Embarrassment, Bleps, and More

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Remus: Alright, we have a few dares from VirgilSanders_Oakley 

Virgil: What is it?

Remus: The first dare is for you Virgil and it says Virgil, push Logan to Roman and make them both get embarrassed

Remus: Ha! My brother has been crushing on Nerdy Wolverine for years!

Janus: You'd think that after all those debates and that Crofter's ballad would give them both a hint by now

Virgil: Alright, seems easy enough *sinks down to light sides*

Virgil: *looks across the room to see Roman sitting on the couch watching TV*

Virgil: Yo L, weird request but can you stand in front of Roman real quick?

Logan: *puts down book* Uhh Okay?

Logan: *gets up and stands in front of Roman*

Roman: *looks up and sees Logan* Hello there, Nerd!  

Logan: Salutations Roman. I was told by Virgil to stand here for some odd reason but I'm not entirely sure why-

Virgil: *quickly pushes Logan from behind and quickly sinks back down*

Logan: *falls on top of Roman while blushing* M-my apologies Roman, I didn't mean to-

Roman: *blushing* I-it's alright Specs

Virgil: Did it

Remus: Ha! Nice!

Remus: Alright Janny, you have two dares 

Janus: This can't go bad at all. What is it?

Remus: The first one says Janus, *blep* when Patton boops your nose 

Remus: He already naturally bleps when you boop his nose!

Janus: *blushes* What no I don't!

Remus *smirks and raises finger*

Janus: Don't. You. Dare.

Remus: Yeah you're right, Patton's gonna do it for me anyway!

Janus: The hell am I supposed to do,  just casually ask him to boop my nose!?


Janus: Whatever *sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: Oh hey, Jan!

Janus: *blushing* Patton, I'm going to need you to totally question what I'm about to ask you to do right now

Patton: Okaaay what is it?

Janus: *blushing* Could you not boop my nose real quick?

Patton: Of course Jan!

Patton: *boops Janus' nose* Boop!

Janus: *bleps*

Patton: Aww

Janus: *shakes head and blushes* Nyeh thank you *quickly sinks back down*

Patton: *waves* You're welcome!

Janus: *still a little bit red on the face* Alright, what's my stupid last dare so I can get this over with!?

Remus: *cackling* Alright it says Janus say something NICE AND TRUE about everyone

Janus: Nice and True is totally in my vocabulary but alright

Janus: Roman's an egotistical narcissist

Remus: That may be true but it has to be something nice

Janus: *sighs* Fine 

Janus: Roman has the qualities of a noble knight and shows great bravery

Janus: Logan is smart and has great knowledge about philosophers and valuable information about everything in general

Janus: Patton is caring, loving, supportive, adorable, and nice and i love everything about him

Janus: Virgil, you are vigilant, aware, and agile and I like that about you

Virgil: *smiles* Thanks

Janus: And Remus

Remus: Yeah?

Janus: You are a revolting, destructive, disgusting, trash goblin

Remus: *sniffs* Thank you!

Janus: Yeah yeah sure whatever

Janus: Anyways Remus your dare says Remus... Arouse Virgil ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Janus: *looks up to see Remus already making out with Virgil in the corner*

Janus: *facepalms* Why am I not surprised

Janus: *hears Virgil moan in the distance* OKAY NOPE!


Remus: *pulls away from Virgil* Ugh fine you're no fun MOM

Janus: Shut up

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