Another Pet, Disney References, and Hatred

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Remus: Alright we have two questions and a dare from Just_Gimmie_Gay_Shit

Remus: The first question is for you Virgil and it says Bootiful I just realized this is Truth or Dare so I'ma give truth Virgil Did you ever think of getting another pet (I don't mean replacing Arachne obviously U^U but like, a friend for her)

Virgil: Yeah I thought about it a couple of times, but ever since Remus got Oswald and they both met, she's been the most calmest I've ever seen her around someone 

Virgil: But I don't know. Maybe, maybe not who knows 

Remus: Yeah

Remus: Alright the next one is a dare for you Jan and it says Janus (its still a dare I don't have ideas for questions for you ;-;) Go to Roman and make a Disney reference, then after his reaction shrug and ask "Hey Ro, have you ever heard of Disney? I heard of it recently but I'm not sure if you'd like it" then see what he says/does

Janus: Welp round two of trolling Roman with Disney

Janus: *sinks down to where Roman is*

TV: Alright guys let's get down to buisness

Janus: *singing* To defeat the Huns!

Roman: *gasps* I never been more proud of you in my entire life

Janus: *shrugs* Oh hey Ro, have you ever heard of Disney? I heard of it recently but I'm not sure if you'd like it

Roman: ...

Roman: *inhales*


Roman: Y'know what? Janus c'mere c'mere right now this instant!

Janus: *tries not to laugh and goes to Roman* What?

Roman: *slaps Janus hard on the human side of his face*

Janus: Ow! Roman what the fuck!?

Roman: Don't you dare ever ask me such a stupid question like that ever again got it!

Janus: *holding his cheek and hissing in pain* Got it

Roman: Good

Janus: *sinks back down still holding his cheek*

Remus and Virgil: Jesus!

Remus: Jan what happened?

Janus: *still holding his cheek*  Your brother happened

Remus: Well damn I didn't know Romano had it in him

Remus: Along with other things but still

Remus: Anyways the last one is a question for me and it says Remus, you can't hate Remy over just a name rivarly, seriously why do you hate him so much?

Remus: Oh so you wanna know why I hate him so much? Hold on let me get the list let's see here

Virgil: Remus no you don't have to-

Remus: *summons a list that goes all the way outside of the house*

Remus: *clears his throat* Reason number one-

Virgil: Okay Remus I don't think you need to read it I think we get it

Remus: You sure? I'll gladly read this whole list if you want me to

Virgil: No no I think we got it

Remus:*summons the list away holding in his anger* That's what I thought

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