Wine Mom Janus and Papa Patton

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Remus: *cackles* Virgil me and you got a dare from BadBoiMEG

Virgil: What is it?

Remus: It says I dare for Remus, Virgil, Roman, and Logan to become toddlers and Janus and Pat have to take care of them

Virgil: People must really love Wine Mom Janus huh

Remus: *cackles* Yup!

Virgil: Alright let's do it

Virgil: Also Remus as much as I don't mind you wearing this, you do realize it's been 5 asks/dares and you can put your regular clothes back on now right?

Remus: Oh that's right

Remus: *snaps his fingers*

Remus: *has his regular clothes back on*

Remus: Alright let's go!

Remus and Virgil: *sink down to where Logan and Roman are*

Remus: Alright don't question this but we're gonna turn you both and each other into toddlers Cool? Cool!

Roman: Wait wha-

Remus: *turns all of them into toddlers*

Remus: *cackles*  Ih werhked!

Roman: Damn ih Wemus why dih you do dat

Logan: Dah weal quehstion ih why dih I hah to be involed 

Remus: *cackles* Too bah!

Janus and Patton: *walk in the room*

Janus: Yeah but then it wouldn't really-

Janus and Patton:*see Remus, Virgil, Roman, and Logan*

Janus: Oh no...

Remus: Hi!

Patton: *gasps* Awwww!

Patton: You guys are so little and adorable now!

Janus: *pinches the bridge of his nose and mumbles* Remus you're such an asshole

Remus: *smirking* I'm sowwy wuh wus dah Mama Jyanus?

Janus: *sighs* NOTHING my dear trash rat of a son!

Remus: *cackles*

Roman: Wemus how wong is dis gunna wast?

Remus: Duh hole dey so hah fun!

*Time Skip*

Roman: *runs to Patton* Podway! Podway!

Patton: What's the matter Roman?

Roman: *points at Remus* Wemus hih me!

Remus: I dih nah!

Patton: Remus did you hit your brother?

Remus: Nu!

Patton: *gives Remus a look*

Remus: *sighs and puts his head down* Yesh...

Patton: I'll let it slide this time Remus but if it happens again you have to go in time-out 

Remus: Okie!

Remus and Roman: *walk away from Patton*

Roman: *smirks* Hey Wemus guess wuh?

Remus: Wuh?

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