hat and secretly takes a strand of Janus' hair in the hat and hides it* Jan how do your snakes even fit in here?

Asclepius and Viper: *curled up and napping on top of Janus' head*

Janus: Well for one they're not that big and two they just like it in there better

Virgil: *gives Janus his hat back* Makes sense

Janus: *takes his hat and puts it back on* Yeah

Virgil: *walks away* Anyways that's all later Jan

Janus: Bye

Virgil: *goes in his room and takes out the strand of Remus and Janus' hair* Alright here goes nothing

*A Few Moments Later*

Virgil: *finishes making the voodoo dolls* Alright done now to test them out

*Time Skip*

Remus and Janus: *in the living room*

Remus: *about to drink something from a wine glass*

Janus: *looks up from reading a magazine* Remus what the hell is that?

Remus: Oh you know how you won't let me through your wine stash right?

Janus: Yeah?

Remus: And you know how most hand santizers have 60% of alcohol in it?

Janus: ...

Janus: Remus don't tell me that's-

Remus: *cackling and nodding* It's hand sanitizer!

Janus: *sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose* Of course it is

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