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Remus: Jan you got a dare from HeatherGrace133

Janus: What is it?

Remus: It says Alright you know what Jan the Man, since some person wants you to go commit die, before that happens you should go on a nice picnic with Remus, Virgil and Patton. No poison food or sugar rush or anything, just a day out with those three. You've earned it.

Janus: *sniffs* I need a moment

Janus: *walks away and cries tears of joy in his room*

Janus: *walks back in the room still a little teary eyed* Okay I'm not good

Virgil: Jan were you crying?

Janus: No! There was something in my eye so I had to get it out!

Remus: *cackles* Riiiight okay

Remus: Wait damn it that means I have to eat actual food!

Janus: *packs stuff for the picnic in a basket* Yup now let's not go

Janus, Remus and Virgil: *sink down to where Patton is*

Patton: Hey guys!

Remus, Virgil, and Janus: Hey Patton

Janus: So Patton we weren't wondering if you would like to join us on a little picnic?

Patton: *gasps* Ooh of course Jan let's go!

*Time Skip* 

Janus: *takes a picnic blanket out of the picnic basket and places it on the floor*

Janus: *takes Patton's hand and sits down on the blanket with him*

Remus and Virgil: *sit on the blanket*

Janus: *takes out a sandwich in a Ziploc bag with Virgil's name from the basket and gives it to Virgil*

Virgil: *takes the Ziploc bag*

Virgil: *takes the sandwich out of the Ziploc bag* Oh sweet is this peanut butter?

Janus: *smiles and nods*

Virgil: Thanks Jan!

Virgil: *bites the peanut butter sandwich*

Janus: *takes out a sandwich in a Ziploc bag with Remus' name from the basket and gives it to Remus*

Remus: *takes the Ziploc bag*

Remus: *takes the sandwich out of the Ziploc bag and looks inside the sandwich*

Remus: Jan did you put a bunch of pickles and every sauce we have at the house in this sandwich just so I can actually eat it?

Janus: *smirks* Maybe maybe not

Remus: *gasps and hugs Janus* Thank you! thank you! thank you!

Patton: Aww

Janus: *hugs Remus back* Alright alright just eat your food okay

Remus: *lets go of Janus and eats his sandwich*

Janus: *takes out a plastic container of spaghetti out of the basket*

Janus: *opens the container and summons a fork*

Janus: *feeds Patton the spaghetti*

Patton: *eats the spaghetti* Mmm!

Janus: *smiles and feeds Patton the rest of the spaghetti*

Patton: *eats the rest of the spaghetti*

Virgil: Wholesome

Remus: *nods his head* Moceit Rights

Patton: *burps and blushes* 'Scuse me

Remus: *cackles* Nice!

Janus: Hold on

Janus: *summons a napkin and wipes all the spaghetti sauce off of Patton's face*

Patton: *giggles* Thanks Jan

Janus: *smiles* No problem

Janus: *gives Patton a quick kiss on the lips*

Patton: *kisses Janus back*

Patton: *smiles and hugs Janus*

Janus: *hugs Patton back and lays down holding him close*

Patton: *rubs his head against Janus' chest and takes a nap*

Janus: *takes a nap holding Patton closer*

Virgil: *makes grabby hands at Remus*

Remus: Alright we'll take a nap too

Remus: *hugs Virgil and lays down holding him close*

Virgil: *rests his head comfortably on Remus' chest and yawns*

Virgil: *takes a nap*

Remus: *takes a nap*

*Time Skip*

All: *wake up*

Janus: I don't think we should head back

Patton: Yeah let's go

*Time Skip*

Patton: Thanks Jan I really enjoyed that

Janus: *smiles* I'm glad you did

Janus: *gives Patton a quick kiss on the lips*

Patton: *kisses Janus back* 

Virgil: Alright Pat we gotta go 

Patton: *waves* Okay bye guys!

Remus, Virgil, and Janus: Bye

Remus, Virgil, and Janus: *sink back down*

Virgil: Okay to be honest we really needed that

Remus and Janus: Yeah

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