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Remus: We all have a dare from Sanders_Sides_Psycho

Remus: It's for either one of us and it says (This is an extra dare which anyone can do) Age up all the kids to teens for a day just cause why not (I maaay or may not poly ship them as sharing Patton and Janus' kid as a BF TvT)

Remus: So Jan if that were to happen how would you feel if my son and nephew ended up sharing your son?

Janus: I mean it wouldn't be my first child being in a poly relationship so I don't really care

Remus: We stan a supportive snake dad

Remus: Duke! Monty! Jeremy!

Duke, Monty, and Jeremy: *walk in the room* Yes?

Remus: Great news guys I'm gonna age you all up to teens for a day!

Jeremy: *gasps* Ooh! Like the Sims?

Remus: Exactly like the Sims Jeremy!

Monty, Duke, and Jeremy: Yay!

Remus: Alright you guys ready?

Monty, Duke, and Jeremy: Yeah!

Remus: Okay here we go!

Remus: *turns Monty, Duke and Jeremy into teens*

Teen Monty: *wearing a yellow button up shirt with light blue suspenders and his bowler hat and circular glasses*

Teen Duke: *wearing a purple and light green version of Virgil's jacket with a light green shirt, purple and light green eyeshadow, and still has the streak and purple tips in his hair*

Teen Jeremy: *wearing a white short sleeve button up shirt with a blue and red tie, a small crown and his glasses*

Virgil and Janus: *surprised* Wow

Remus: So how do you guys feel?

Monty, Duke, and Jeremy: Old

Monty, Duke, and Jeremy: *surprised by their sudden voice change*

Remus: *cackles* Yeah you'll get used to it

Monty: *smiles and looks at Duke* I don't like your makeup Duke. Yes I do

Duke: Thanks I like your butt- I mean face! Definitely your face!

Duke: *laughs nervously blushing and mentally cringing*

Monty: *blushing* Thanks

Virgil and Janus: *look at Remus*

Remus: ...

Remus: Yeah I did not think this through did I

*Time Skip*

Duke: *runs to Remus* Dad! Dad!

Remus: What is it Duke?

Duke: Can I skateboard down the stairs I promise I'll wear extra safety equipment and a bunch of pillows for breaking my fall

Remus: Of course you caaaaaa

Remus: *turns and sees a very disapproving Virgil shaking his head* 

Remus: Aaan't! You can't cause you could get seriously injured or worse and me being the VERY responsible father that I am I'm going to disapprove of your dangerous action

Duke: *puts his head down a little disappointed* Aww okay

Virgil: *smiles and walks away satisfied*

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