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Remus: Virgil, you have a question from Cassey_Fox

Virgil: What is it? 

Remus: It says  Virgil, why did you originally leave the dark sides? If you're comfortable telling

Remus: Yeah Virgie, why did you leave us?

Virgil: *sighs*  I left because I didn't want to be the bad guy anymore

Virgil: I've always aimed to protect Thomas and I just wanted to feel wanted and listened to and not hated by the others

Virgil: *teary eyed* I just wanted to be accepted...

Remus and Janus: *hugs Virgil*

Remus: *holds Virgil close* It's alright Scare Bear

Janus: *still hugging Remus and Virgil* In all honesty Virgil *rolls eyes* I know honesty what a shocker but I am proud of you

Virgil: *looks at Janus*

Janus: It took you a lot of guts to leave us

Janus: But if you hadn't left you wouldn't be the strong, vigilant person you've grown to be today and I am proud of you for that

Remus: *still holding Virgil close*  Yeah and it's all in the past anyway! We're ALL finally accepted by Thomas so you have to nothing to feel bad or ashamed for  

Virgil: *sniffs* Thanks

Remus: No problem! *kisses Virgil* Love you Scare Bear

Vigil: *kisses Remus back* Love you too Ree

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