Emo King, Restraining Orders, and More

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Remus: Alright we got some dares from Drarry_cat

Remus: The first dare is for you Virgil and it says 1. I dare Virgil to be summoned anytime someone is feeling anxious and/or depressed and yell "THE EMO KING HAS ARRIVED" AND- make them feel better to your best ability

Virgil: Alright

Virgil: *senses someone is anxious*

Virgil: Wow perfect timing

Virgil: *sinks down*


Virgil: Oh hey Thomas

Thomas: *pacing around the room* Hey Virgil...

Virgil: I'm pretty sure we both know why I'm here so what's the matter?

Thomas: *stops pacing* Okay so I have this big audition later and I'm just worried I'm gonna mess up and not make it in

Virgil: Hey trust me you're not gonna mess this up despite how many times I make you think that

Virgil: And if you don't get the role it's alright it's not the end of your acting career and besides there are other auditions out there you can audition for anyways 

Virgil: *smiles* So don't give up, you got this, I know you do

Thomas: *smiles* Thanks Virgil that honestly made feel a little better

Virgil: No problem Thomas

Virgil: Alright so I'm gonna go now and good luck

Thomas: *waves* Thanks bye Virgil

Virgil: *salutes with his two fingers* Later Thomas

Virgil: *sinks back down*

Virgil: Alright did it and I'm actually feeling pretty good about it

Remus: Nice

Remus: Alright the next dare is for me and it says 2. Remus somehow have Satan get a restraining order filled against Virgil, so he stays on this plain when/if he dies

Remus: *cackles* Alright

Remus: *summons documents and a pen*

Remus: *gives the documents and pen to Virgil* 

Virgil: *takes the documents and pen*

Remus: *points on the paper* Alright Scare Bear just sign here, here and here

Virgil: *signs the papers and gives the pen and documents back to Remus*

Remus: *takes the documents and pen back* Thaaank you

Remus: *summons Satan to the middle of the room*

Satan: *appears*

Satan: What's up Fuckers!

Satan: Oh it's you again

Remus: Hi Satan no hard feelings about the whole bucket of holy water thing but I'm gonna need you to sign some stuff

Remus: *gives the documents and pen to Satan*

Satan:*takes the documents and pen* Oh uh okay?

Remus: *points on the paper*  Just sign here, here and here

Satan: *signs the papers and gives the pen and documents back to Remus*

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